Thursday, October 20, 2022

Energy Matching

I had a very nice day yesterday.  Hiking with a friend who enjoys outdoors, loves plants and eats a lot of plant-based food.  We hiked and chatted about all those things.  I took her to get turmeric at the local store -- she met the owner and got some information on a few things.  Spontaneous and fun time.

We have a lot in common.

Remember this has been one of my long goals -- find people who have my "new-me" interests.  I've known her since we moved to GA, but it's just recently we've become closer. 

Guess there's some truth in the adage -- your vibration (energy) needs to change first, then people, things, adventures will met that new energy.  I'm feeling that lately.

My Moto this year -- Keep Going and I added ... who you are is what you practice.

Overall, things are moving along well for my goals.  The only backseat is SPANISH (!!)  I'm not signing up for the next session (a few reasons) and I'll re-do Level 6 when it's offered again.  But I need to recommit to daily study -- starting Monday lol.  I'm giving myself a bit of a break to finish out the week.  I have a few extras on my plate (re: new volunteer options) and I want to finish those before I add Spanish back.  Could I do both?  Yep, but I don't want to so I'm not.  I think I'll get a coaching session on it next week.  Why do I always drop Spanish first?

I left some rocks on the hike.  At the summit, there's a hollow tree -- I noticed it last time so I saved the rocks.

Two Halloween inspired.
Two Pride animals.

Today is a grocery store run for a couple new vegan recipes.  I'll review once I've made them.  

As per my arms program, I'm making a plan each day what I'm eating and sticking to that plan.  I'm deviating from her instructions in that it's whatever I want to plan that day (not her meal formula).  Taking from SCS lessons, Morning Me has my better interests in mind -- so SHE decides what's best for the day.  It's not all "best" choices.  Tomorrow I'm planning pie from my favorite restaurant.  But it stopped me from eating GF apple muffins yesterday.

I heard this on a coaching call -- "it'll be even better if it's planned."  Meaning no guilt, head-talk, etc surrounding the decision.  Look forward to it and pay attention to enjoy it.

I watched the arms weekly coaching call yesterday too.  Today is a lift day and she had some good tips I'll try for pushing to failure.  I still feel like I panic purchased the 90 day program, but I'm committed to getting something out of it.  Watching the call made me feel better about what I can get out of the program.

That's all from here.  Hope your week is going well too.  Later gators.

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