Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy Halloween

Driving to Asheville today in the rain -- first drive in "bad" weather.  Usually I have enough flexibility to travel around weather, but this is a tight trip.  Happily, no rush (since no dogs) so I can take the drive as I need.  

Bookclub was fun yesterday.  Bunch of people backed out because of sickness in their households -- very glad they were polite with that decision.  I enjoy meeting in person so much more than virtual.  It's an interesting group of women.  We probably won't meet again until January because of holidays and keeping ourselves healthy to enjoy the holidays with family.

My oura ring thinks my monthly is in 4-6 days -- pretty please 4 days.  That would be the best news.  In the meantime, my recovery index is the pits -- worst stats since I started monitoring it.  It supports how I feel.  Sometimes I wonder if I'm being dramatic (or it's in my head), but this proves to me that something physical is going on too.

I have no idea what today holds.  Given the rain, I want to leave earlier than I had planned to miss the heaviest weather.  This'll give me a chunk of today in Asheville.  Letting spontaneity rule this day -- maybe home and decorating.  Maybe run to the vintage stores.  Maybe takeout from a vegan restaurant.  Maybe nothing.  Maybe all of it.

The weather will be great Tuesday and Wednesday so I'll get some walking and such before I head home -- my favorite part of being in Asheville.  I was in Asheville over Halloween last year too and we had ZERO kids.  I have a bag of candy just in case, but I bet it's quiet again. 

Have a happy Monday and a fun Halloween.  Later gators.

Sunday, October 30, 2022


Hello, Sunday.  It's bookclub this afternoon and I'm looking forward to it.  Looks like a decent sized group (7 of us).  It's a bit of a drive (no one lives near each other) and it's a rainy day, but I'm glad to go.  I'll wear a mask for most of the time inside since we are so close to our vacation.

Speaking of vacation ... excursions are booked and a loose plan for the other days.  I'm getting more excited. Given the timing, types of excursions and such available, we are doing pretty tame things.  Food tour, Kona coffee plantation tour and a day boat/snorkeling trip.  We have open times for hikes and scuba if the weather is good.  We're staying on Oahu for a couple of nights before we get to the big island to see Pearl Harbor too.

This is relaxing me because I think my back can handle everything AND if I get my monthly, I can still enjoy the plans.  A lot of the excursions are BIG and physical -- I was worried about my back.  Nature in Hawaii is no joke.  I like what we're doing and we'll fill a lot of the other times with hikes that are our speed.  Also, everything is fully refundable 24 hours in advance -- so if we get sick or such, we have an out.

Yesterday was a chill day.  We took the dogs to Starbucks and then to a park for a little walk in the woods and climb on some rocks.

Super long wait in the drive-thru
so Duke decided to drive.

Every last lick

We watched the season finale of House of Dragons.  I started The Great on Hulu from a recommendation from a friend.  It's intense, but I like it.  Pretty easy day.

I'm heading to Asheville tomorrow.  I've been back and forth with this decision because of my energy, but I'll regret not going.  I need to check on the house and decorate the inside for Christmas since we'll only be up 2 more times during the holidays.  I'll set the the tree on a timer so we can start the lights after Thanksgiving -- it's pretty from the window.  I also want to visit the framing store and see what's what for fixing the pictures from my aunt and framing a few more things.

I could use a few days TOTALLY by myself too -- no dogs, no people.  A little regroup.  I get overwhelmed when hormones are at this stage of the month.

Have a good day.  Later gators.

Friday, October 28, 2022

More Random Bits

Good morning.  Happy Friday!  

I voted yesterday.  They're seeing HUGE lines, but I lucked out with a quick moving line and very little wait time.

Wore a new blouse from EverEve and wasn't sure about how it looked so I took pictures.  Still wasn't sold, but randomly my girlfriend complimented it.  Maybe it's more "me" than the blouse.

I have a bowl of rocks for upcoming hikes.  I don't expect to do much rock painting over the next month so I have a stash ready.

We leave next weekend for HI and I feel massively unprepared, less than thrilled about going and a mess.  Hormones are NOW (again) and that's warping a lot of feelings.  I'm set to have my period over the trip -- seriously?!?!  I feel like COVID is lurking over my shoulder too.  I need to do some work to get my mind right about this.  (Poor me, taking a trip to HI ... I hear myself.)

Today I'm booking a couple of excursions and working on a little more planning.  It's hard to predict what to do since I have no idea if I'll have my period.  Man, I'm a Debbie Downer about the trip -- nerves and hormones.

Also on the docket for today -- seasonal flu shot and pedicure.  Hubby comes home this evening.  He's sleeping in a spare room for a few days after being at an enormous trade show oversees (and no masks) -- that bodes well for my sleep, at least.

Hope you are happily heading into the weekend.  Later gators.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Random Stuff

Dentist is finished -- not without "drama" again.  I really need to look for a new dentist.  15 minutes before my appointment, they changed the time.  Long story, but they ended up honoring the original appointment time.  This dentist is AGGRESSIVE about confirming appointments.  Not only reminders by email, phone and text -- you MUST confirm 2 weeks in advance and again 48 hours in advance or they cancel your appointment.  But, they thought a change when I was 5 minutes away was okay because "they want to give my appointment the attention it deserves."  Hah.  I called BS.  Anyway, all worked out and it's over for now.  They were nice, I was nice ...

Today I'm taking my youngest and his GF out for lunch for her birthday tomorrow.  It should be a fun afternoon.

I had a horrible night's sleep though.  My ear is zinging -- it happens sometimes -- and I couldn't fall asleep.  I'm looking forward to an early night tonight.  Someone has no problem getting comfortable -- cuddles before bed.

I got influenced on a new pen.  It writes smoothly and is great for lefties because it doesn't smear.  I bought a pack to give a few to my lefty son.  It is a nice pen.

I finished this text manual on the recommendation of a friend who volunteers within the foster community.  It was interesting and eye opening to see perspectives through another lens.  I'm going to go forward with the volunteering next year.

Hope your week is going well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Dentist or Bust

I completely regret such an early dentist appointment.  I need to leave at 6:50am.  That's a super rushed morning for me.  I originally thought about going in yoga pants, pre-shower and just continue "morning" when I get home.  I think I'll regret that though so I'm pushing to get my arm workout done and a shower before I leave.

Yesterday I rallied.  Took Duke to the park to run, did all my to-do list and I am proud.  It set me up for a good day.

Really no time this morning so I'll leave with a sunset last evening.  As they say, "no filter needed" (as if I know how to put on a filter).  It was like cotton candy in the sky.  The light through my window was so pink it made me look outside to see what was happening.

Have a good day.  Later gators.

Monday, October 24, 2022

I'm Glad for a Monday

I need to get back into a routine -- hello, Monday.  As I've said before, since I don't work anymore, Mondays are my favorite days.

Yesterday was a little face-plant into leftovers, but nothing major.  I have the week planned out and a full schedule of fun and chores.  (Dentist tomorrow at 7:30am -- eeek.)  I COULD do nothing today and be okay for the week, but I have a list of things that will set the week up well.  

The problem??  I don't feel like it this morning.  The solution??  Do it anyway.  Big girl panties on and ready for the week.  Even typing this, my head is trying to talk me out of doing anything.  Silly, silly brain.

I have such big swings of good energy and the blahs since hormones became an issue.  I think the BEST way to manage it is through diet and yet, I regularly choose poorly.  It's not that I'm eating unhealthy, per se, it's about things that don't agree with me RIGHT NOW.  Meat, white carbs (even GF), eating too late in the evening, dairy.  It's not easy to stay the course.  I'm trying ... sort of.

Anyway, nothing special about today other than focusing on routine and that means FS stuff.  Keep going. You are what you practice.  Geez.

Hopefully, I'll be back in the flow soon.  This time tomorrow, I'll be knee deep in a dental cleaning.  Lord have mercy.  Later gators.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Twiddling my Thumbs

Hubby left this morning for Germany.  I'm home on a Sunday twiddling my thumbs -- kind of bored, kind of blah.

Today was a scheduled rest workout day and I've done so many chores for the week, I have nothing to catch up on (yeah for me). I spend the morning doing some extra things, but it's early afternoon and all my stuff is finished.  Why does this feel like a problem?  The entire day ahead, but I have nothing.  I planned my week and there's nothing I want to add on today.

I'm worried I'm going to face plant in the refrigerator for the rest of the day.  Geez.  

Speaking of food, I made spring rolls in the air fryer and this might be my new go-to lunch.  It was a tofu, cabbage and veggie mix wrapped in rice rolls.  I've eaten it twice and both times forgot to take a picture, but trust me, it's good.  ANYTHING can go in the rolls.  I love this for a new lunch option.

Did some more rock painting.  Here's the Thanksgiving rocks.

Guess I'm headed to surf streaming options.  Hello, TV.

Hope you're having a good Sunday.  Later gators.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Vegan Shepard's Pie

I made a new vegan recipe yesterday my neighbor recommended (  Shepard's Pie.  It looks a fright, but it was really good.  The stew is mushroom and lentils plus a bunch of veggies.  The sauce is broth, beer and tomato.  The topping calls for potato and cauliflower combo, but I forgot to buy potatoes.  I used a recipe for cauliflower mash that I already knew.  I also added shredded parmesan -- so mine was not strictly vegan.  I could've prettied it up, but it was just for me so I left it dull beige lol.

Freezing two containers

Today is lunch with a friend and shopping for an extra birthday gift for my son's girlfriend.  The Chattanooga weekend was the bulk of the gift, but I wanted to do a little something to open for her actual birthday.

Short and sweet this morning.  Have a happy Friday.  Later gators.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Energy Matching

I had a very nice day yesterday.  Hiking with a friend who enjoys outdoors, loves plants and eats a lot of plant-based food.  We hiked and chatted about all those things.  I took her to get turmeric at the local store -- she met the owner and got some information on a few things.  Spontaneous and fun time.

We have a lot in common.

Remember this has been one of my long goals -- find people who have my "new-me" interests.  I've known her since we moved to GA, but it's just recently we've become closer. 

Guess there's some truth in the adage -- your vibration (energy) needs to change first, then people, things, adventures will met that new energy.  I'm feeling that lately.

My Moto this year -- Keep Going and I added ... who you are is what you practice.

Overall, things are moving along well for my goals.  The only backseat is SPANISH (!!)  I'm not signing up for the next session (a few reasons) and I'll re-do Level 6 when it's offered again.  But I need to recommit to daily study -- starting Monday lol.  I'm giving myself a bit of a break to finish out the week.  I have a few extras on my plate (re: new volunteer options) and I want to finish those before I add Spanish back.  Could I do both?  Yep, but I don't want to so I'm not.  I think I'll get a coaching session on it next week.  Why do I always drop Spanish first?

I left some rocks on the hike.  At the summit, there's a hollow tree -- I noticed it last time so I saved the rocks.

Two Halloween inspired.
Two Pride animals.

Today is a grocery store run for a couple new vegan recipes.  I'll review once I've made them.  

As per my arms program, I'm making a plan each day what I'm eating and sticking to that plan.  I'm deviating from her instructions in that it's whatever I want to plan that day (not her meal formula).  Taking from SCS lessons, Morning Me has my better interests in mind -- so SHE decides what's best for the day.  It's not all "best" choices.  Tomorrow I'm planning pie from my favorite restaurant.  But it stopped me from eating GF apple muffins yesterday.

I heard this on a coaching call -- "it'll be even better if it's planned."  Meaning no guilt, head-talk, etc surrounding the decision.  Look forward to it and pay attention to enjoy it.

I watched the arms weekly coaching call yesterday too.  Today is a lift day and she had some good tips I'll try for pushing to failure.  I still feel like I panic purchased the 90 day program, but I'm committed to getting something out of it.  Watching the call made me feel better about what I can get out of the program.

That's all from here.  Hope your week is going well too.  Later gators.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

New Plants!

I visited Thyme in the Garden in Asheville per my neighbor's recommendation.  What a great plant shop!  I came home with a trunk full.

Pony Tail Palm
Something else (I need to look it up lol).
Pretty new pots

For my DIL who loves succulents.
Living pumpkin with succulent top.
After the pumpkin goes soft, you can plant the succulents.

New plant stand from The Screen Door

Finger cactus -- my favorite

A few others too -- coffee plant in a little green pot.  Another pretty plant I need to look up for care instructions.  I love plants!

The plant stand has a funny story.  The seller had the ugliest glass house with a creepy doll inside on top of the stand.  Apparently this was an altar set she put together -- totally random.  I wish I took a picture of the glass house.  She was willing to sell the stand separately though lol.  I'm calling the stand The Altar now.  I put a little church mirror leaning on the plant (after I took the picture).  

Here are a couple of other things I got on the trip.  I bought a few more little things -- new cloth napkins, old bottle for flowers and a couple of decorative goodies for gifts too.

Old clock -- doesn't work.
I set it to 11:11

Handmade heart.

Re-entry day yesterday went very well -- which is unusual for me.  I had a full morning -- shopping, Trader Joe's in Asheville and packing up.  We got home late afternoon and I hit the ground running.  Unpacked, plant setup, laundry, rock painted for hike today.  Bed by 7:30 because I was tired.  I feel good today.

Hike today with a friend and a bunch of house chores.  That's my day in a nutshell.  Hope your week is going well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Fun Day & A New Friend??

Zelda Fitzgerald died in a mental hospital fire in Asheville.  I read an historic fiction book about the Highland Hospital and the fire.  The main building was destroyed, but the campus remains and the building was rebuilt.   Turns out it's walkable from my house.

Duke and I set out -- mistake taking Duke though.  Busy road, he wanted to run and was a general butt-head, but we got there.  Almost 6 miles roundtrip as it turns out.  Longer than I thought.  

Was it worth it to walk there?  Probably not.  But, I found a walking river trail and DID SOMETHING I WANTED TO DO.  Just like a visit to South Asheville -- making an effort for me.

The afternoon was finishing cleaning and antique shopping with my neighbor.  We shopped for over 2 hours at The Screen Door.  The only place I didn't want to visit on my store list, but it was fantastic.  It's hit or miss, but this time it was a hit.

Turns out we have a lot in common.  Occasion vegans who will never be completely vegan, but aspire to get close.  Plant lovers -- heading to a recommended plant store today to look for a Pony Tail Palm because it can go weeks without water.  Maybe a new Asheville friend??  (Plant and neighbor lol)

Goodies are wrapped up, but pictures to come -- everything is for GA (only a few things).

Heading out around lunchtime today.  Have a good day.  Later gators.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Walk in Asheville

After Duke and I finished a run yesterday, we walked for a couple of miles.  I took a few pictures exploring an area I hadn't seen yet.  Trying to "be present" and notice interesting things around me.

Purple house.  It works in Asheville.

Love this old wagon.

Speaks for itself.

Clever and inviting.
Sit and take a rest.

Looked like a haunted house.

We drove with the dogs to South Asheville to the area that inspired us to look for a house here.  It was cute -- turns out all retail.  It's a nice place to take someone for lunch and shopping.  One stop at a local bakery for a super good coffee and homemade dog treats.  Then home for football.

I did a big chunk of the cleaning yesterday afternoon.  I only have about an hour to do today.

Our neighbors invited us over for a drink on their porch.  It was a nice night, but we didn't get home until almost 8 o'clock.  I'm looking forward to pjs and snuggle under a blanket this evening. 

I'm heading to do some antiquing with her this afternoon.  Looking forward to exploring a couple of new places.

New week.  Doesn't feel like a Monday to me though.  Have a good day.  Later gators.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

A Sweet Surprise

When we got to our house in Asheville, there were flowers and a pumpkin outside our door with a card.  Our GA friends visited Asheville earlier in the week (they have a timeshare) and left us a fall surprise knowing we were coming up this weekend.  It was so fun and really made my day.

The drive was slow -- lots of weekend traffic, but we made it.  Monti with some travel bedhead!

Took the dogs for a long walk up the mountain.  It was really windy and big branches kept fall down and leaves were swirling.  It was a setting for a spooky fall movie.

Dropped next to hubby

Clearing it off the road

We switched out the smelly old rug in the guest room -- this was a backbreaker.  It looks nice though.

I had some old bottles that were in our house growing up (my mom's).  I've never had a place to put them. Turns out they sit perfectly on a ledge in the bathroom.

We ended the day with takeout and catch up on some TV.   Not a bad Saturday.  Hope your weekend is going well.  Later gators.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Met the Family

Dinner was a lot of fun last night.  I enjoyed meeting mom and sister a lot.  The restaurant was a fusion Mexican with "artistic interpretation" presentation.  Beautiful plates -- I didn't get a picture because it seemed funny.  I got a vegetable stacked dish with blend of cheeses and pesto.  It was delicious.

I did get a picture of the fancy smoked old-fashioned.  

I started the lifting yesterday.  I'm a little sore today.  It was surprisingly tough -- my arms were jello when I finished.  I'll bring a set of hand weights to do it while I'm in Asheville.  Starting very light so I don't get injured.  Nutrition stuff starts today (modified considerably though).

Heading to Asheville later today.  Lots to do.  Yard work, houseclean, set up new rug, old rug to dump and decorate for Christmas.  I figure it'll be awhile before I'm up again so best to get the holidays setup or I'll miss it completely.  Possibly a little antiquing with my neighbor too.  Home on Tuesday.

Have a great Saturday.  Later gators.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Panic Purchase

I made a panic purchase yesterday -- it's a bit of a long story.  Here's a little of the back story.

During the pandemic, I decided I'm never dieting again.  I also decided I would stop using losing weight as a priority that stopped me from actually doing other things.  Focusing on more than one goal can be hard, so when I'm focused on a diet I have an excuse to not work on other areas (I see you, Spanish).  I also decided I'm never going to be upset with my body and think negative thoughts about it.  If I need to make a change, I will, but without harsh judging.  

Why?  Because I've done ALL THESE THINGS for decades and enough is enough.

This brings me to the present.  I've lost a lot of physical shape from my back injury and have gained weight from eating my back injury feelings.  Pictures from the trip proved what I've been trying to ignore -- I don't look the way I want to look.

This has sent me into a bit of a tailspin.  I said no diet.  I said no judgement of my body.  Yet here I am.

I listened to Brook Castillo's podcast with a friend of hers called The Arm Coach.  She is literally a coach to get more appealing arms (a problem area I had finally fixed and then lost this year).  I was hooked -- learn the discipline of arms, learn lots of discipline too, trained from Brook Castillo.  50% off (total marketing ploy, but it hooked me).

$300 for 12 weeks.  I'm in.  It's a lifting program and this will hold me accountable -- nothing too crazy, all with home weights.  Sold.  

Then I looked into the program.  Yep, did things ass-backwards.  OF COURSE to get better arms you also need to DIET off the fat.  Most of the program is a diet.  And a total meat and non-starch veggie diet.  Super restrictive.  Basically strict keto.  

Oh no!  What have I done?!?!  There's no going back.  

I'm trying not to panic over my panic purchase.  I'm not doing the restrictive MEAT diet.  I'll modify and use the planner to write down what I'm eating the next day though.  I'll do the lifting for the 3 days a week.  I'll listen to the coaching calls and take what works for me.  

Geez.  I feel like an ass.  And I feel like I signed up for a diet.  Trying to turn it around and focus on the lifting aspect and getting back to better eating (without a diet).  Hopefully, some accountability will help on both fronts.

AND ... I won't let this be my focus for 12 weeks.  It's just a part of my workout and healthier eating.  My focus is other FS stuff.  Maybe this is exactly what I need.  I know it's exactly what I have so best to make the best of it.  Goodness.  I'm a hot mess lately.

In other news ...

I painted some more rocks.  It feels good to be back to painting.

This was my desk yesterday and it makes me happy.  All good things in a random mess.  It was a nice morning.  

Today is dinner with my youngest, his GF, her mom and sister.  First time meeting her family -- I'm excited.  Happens to be at a Mexican restaurant.  Spanish time too?!?!?  It's called Casi Cielo (Almost Heaven).   The menu is nice with a few interesting plant-based dishes.  

Recovery days are over for now.  Back to all the things today.  I think I'm ready.  

Hello, FS.  Did you miss me?  Funny story, we're now doing a "lifting-diet" program that past self panic purchased?  What do you think?  Can we make this a FS thing too?  Love all my parts, you say??  I'll try.  

Hope you're heading into a good weekend.  Later gators.

Thursday, October 13, 2022


Cleaning crew and a rainy afternoon = HULU Subscription (!!)  I've caught up on enough books to gift myself a subscription.  Took a long time because I kept buying more books.  My unread stash is finally manageable.  

I started a couple episodes of The Bear and Murders in the Building.  Both are good. 

While the cleaning crew was here, I painted rocks my sister and I found on a hike.  We planned to paint them together, but ran out of time.  

I'm getting closer to resuming regular life (lol) and my FS things.  I have a bunch of things to work on -- Spanish, new volunteering decisions, regular rock painting (it relaxes me), freezer stash with plant-based meals.  I think it'll still start with quiet time and nature time.  Asheville will help with both of those.  We leave on Saturday and back on Tuesday or Wednesday.  I bet I'm fully restored after some mountain time.

Pretty clouds after the rain.  Picture doesn't do the colors justice.  It was such a blue sky with rain clouds.

Today is another day of doing whatever I want -- no pressure, no guilt, no worries.  I really need (want) this recovery (low energy from my monthly too).  Seeing no one today feels so good.  I haven't even started a new book yet -- given the goal to read through some of my unreads the last few months.

Super free today.  Hope you're having a good week.  Later gators.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


Such a fun week, but I'm am drained -- not physically, but mentally.  Way, way, way too much stimulation and being "on" all the time.  I did nothing after I took my sister to the airport yesterday except watch Derry Girls on Netflix (last season was great).

I love my sister, but she talks non-stop.  No breaks, no breaths, rapid fire.  If she's not talking to someone in person, she's on the phone.  I think it's anxiety and an odd coping mechanism.  Spend a day with her and it's a lot.  I got 6 days.  She's so much fun, but you need some reprieve.  20 minutes after I dropped her off she CALLED ME -- OMG!

I canceled lunch plans today for a few reasons.  This friend changes plans a lot since she isn't working right now so I didn't feel too bad.  Turns out she has an HVAC guy this morning so didn't know a time -- you know how that goes.  I wasn't in a headspace to wait around for lunch with a possible cancel on her end.  And, she's a big talker -- with a tendency toward complaining.  No way could I muster that today.

Cleaning crew this morning and I'm having another re-entry day of nothing.  I seriously find myself sitting staring at the wall hah!  My world can wait until tomorrow.  I have no mental space for organizing or planning or anything remotely FS. 

I leave with a picture of the fall deck flowers -- I took it for a background for my phone.  That's all I have this morning.  Later gators.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Wine Over Water

I'm back from Chattanooga.  Here's some scoop ...

The hotel was great -- rooms were spacious, easy walk to Wine Over Water and central to everything we did (Chattanooga is a small city).

We gathered at my cousin's friend's house (she was dog sitting for her out-of-town friend).  We celebrated my DIL's birthday.






Cake!  It was better than
I expected.

Beautiful house.  Perfect weather.

We went downtown for lunch and shopping.

Wine Over Water was disappointing though.  Very few wine vendors with such small pours it was stupid.  Mostly vodka soda drink and other junk drinks.  Only 4 food vendors who ran out of food very quickly.  That's our last year going.  It was also impossible to keep the big group together too.  Total chaos. 

We attempted a dinner at the hotel after because there was little food at the event, but it was cold and the food was horrible.

Next morning we gathered for coffee and breakfast at a cute downtown place.  Checked out of the hotel and stopped at a very crowded Octoberfest market.  It was fun but we were all overwhelmed.  Even leaving was a gridlocked parking lot and it was too much.

Driving home we pass a Buc-ees and since none of us have ever been, we stopped.  Crazy, but fun.  It's like nothing I've ever seen.

We had about an hour turn around time and headed to dinner with my family to celebrate DIL.  Dinner was outside and a nice night.  Food, service, weather, company was great.  It was a good way to end the weekend.

I slept and am sort of back to the land of the living.  One more social day.  It'll be a quieter day but I'm over my threshold so anything feels like too much.  Lunch with my sister and aunts, more shopping and a visit to my aunt's house so my sister can see her artwork.  

Hanging on ... later gators.