Sunday, October 23, 2022

Twiddling my Thumbs

Hubby left this morning for Germany.  I'm home on a Sunday twiddling my thumbs -- kind of bored, kind of blah.

Today was a scheduled rest workout day and I've done so many chores for the week, I have nothing to catch up on (yeah for me). I spend the morning doing some extra things, but it's early afternoon and all my stuff is finished.  Why does this feel like a problem?  The entire day ahead, but I have nothing.  I planned my week and there's nothing I want to add on today.

I'm worried I'm going to face plant in the refrigerator for the rest of the day.  Geez.  

Speaking of food, I made spring rolls in the air fryer and this might be my new go-to lunch.  It was a tofu, cabbage and veggie mix wrapped in rice rolls.  I've eaten it twice and both times forgot to take a picture, but trust me, it's good.  ANYTHING can go in the rolls.  I love this for a new lunch option.

Did some more rock painting.  Here's the Thanksgiving rocks.

Guess I'm headed to surf streaming options.  Hello, TV.

Hope you're having a good Sunday.  Later gators.

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