Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Breath Clouds

It's THAT cold!  First of the season in GA.  Of course, this was at 4 o'clock in the morning (we call Duke a "watch" dog because his times are so stinking precise) and it'll warm to the 70s today.  I can't tell you how much I LOVE crisp fall weather.  Even when temperatures go down for the season, it's not often crisp -- humidity stays here all year.

Anyway ...

I'm walking with my girlfriend today.  She often cancels "walking" dates, but she confirmed yesterday and is looking forward to a long walk.  Yea!!

Hubby still doesn't know if he needs to stay over this weekend in VA.  I need to make a decision about the WHAT for Saturday's b-day celebration for our DIL.  Lots to prepare either way and I need to go to the grocery store for wildly different ingredients depending on what's happening.  Then I need all day Friday to cook or bake or both.

Do you ever feel like when you're PMSing the world decides to throw you some crap?  This is this week.  Without the long story of all the crazies yesterday, I need to go and have my tire looked at this morning.  Possible leak, possible change in temperature issue.  It was almost comical the strange little bugs yesterday.

I finished Britt-Marie Was Here (Fredrik Backman).  It was a sweet story, but her quirkiness got a little bit much by the end.  That said, it was an easy read with a feel-good ending.

Next up is Ghosted (Rosie Walsh).  It's the Jen Hatmaker bookclub selection.  Love story with a suspense twist.  I started it last night.  It's short and will be a fast read once I get into it.

I'm still (slowly) reading Pleasure Activism (Adrienne Maree Brown).  It's good so far.

I cleaned out a few drawers yesterday and I found a book in my nightside stand that I have no idea when/where/why I own.  Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change (Pema Chodron).  Well, that's a timely title.  I also started it last night (to see if I wanted to read it) -- only a few pages, but it's added to my current stack.

I haven't had THREE current reads in years.  Lately, two is the max I'm reading at once.  I have 2 episodes of Hunters left to watch and then reading will take over until I get my next binge series.  I have a couple of documentaries on my watch-list, but nothing else.  I like being on a reading streak.  

I had a zoom call with our high school gals yesterday for my bffs 50th.  (Only one more birthday girl and call left next week.)  It was fun to catch up.  I setup this call and, not to toot my own horn, but it went much more smoothly.  I'll take it upon myself to do the last one too.  This group complicates so much -- simple, simple, simple ... works every time.  

Today is a lot of moving -- I need it.  Treadmill workout, dog walks and friend walk (yesterday ended up raining all day so no park walk with Duke).   And then LISTS.  I'll write an if-then list for what I need to buy at the store tomorrow and decide tonight what we're doing.  It's stuff I don't normally buy so I need to pay attention or I'll miss something.

Have a happy day -- the cooler weather already is giving me some happy feels.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

4 O'Clock

DUUUUUKKEE!  This dog is a persistent early riser.  Up at 4 AM!  The issue is by the time I get up with him, go outside with him, check the yard for critters while he does his "thing," I'm wide awake.  I can toss and turn for an hour in bed and finally fall back to sleep ... just in time to need to get up.

So I'm up.

Good news is it's a crisp, cool morning.  Fingers crossed the rain today pushes out the tropical air.  Looks like the storms came overnight so I might be able to get outside this afternoon.

It's another morning heavy day.  Monti to the groomer and a zoom call for my BFFs birthday.  Coordinating time zones and schedules doesn't leave much room for time negotiation.  Dog walk, workout, shower, etc -- it's all happening early.

Yesterday's coffee got postponed -- too wet to be outside at the coffeeshop.  I have no idea why we didn't meet on her covered patio, but I actually think they forgot.  Works for me.  I might check out the outdoor space before next week, just to see if I think I'll be okay doing it.  I got up, got everything ready ... and CANCELED.  It made for a long day.  

I was in a Perry funk yesterday -- no surprise, so I basically sat around the rest of the day.  Watched more Hunters on Prime (I think I said Netflix before) and read a little, scrolled Instagram, ordered stuff online for baking the next cake (CakeByCourtney -- classic vanilla), walked dogs again and headed to bed.  I'll get my act together better today (hopefully).  This week is a fight against hormones.

Oh, I did post pictures of some of the stuff that came recently.  A little online shopping FUN to fill the spaces.

Nothing else from here.  Hope you find some happy -- I'm looking too.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Goodie Pictures

Here are some goodies ...

Bucket vase for sunflower picking.  Amazon pack of 2.

Anthropology candles.  Scents to keep the house smelling good while we're home a lot this winter.

Olive and June fall colors for my toes.  Both are super pretty.

Shutterfly.  I took the picture of Monti from apple picking and put it on a notepad and glass tile.  I think I'll do some personalized notepads for peeps for Christmas.   Also, Trader Joe's pumpkin spice tea -- love it and it's already sold out locally.

Here's the FrameBridge picture.  Super customer service.  I'm going to frame one or two more things for the bedroom wall.

Virtual BookClub

I went (!!)  Woo hoo ... it took some head talking.  The group was smaller -- only 8 of us so we could use Facebook Rooms.  I'm not sure if it was easier with this video system, but talking was fine.  I said enough and felt included.  Super interesting group of women.  I'm probably the least read, least traveled and I loved that.  The Atlanta Chapter now has 26 people and that might cause the group to split -- other than that, it was good.  Nice to discuss a good book without anyone hogging the mic or rambling on personal matters.  And, no one was peacocking to be The Most -- very refreshing.

The group included a vet, district attorney, NP, minister, CDC researcher, PhD college professor and a french teacher.  That means lots of perspectives and knowledge.  I might have found a bookclub that works for me -- fingers crossed.  It was only the first time, but I'm excited.  (And glad I pushed past a nervousness for no reason.)

This morning is another bit of nerves.  I'm meeting my neighbors to discuss rescue and how it can link with their new all-things-dog retail store.  These gals are being sort of careful, but also not.  The coffee shop has outdoor seating with distancing and masks required inside.  The nerves come from the possibility that I'll need to veto the seating arrangements if it's not safe.  It's also raining this morning with chance of rain all day.  If it's wet and we can't sit outside, then I can't stay.  Speaking up makes me worried I'll be seen as "strange" or "paranoid" or whatever.  I won't let that stop me from being safe, but it's giving me nerves.  Thanks, Perry.

I'm getting set for my DIL's birthday celebration.  We're planning a visit to a sunflower orchard for pictures and flower picking (with all the dogs).  I got us both tall bucket vases for our pickings.  Then, if hubby comes home, back to the house for pasta making from the recipe that we made in Italy.  I'll keep everyone's individual and cooked separately so no issue with germs.  I'll cook the meat sauce (also from the trip) ahead.  I'm also making Aperol Spritzes -- her favorite drink.  If plans go accordingly, the cake will be from Wegmans -- Ultimate Vanilla.  

If no hubby, then no cake.  I think we'll divide the festivities over a couple of weekends.  We have to do the sunflowers now because they close in a couple of weeks and I'll save the pasta making for when they come over again.  It's too much for me to do by myself.  That said, all variations are on the table ... waiting to hear what hubby is doing and we'll decide from that point.

Did I mention I can't wait to get my monthly OVER?!?!  This mood and low energy is nuts and I know it's all hormones.  Frustrating because I've been working hard on both -- sitting in a waiting pattern.  Any day now ... I've actually have things to get done LOL.

I'll end on this poem as a nod to BOOKS and a good (fingers crossed) BOOKCLUB.  Stay well.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sunday Ramblings

We had a fun hike yesterday.  About 2 1/2 miles, lite hills and shaded -- but it was HUMID.  We're back to GA weather for at least a few days -- muggy and warm.  Lunch was also good and it made for an easy day.  The apple cider cake is one of the best cakes I've made (CakesByCourtney) and the baking cups are AWESOME.  Just peel off wrapper and you have a perfect little cake.  This recipe has no icing (just melted butter, sugar and cinnamon) -- icing would need to be piped or scooped to not be messy.

The rest of the day was a bit of a dud.  I'm feeling all the Perry feels -- headache, fatigue, mood, etc.  I flopped on the sofa and watched a few episodes of Hunters on Netflix.  It's GOOD!  How did I miss this series?

BTW, I give up on Father of the Bride 3.  It might have only been a onetime showing for a fundraiser.  It's a short film (under 30 minutes) and I'll be damned if I can find it.  I checked Friday night up until 6:30 (suppose to release at 6 o'clock).

Hubby leaves today and maybe for 2 weeks.  If he has to stay over, lots of plans are getting messed up.  Dang.  Problem solving to the rescue -- it's the only option.

I have virtual book club and I'm about 50% that I'll attend.  I'm chickening out because of how I feel, but book club is the last Sunday of the month and that will be my cycle for at least a few months.  Why does this seem like such a big deal?  You know what should happen -- JUST DO IT.  I wish it could be in person -- so much easier to communicate.  It's the Zoom part that has me up in arms.  I NEVER time it right to talk so I look like I sit and say NOTHING.

I'm still super grumpy and I KNOW this is all hormonal so I can't wait to get this month over -- I used to only have one big PMS day ... now it's about a week.

I best get moving.  Hubby needs a haircut before he leaves and I hear the dogs up.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Saturday Mood

Yep, PMS is firmly here.  I woke up to muggy weather (ugh for our hike), Kitchen Aid canceled my order (dang and double dang), and super bloated (extra with Perry).  I'm cranky.

In other stressors (probably amplified by *see above*) ... hubby might need to stay over in VA this weekend.  That puts a damper in birthday plans for DIL.  We can change the weekend, but then the sunflower fields will be finished.  This will also flip his home week and that messes up my schedule AGAIN.  We won't know until later this week.

Virtual bookclub is on Sunday and I'm NERVOUS.  Ridiculous.  I don't know anyone and I have such a hard time timing talking on Zoom.  I'm usually extra quiet and that's no issue with people I know, but I need to chat a bit with a group of total strangers (you know, so I'm not a bump-on-the-log looser LOL).  I'm actually going to "study" and write down some talking points.  Maybe being prepared will help.  Also, I know this is PMS -- I'm not usually this wimpy and self-conscious. 

Here's some better news ...

Apple cider cake turned out perfectly.  I must have used a smaller pan, so I had batter leftover.  I tried the baking cups I got from My Mind's Eye Paper Goods.  Wow, so cute.  Not sure how the unwrapping will go, but the presentation is spot on (I'll take a picture today).   Hubby already started on the cake and said it's a winner.  CakesByCourtney on Instagram.  She gives super detailed instructions and I followed to the letter.  Best "bake" of a cake ever.  Even bake, no puff and no sinking in the middle.  Awesome.  I'll go for one of her big cakes next.

A Tree Grows In Brooklyn was fantastic -- a novel like you want a novel to be.  Highly recommend.  And the sweet ending -- loved it.

I started Britt-Marie Was Here (Fredrik Backman).  Funny, quirky.  I read a blog about recommended books for Enneagram numbers (silly), and the SIX recommendations all were books I loved -- this was one I hadn't read.  

Father of the Bride Part 3 is set to release on Netflix.  It was suppose to stream by 6 o'clock, but wasn't loaded when I looked.  I'll watch that this week.  It's should be funny -- all about the father during quarantine.

A few fun things came in the mail this week.  I'll take pictures and post later this week -- as soon as I get my act together.

Hope you have a happy Saturday -- I need to focus to find some good things.  I can't wait to be finished with monthly stuff (only 3-5 years to go LOL).  Stay well.  Later gators.

Friday, September 25, 2020

All Cleaned Up

All cleaned except our shower -- I'll do it before I shower today.  I scrub with a bleach cleaner so I do it naked before I shower.  TMI, but it works LOL.  I need to force myself to spread cleaning over a week, not a couple of days.  It's a goal for next time.  Even a couple of little things spread out helps a lot.

It was a push yesterday.  Big grocery store run and cleaning.  I was lights-out by 7:30.  

Today is an all cooking day.  Nothing major.  Egg salad, bacon and an apple cider bundt cake.  All for tomorrow -- yum.  

After the marathon back day, I sat and read and read and read.  I was too tired to figure out new TV.  Good news is I'll finish the book today.  A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.  It's a great story.  I get especially excited because I love the day I pick a new book.  That said, sometimes I have trouble STARTING the new book after reading a good one before.  Goodbyes to good books take a minute to process.

It poured all day yesterday and still going this morning.  Clearing out in about an hour.  It's my rest workout day, so I'll do a walk in the neighborhood with a podcast.  I never ended up listening to one yesterday.  I chatted with my bestie for part of the cleaning and then was in the mood for quiet cleaning.  No workout days mean a longer meditation too.  Normal days I meditate about 10 minutes -- long for me is doubling to 20 minutes.  Laughable by meditation standards, but it's a success in my book and it feels good.

Having a full week has been FUN!  I like the contrast of full and quiet days -- without a contrast, it's hard to appreciate either.  Next week has a few calendar things, and I'm adding a visit to Gibbs Gardens.  I'm also going to pick a couple of things to frame for our bedroom wall.  It should be another fun week.

Next weekend we're celebrating our DIL's birthday and I have stuff to prepare.  More on this later -- I'm excited (fingers crossed weather holds and no quarantine!!).  

Hope you have a happy weekend and stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Ring Shopping

I have a busy couple of days ahead.  Cleaning, grocery store and cooking.  My only goal is to protect my back.  It's doing okay and I want to keep it that way.  If I have to punt some of the cleaning until next week, I will.

The MART was good.  Everyone in masks, temperatures taken, social distancing (not crowded -- appointments have to be staggered) and it was all ENFORCED.  That's the key.  The city of Atlanta is under Mayor Bottoms' and she has mandated masks.  Even on the streets -- everyone in masks.

I tried on tons and tons of rings so the designer could "build" what I want -- computer mockup coming in a few weeks and I'll share.  I'm so excited.  I'll chat all about it -- vintage inspired.  It goes to a different beat and that took a minute to get across.  I don't want sparkly, I don't want bright.  I think it's going to be great.  She suggested engraving my birthday of 2020 in the ring to commemorate.  Custom and special -- exactly what I want.  Here's the inspiration picture.  Oh, it's so pretty (!!)

My energy was pooped by evening yesterday.  Doing SOMETHING and the approach to a Perry monthly has me blah by the end of the day.  It actually felt good to be tired and ready to sleep.  I bet I'll be tired today too.  

I'm still going strong with finding ways to feel better.  I'll write about it in October (superstitious still).

This movie sounds fun -- I don't know when and how to see it, but I'm going to check it out.  A woman who does food tours in Italy posted about it.

UPDATE:  Looks like it's out on Christmas Day, 2020 but still can't find if streaming or in theaters.

Time to get moving -- super full day.  Chores and more chores.  Not that that's a bad thing.  Podcasts cued and ready and it will be nice to have a clean house.  It's looking rough on the edges since I missed some cleaning last time around.

Happy day, safe day.  Later gators.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

I Have Another Friend

Turns out, the girlfriend I walked with yesterday is as careful as we are ... maybe even more as they (she and her hubby) haven't stepped foot in a store since March (curbside only for them).  We wore masks the entire time and walked about 4 miles.  It was awesome!  We are adding them to the backyard bring-your-own-stuff happy hour.  We were excited to "find" each other (!!)

When we walked, I ran into another friend (over and over even though we did different trails LOL).  Got a quick catch up with her and, if she's willing to wear a mask, I might be able to add her to the gardens walks sometimes too.  

Hubby and I had a coming to Jesus talk yesterday.  He's going to leave his job at the end of 2020 and look for a local job.  If he finds one -- great.  If not, he'll easy into retirement (just like I did).  I hate to say "I told you so," but I did and that's frustrating, but things happen because they're suppose to happen.  I'll take this as that.  He's reaching out to his career coach to discuss how to best navigate everything (per my suggestion).  Coaching (therapy or whatever) is super helpful to figure out rough patches.  Experience and objectivity can shed light where you'd never see it.  

You bet my butt my life coach will help me think through this.  CHANGE is hard for me and I've been anticipating this for a couple of months.  I'm going to have to put my grownup panties on again and adjust through another transition.  Having him HOME is awesome.  Having him home and BORED is not.

Speaking of hubby -- today is our 33rd DATING anniversary.  Yea for us.  Our first date was a movie and ice cream (when I could still eat ice cream) -- he brought me flowers too.  Such a romantic.  

I'm on my own for the trip to the jeweler -- I'm excited, but not too excited because I'll only stay if the precautions are being followed.  Fingers crossed.  I want to get this started.


I finished The Body is Not an Apology (Sonya Renee Taylor).  Short and good, but if you listen to Brene Brown's podcast with her, I'd say that explains things as well, if not better.

SRT recommended another book somewhere (her Instagram or the interview) and I started it last night.  Pleasure Activism (Adrienne Maree Brown).  So far, it's not at all what I thought it would be, but I think it's going to be super interesting.  Stay tuned.

I'm still reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.  It's good, but must be LONG (I'm only 25% finished).


I watched Forks Over Knives about plant based diet.  It was okay.  Lots of examples and a history on how the US came to eat the diet as we know it now -- not as earth shaking as I thought it would be.  There's a website by the same name with recipes and suggestions.  I'll start there for ideas.  I like the idea of less meat and more veggies.  The no eggs and no fish were a bit much for me though.  It advocated hard for a vegan diet.  I plan to live in the gray area between vegan and Atkins LOL.

Dogs up.  Best get going.  Still enjoying another cool weather day -- it's such a treat.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Doing Things

This is a big week for doing things -- things a little outside my quarantine box.  I'm headed to Gibbs Gardens with a friend who is being careful, but careful outside of my careful box LOL.  We'll walk on wide trails, outside.  I'll have a mask for if things get too "tight."  I haven't seen her for 8 months -- wow, time flies.  I'm excited to have a good conversation and a walk in nature.  This week's weather is magnificent.   

I'm delving a little deeper into plant based eating.  I've been doing Meatless Mondays and I like it.  I'm going to watch Fork over Knives documentary on Prime.  I don't plan to become vegan or even vegetarian, but I like the idea of eating less meat.  This comes primarily from a cruelty to animals.  Our county is heavy with chicken farms and I see "the" trucks a lot.  I have a hard time eating chicken right now because it makes me sad.  Quarantine is the PERFECT time to experiment with eating habits while not "inconveniencing" others -- something that's a pet peeve of mine.

Tomorrow is my BIG FUN day -- headed to the jeweler to design a birthday ring.  I have a picture and it's vintage inspired and beautiful.  I'll share more after tomorrow.  

My bestie turns 50 next week.  I sent her gourmet ice cream from Jeni's (GF and DF options) that arrives today.  I have a big box of fancy gifts I'm mailing this morning.  Her family is putting together a video and I sent my video yesterday.  It was fun -- I used props and "acted" a bit.  It was full of good wishes and funny high school references (if I do say so myself).  Super happy with how it turned out -- very out-of-the-box for me.

I'm STILL waiting on my new fall green nail polish to arrive.  Fingers crossed -- tracking says it's on the move.  No news on the Kitchen Aid mixer.  I might call next week -- dang, it so pretty, but it's not looking good.  

I'll add this meme because it's funny  -- the best one I've seen.  DAVID!!!

And, on a quick side note ... yesterday would've been my big guys birthday.  Lord I love this dog and miss him so much.  We are lucky to get the love of dogs.  He was gorgeous inside and out.  XOXO sweet boy.  He knew how to find HAPPY.  That's what I'll strive for today.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Sunday Fun

We had a great day yesterday.  Family gathered for football watching and outdoor dog fun.  Weather was picture perfect and it was a welcomed change.

Here are a few pictures.  We wore masks inside and had the windows open with fans blowing.  My DIL has a coworker who woke up not feeling well.  She thinks it's allergies, but since we don't know anything else, we took extra precautions.  They only interacted with masks on at work, but you can't be too safe.  Us throwing a mask on is NO BIG DEAL.

Today is back to routine -- hubby home routine.  It's actually a full-ish week.  So far, I have something everyday.  Some is subject to change with possible rain and some isn't actually fun, but it gets me out of the house (dogs to vet for booster shots and Duke to groomer).  It's also my cleaning week.  That's nice when it's over LOL.  It's all about protecting my back.  

Hope you have a happy day -- I'm looking for the good because it feels extra heavy again.  Finding gratitude is harder for me, but seeing good makes me happy.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Fall, Is This Really You?

As far as my weather app forecast can see ... FALL TEMPERATURES.  70s and some days, LOW 70s.  Could this be a little gift from the universe for having to live in GA during a pandemic?  We had an incredible spring too.  

This week I'm getting my fall decor out.  What?!?  In September?  Yep.  I'm that confident that summer is behind.  Usually, we don't actual feel like fall until mid-October.

We enjoyed being outside yesterday.  Even in the height of the afternoon -- no problem.  Of course, it was also overcast (my dream day) so that kept us comfortable.  This morning is cool and crisp (55).  My god -- what a treat.

Clinging to the GOOD things. 

We never took our hike yesterday -- pushed to today.  It was still soggy in the yard and that trail is already wet.  Kids over for the Steelers game at 1 o'clock.   Monti trying on Duke's shirt for sizing.  Lordy, he's cute.

I have a couple of Netflix recommendations.  The Duchess was hilarious with a nice ending.  Quick season -- very off-color FYI.  I started Spare Parts.  Good story (based off of real events), great cast of actors, feel good movie.  I've seen the RBG documentary, but have never seen On the Basis of Sex.  I'll watch that this week probably.  I finished Waco.  Super interesting and, of course, horrible situation.  Hard to say what the actual truth is, but the story is based on books from a survivor and the lead negotiator and they seem to agree that the FBI and ATF had a heavy, lethal hand in the outcome.

I'm slowly getting into A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.  It's a good story, but haven't given a lot of time to it yet.  My life coach recommended a woo woo book and I'm scan reading through that instead.  Almost finished.  Same message on repeat so it's going fast.  I agree that your vibrational energy plays a part in attraction, but this book takes it a little extreme.  That said, it feels good to work on my mood (vibration).  

I made more refrigerator pickles yesterday.  I might never go back to the jarred kind.  Who knew how easy and delicious doing a quick pickle tastes (!!)  

That's all from here.  Hope you have a happy weekend too.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Gibbs Garden Visit

I FINALLY got to Gibbs Gardens.  This is big for me because I wanted to go, yet couldn't seem to make it happen.  Doing something new on my own gives me a little bit of nerves -- silly, but true (Enneagram 6!!).  Now that I know the ins and outs, I'm set to go on the regular.  The gardens are beautiful and there are miles of walking trails on the periphery.  Those trails are dirt, but well manicured and wide to walk.  It was fun -- 4 miles with lots of pretty things to see.  People were around the actual gardens but the trails were empty.  I had no problem staying clear of people and it was perfectly safe.

P.S.  The first picture looks like a flooded trail, but it's a creek -- I was standing on a bridge.  The last picture is a butterfly and bumble bee that worked together.  Butterfly moved and bee flew to that flower.  Fun to watch.

I'm having a tough time keeping my head up high the last two days.  I mentioned the Debbie Downer conversations two nights ago and last night was no different.  Hubby had a difficult week and drive home and it was endless complaining.  Then the news of RBG -- what an incredible hero.  Rest in peace, dear lady.

My personal world is low and our country is low.  It's hard to see the light when I think things will get worse before better.

I also had a chat with my eldest and they're going to move to Colorado in a year after their lease is up.  I'm excited for them, but the change of having them close will be hard.  We'll adjust and it will be great to have a "destination" to visit.  I never expected them to come to Atlanta and we'll have had 5 years with them -- lucky us.  I'll miss my grand-doggies and the weekend times together.  

*Taking a big breath* 

This will be okay.  What's that quote ... everything is alright in the end and if it's not alright, it's not yet the end.

Have a happy day.  We're taking our pups for a trail walk and enjoying some cooler weather.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Here We Go Weekend, Here We Go

Football (that's the title today).  First weekend of football for ME.  I only watch when the family is over to watch.  Back to all day Sunday games.  Hubby is excited to have the kids over and feel a little normal.  I'm making loaded tachos (hubby's favorite) for the Steelers game and turkey BLTs for the 4 o'clock games.  We have baked goodies from apple picking in the freezer for snacking.  Easy cooking day.

Headed for a grocery store run a day late because of the storm.  We weathered fine -- tons of rain, but no issues.

Did a bit of a switch up yesterday with Netflix.  The Duchess.  Recommended by my Instagram "friend" LOL and funny and raunchy and just what I need.  Watched 2 episodes -- don't no how it works because it's ridiculous, but somehow it does.

I read a little more from my vintage read, but got sidetracked with a book recommendation from my life coach.  Turns out -- $1 on kindle so I downloaded.  It's another woo woo book about vibration and watching your feelings and thoughts to manifest the life you want.  Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting (Lynn Grabhorn).

Not a bad day yesterday.  Had a tough evening after I let a couple of Debbie-downer conversations bring me down.  Guess I needed to read more of the book - hah.  I won't bother to hash it out here, but I was annoyed.  I have enough on my feelings plate and I can't take that energy on too.  I don't need to be in conversation with nothing but complaint after complaint after complaint.  I felt a bit used and I let it get to me.

Anyway ...

I might head to Gibbs Gardens this afternoon.  I'll see how the grocery store run goes this morning.  I could use time outside and some energy in nature.  Hubby comes home late tonight.

The Framebridge artwork came -- more on this soon.  I like it a lot, but it's a smidge different than I expected.  Now it's time to start working on building the bedroom wall -- I have enough of the "grounding" pictures to start finding things.  Fun -- yea!!

Have a happy Friday.  Hope the weekend brings some fun and great weather.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

New Book, New T-Shirts

Since I joined the Jen Hatmaker bookclub, lots of peeps recommending books.  This book was a fellow bookclub member's grandmother's favorite book of all time and she read it recently and LOVED it!  Published in the 1940s and written about the early 1900s.  It's out of print, but available on kindle or audio.  A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (Betty Smith).  When someone says it's a favorite of all time, I listen (!!)  

I have an obsession with t-shirts.  This started before COVID and has grown because who in their right mind wears regular shirts right now LOL.  I keep staining my shirts because I'm cooking so much (back to wearing an apron) so I needed new "good" shirts again.  These are my latest.  I've retired the stained, worn ones to workout/cleaning shirts and they'll eventually make their way to the trash.  Green is my color lately -- from home decor to shirts to nail polish.  It's fun to play around with a new color.  (The Green Dress is still on my GOAL LIST, if you were wondering 😉)  The tank top is a workout shirt.   The short-sleeved shirts are from Tabatha Brown -- it's her "signature" saying.  She's so happy and fun on Instagram.

I follow CakesByCourtney on Instagram.  (Side note -- thank the lord for Instagram right now.  It's keeping me connected to the FUN world.)  She recommended baking food cups from this vendor.  They have lots of party supplies (perked my interest for my DIL's shower next year).  I ordered a few themed baking cups and decorations to preview them.  During a pandemic, individual cups are perfect.  Here's the link and I'll post pictures when the goodies come.  BTW, I'm making her fall apple cider cake next week -- looks amazing!

My Mind's Eye Paper Goods

RAIN (!!)  The storm should be finished by evening (that's earlier than thought).  No big winds, thankfully, but just heavy, heavy rain.  So far, all is well.  About 12 more hours to go -- fingers crossed.

Today is a lesson in figuring out stuff to do.  I need something other than a sit-around-all-day plan.  Doesn't help that we woke up at 4:30 in the MORNING.  So much for sleeping in -- I'm wide awake so going back to bed isn't an option.  P.S.  Dogs are totally back to bed and snoring away.  My morning routine will take me until late morning.  I have a few cleaning chores to do and I'm going to pull my first picture box to organize.  I started watching Waco on Netflix.  Hopefully some book reading time too.  It's hard to start a new book -- takes a minute to get vested.

My nail polish order shipped a few days ago -- moss green for my toes.  I hope it comes today.  That would be a perfect thing-to-do-on-a-rainy-day.  My fingers are ready for a redo on neutral beige too.

Oh, one last recommendation.  Brene Brown's latest podcast with Sonya Renee Taylor is one of the best podcasts I've ever listened to -- and that's saying a lot.  It's about way, way more than your relationship with your body.  Can't recommend it enough.  I ordered her book AND I'll listen to the podcast again.  It makes you think (rethink) in the best way.

Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Life Coaching

I had a life coaching session yesterday.  Nothing revolutionary or wild.  We talked about finding a new way during a pandemic and trusting a path even when you don't see a path.

I joined Gibbs Gardens for the year.  I was thinking about going this morning, but the weather is really prickly.  The rain is scheduled to start in earnest by midday, but passing showers all morning.  I don't need to push THAT hard -- membership is active so I know I'll go soon.  (It might not even be open today.)

I'm probably bagging the suspense book --  The Luckiest Girl Alive.  It's hasn't left a theme of being skinny at all costs.  It harps and harps on this from the main character and it's off putting.  I'm also not sure it's actually suspense -- the twists and turns might be about her love life.  I'm making the decision today (leaning hard to giving it up).  Next up is a goodie though ... had to get on kindle since it's out of print ($1).  Stay tuned.
UPDATE:  I read reviews.  Apparently, I'm not the only one who isn't sure if it's suspense.  The description is purposely vague so the story unfolds as you read it.  Based on reviews, I'm letting this go.  It doesn't come together until the last chapters and, even at that, doesn't sound interesting.  Oh well.  Every book can't be fabulous.

I finished Away.  And by finished, I mean I fast forwarded through the last episodes to see what happens.  It's meant to be multiple seasons so it doesn't "finish," but it has a solid ending -- no cliffhanger or anything.  It was okay.  A little much that every character has some massive drama or intense past ... oh, and everyone is always a hero after having a quick turn to the dark side.  That said, it's a pandemic with nothing much to watch so it filled time.

I'm up against 3 days of rain with only a grocery store run on Friday to occupy me.  Time to get creative.

Possibilities include cleaning floors (fun times), working on picture bins (a little better) and then crickets -- not even TV thoughts.  Any ideas?!?!  I might try for some girlfriend phone chats from my out-of-state gals.  I might also do a deep dive into another long series to watch.  Maybe something older that I never watched.  I need at least a few hours of TV on these kind of days.  Another option is documentaries. I like watching them, but rarely do.  I feel like I'm all out of movie choices.

Random thought, but I'm sitting here all comfortable -- I can't say enough about Tommy John PJs.  They're the most comfortable pajamas I've ever owned.  I got the tank and joggers.  I love them so much I ordered another set.  They're pricey, but oh so good.  And, they're fine for letting dogs out, getting a package off the front porch -- put on a bra and you could wear them in mixed company.  From a distance, they are like clothes, but the material is so light and nice.  

I don't have much to say today.  I planned to write about my shift for handling life, diet, workouts, etc, but I'm being superstitious.  Lately, I write about it and then a few days later, I fall off the wagon.  I need to get a bit more time under my belt and then I'll share.  It's nothing special -- basics revisited and a mindset switch.

Have a happy day and stay well :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Hello, Sally and Some Goodies

Looks like this week is a total RAIN OUT from the remnants of Sally.  No Gibbs Gardens -- this will have to wait.  Indoor activities only.  I'll need to look at the least rainy morning to do my grocery store trek -- possible local flooding.  

I had a great time with my aunt.  Sat outside, socially distanced -- felt very safe.  Dogs had a blast because she has a super fun fenced in yard.  They explored all afternoon.  We were all pooped by the time we got home.  No endurance for adventure and longer drives anymore LOL.  Thank goodness we had yesterday given the rest of the week is homebound.  

I MIGHT work on the picture bins (remember this project??)  I stopped (before I began) because I want to see the first picture from FrameBridge.  I have a duel goal of organizing the bins and finding things to frame for our bedroom wall -- only if I like the one I sent away.

Today is my life coaching call and a stop over from the blinds guy to price options for a sunscreen on our porch.  We love sitting on the porch but it gets heavy afternoon sun -- hopefully we can figure out blinds that will help.

I ordered a MASSAGE gun after seeing the one my son has -- it feels good on sore muscles.  Amazon for about $80.  No massages for me anytime soon and this helps all the tight spots.

I also got another order of vintage dessert plates from the same Etsy vendor I used before.  Last time, most were from England and France -- this time, Japan and Eastern Europe.  I don't like them as much and 2 look more like tea cup saucers, but I really like a couple (see the single pictures).

I'm sort of watching Away on Netflix.  It's not good, but I have it on in the background.  Too much unbelievable drama in their personal lives -- given this is the team selected by the world for the first mission to Mars.  That said, I'm curious so I'll half watch until the season is over.

I'll be able to get some heavy reading in this week.  My reading endurance is building back up and I have a nice stack of good books.  That's a plus from quarantine -- lots of good recommendations.  

Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Debate Resolved and New Books

I mentioned to hubby that my aunt invited me over today.  He thought it was a GREAT idea -- go figure.  He said the safest time to see her and he didn't see any problem with my plans.  Okay (!!)  Today is a visit with my pups and my aunt.  I'm going after lunch to quicken the visit as well as put no pressure on her with a new knee.

Gibbs Garden walk got postponed because of the weather and our available days this week.  That said, maybe Friday will be okay (my friend wasn't available) and I think I'll check it out myself.  Why?  Because going with someone is clogging the works and I need things I can do outside.  Getting out of the house is a big priority for my mood and getting into nature is even better.   Forcing myself TO DO THINGS.  I'll join and go regularly to walk around the miles of walking trails.  Change of scenery will be nice.

It's one of those deals -- one day is $20 or one YEAR is $50.  It closed for the season in December, but opens in early spring.  I'll get to see the bulbs in bloom -- I've been planning that for years and never got there.  The drive is 10 minutes on a pretty country road ... what's not to love about this.

Books.  I've been on such a good book streak and it's awesome.  

This book is FANTASTIC -- I can't recommend it enough.  Loved it from minute one.  Heart warming and beautiful.

Started this last night -- 180 from above, but I think it's going to be good.  Suspense, fun, twists and turns.

I'm getting caught up on my reading list and that means more room for others SOON.  I want to read 2 more books before I start "collecting" again.

The Etsy wall art came.  Custom with the type of dogs and the lady silhouette looks like how I wear my hair.  Goldendoodle on one side, yorkie and poodle on the other.  My dog loves.  The writing is all definitions of dog things.  It's in my office with all my dog photos.

I have a few other things that came and I'll post them this week (don't have pictures yet).

Today and tomorrow I have plans, but then the week is empty aside from a grocery store run.  If I can't get to Gibbs Gardens, I need to come up with something to do.  It takes a lot of thinking to figure out a way to get out of the house during a pandemic when the weather isn't cooperating.  This has been a key to helping my mood and giving me the feeling of forward motion.  Hubby comes home for the weekend, but golfs with a friend on Saturday and is watching football all day on Sunday.  Nothing for me in that mix so I need to find ME stuff ASAP.

I have a life coaching call tomorrow.  I'm not sure what we'll talk about, but something helpful always comes of our conversation.  Looking forward to it.

In other good news, I'm wearing the pjs I got from Tommy John's for Mother's Day -- tank and joggers.  OMG so comfortable.  The tank is still a little less than flattering, but I love the set.  The joggers are the best.  Lightweight material and POCKETS.  The waistband is comfortable and the ankle cuffs are just tapered enough.  

Have a happy day.  Stay well.  (Both are sentiments I need today too!)  Later gators.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

My Big Debate

After listening to Dr. Fauci and being on the hunt for fun in quarantine, I decided to open up my life a bit.  Apple picking was one of those things.  Safe and fun.

This week I planned two fun things that felt okay and opened up connection with people (I'm craving CONNECTION).  Now I'm second guessing this decision.  The problem is I can't tell if this is FEAR speaking or logical concern.

First up, visit my aunt.  She had knee replacement surgery and has been home for the last week (with a negative COVID test).  Her husband does things (church, volunteer), but he won't be home when I visit tomorrow.  I feel like this is the safest time to see her, but the problem is we'll need to be inside because she needs to keep her leg out flat and elevated.  Do I go?  Do I wear a mask?  

The second felt super safe to me -- walk outside in a botanical garden with another friend.  I was pumped for this until my other friend pointed out she has college kids.  Neither have been home so I think I'm okay with this.  Outside, wide path and I'll have a mask if I run into anyone.  I can also wear one while we walk if it feels "too close."  My friend said she'd be concerned walking with her -- now I'm second guessing this too.  The weather might put a stop to it this week, but it would be a postponement, not a cancel.

Neither of these is of the least bit concerning if neither have COVID.  The question is, if they are asymptomatic or just beginning to get sick, can I catch it from these interactions.

I need a SAFE balance of CONNECTION because this is continuing for a least another year (Dr. Fauci).  Is this safe?  I think this is FEAR talking and what I'm doing is okay.

Maybe the answer is to wear a mask and that will take so much of the worry away.  I planned to social distance, but the added security of a mask might ease my mind.  I think that's what I'm going to do ... stay tuned.

Hubby leaves today for VA after 2 weeks at home.  Mixed bag of feeling as usual.  Happy to have some alone time and I'll miss him and I worry about his drive.

This week seems much less MORNING HEAVY and that's good.  

I'm on the hunt for happy today to balance out my worry.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

The Good and The Bad

First the bad news -- DIL had a coworker test positive so are plans for today were canceled.  Hubby and I are still doing the hike and lunch, but it's not the same with just the two of us.  Safety first -- always.  That said, we'll make the best of it.

UPDATE:  Pouring rain -- no hike.  Looks like today will be a no-plan kind of day.  BUT, I ran on the treadmill for the first time in months and months with NO HEEL PAIN and NO BACK PAIN.  That's a win for today.

Now the good ...

So much fun last night.  I wore regular clothes, put on makeup and jewelry and it felt normal.  Totally safe, social distanced, brought our our food and drinks.  We got a masked tour of their new home and property (several outpost buildings).  It's stunning -- looks like a magical bed-n-breakfast.  We were home by 8 o'clock (this was a happy hour instead of a late night) so I got sleep too.

The day was full in a great way.  I'm very slowly learning how to create a happy, fun life during this pandemic.  This is forcing me to change (which I did kicking and screaming), but I think what will come after will be good for me.  More on this later ...

Hubby leaves for VA tomorrow.  I have some things to catch up on ... new books, new series recommendations, new goodies, better attitude.  I'll save that for next week when most of my mornings are slow, easy rollers.  

Happy Saturday.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Apple Picking Pictures

The apple orchard was super.  Lots of options for weekend fun if you have kids.  On the weekday, it was tame and not crowded.  Dogs had a good time sniffing the petting zoo.  We got a haul of apples -- Rome Beauty, September Wonders and Golden Delicious.  I bought a load of goodies from the store too -- fresh made apple cider donuts, apple bread, farm honey, apple jellies and cider for my new recipe.  Most of the baked goods got frozen for hubby to take to VA.

Here are some pictures. 

Today is busy.  Hubby's car heading for repairs for the third time in 2 weeks (ugh!!).  Costco run, pest control (spider emergency), rescue calls and happy hour at our friend's house.  I might actually be tired tonight -- crazy, right?!

My hormones are the devil this month.  Headache, water retention, bloat, mood, cravings -- it's all there and then some.  My back and heel are feeling pretty good -- but I woke up with a stiff neck.  Hopefully, that's only temporary and once I get moving it will be better.  I'm strictly off gluten right now in case all these aches and pains are related or being amplified from eating gluten.

Hope you have a great Friday.  This week flew with Monday being a holiday.  Find some HAPPY -- I'm on the hunt too.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Apple Picking Day

I feel like I'm announcing a big trip -- apple picking is the first "real" thing I've done since this began.  I hope it's fun or at least hope we can do it (if it's not safe, we'll go home).  I haven't apple picked since my kids were little -- like preschool little.  Good apples + no spiders landing on me + no people near me = FUN!!

The next 3 days are FULL and I'm grateful.  

I also chose not to take a foster dog yesterday so I could have some more time for doing MY things this week.  He was a return to our rescue after 3 years because they had a baby (ugh -- hate people) and I knew he'd be snatched up super fast.  Cute as a button and house trained -- he's headed to the foster today.  Setting boundaries is good for me.  (P.S. If no one took him, I would have -- no dog suffers for my boundaries -- people, yes LOL.)

I finished The Storyteller's Secret.  It was a good story told very well.  I read a lot yesterday.  Not sure if it was the book, lack of TV or my interest in reading longer, but I read almost 300 pages.  Today I get to choose the next read -- stay tuned.

Looks like some stinky news ... my KitchenAid limited edition mixer is backordered with NO DATE available for shipping.  They called to see if I want to cancel the order (voicemail).  Nope, but I bet it gets cancelled.  Ugh.  It's so stunningly perfect.  Pretty please make more!!

I was hormonal yesterday.  Perry has been active this month and this is ovulation time.  Mood, cravings and WATER RETENTION. My boobs were actually annoying me.  I googled if this was a thing in Perry and, YEP!  I'm spilling out of my nearly-A cup bras LOL.  My face was swollen too -- so strange.  Seems better this morning.

I have a couple of new things to show, but, of course, I haven't taken pictures yet.  It's dark now and pictures won't come out.  Both are FUN.  I'll post them this week while I wait for a couple more things to arrive.  Online shopping for the win lately.

Jenifer Garner interviewed Dr. Fauci on Instagram.  It was extremely informative and well done.  The focus was on kids and back-to-school, but he answered a lot of general questions too.  Worth a listen whether you have a kids in school or not.

Time to get moving.  Early morning, but it is what it is -- every day this week until Sunday.  If this is the way I get to do things, then I should really stop complaining hah, but I probably won't.  

Stay well.  Look for the good.  Later gators.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Grocery Shopping

This morning is a grocery store run for the week.  I'm doubling on Trader Joe's and the Publix across the street.  Fingers crossed it continues to be a good option with people wearing masks.  I STILL go first thing -- so a rushed morning (and a broken record).  Trader Joe's opens at 9 o'clock and I can go to Publix first.  It takes about 50 minutes to get there and I need to time around schools.

Our windows look great -- it's like everything is in high definition again.  I took the opportunity to switch to our fall wreaths since I had to take the others down anyway.  I'm holding off on my inside fall decor until later in September.

I cleaning all the bathrooms and the basement yesterday.  Big back day.  It's wonky, but holding.  I did the treadmill workout too.  I'll take a rest day today.

Apparently, Peloton released a new model and the old one is on sale.  I wonder if I can get a discount -- I'm going to try.  I don't need the new model.

I have a new recommendation for a Netflix binge -- Away.  Space mission to Mars.  I have no idea if it's good, but I loaded it up for a next watch.  Stay tuned ...

The Storyteller's Secret is so so so good.  The writing draws you in and makes you want to keep reading.  It's storytelling at it's finest.  I'll do some more reading today.

We're going apple picking tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it.  Feels like a little adventure in pandemic times - hah.

I like the stuff I'm doing to pull myself out of this big hole.  I'll write about it once I see if it sticks and I make some progress.  I've been crying wolf so much lately ... but I'm hopeful.

I did online panty shopping yesterday.  I have actual HOLES in my favorite briefs and it's long overdue.  Gap and American Eagle.  Full coverage, no seam lines -- basic, but hopefully comfortable.  I also bought an oversized sweatshirt that looks so comfortable.  Here's hoping COLD weather comes soon.

Best get moving.  No workout days are longer meditation days.  Off to SEE some GOOD and FEEL some HAPPY.  Wishing you the same.  Later gators.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

And The Week Begins ...

This is a full week -- probably one of the fullest since the quarantine started.  I'm not complaining ... well, only a little since EVERY SINGLE MORNING is RUSHED.  I need to do some problem solving.  I tried the kind of problem solving that said nothing booked for morning, but that isn't working and isn't realistic. I need to move some of my morning stuff to later -- that god forsaken gap in the afternoon of nothing land.

I listened to a podcast with Jay Shetty (it was Rachel Hollis who interviewed him -- not a fan of hers anymore, but I still subscribe to her podcast and it popped up).  Anyway ... he talked about habits and how TIME is a powerful factor in habit consistency (as well as sight, sound, smell, etc).  I never gave TIME a lot of thought, but he's right.  TIME of DAY is a big force in my routine -- good and bad.  That's why moving my morning routine later is a big deal.  That's why I want to eat/drink wine during the witching hours.  It's interesting knowledge and can help with both good and bad routines.  I knew I LIKED doing certain things at certain times, but never it that much value.  It was a good podcast.  Lots of talk about WHERE you do certain things too -- giving energy to specific spaces can help form routines.  Worth a listen.

What's up early this morning is WINDOW WASHERS.  Outside only, but this will be good.  Our windows are filthy.  

I started The Storyteller's Secret (Sejal Badani) and it's good.  The writing draws you into the story immediately.  Happy about this read and my virtual book club.

I watched Speed Cubers on Netflix.  40 minute documentary about Rubik's Cube speed tournaments, but particularly about a friendship between the top two contenders.  The younger man has autism and it's a great story about how he's overcoming obstacles.  And, wow, these peeps are incredible at solving -- makes me want to learn to do it once LOL.  I could never get more than one side when I was younger.  I wonder if I could do better now ...

I'm trying to get my back and heel fixed enough for some bigger workouts and more consistent workouts, but both are fighting me hard.  I have no idea why my muscle-skeletal system is so wonky.  I'm hoping for a treadmill interval workout today, but I might need a rest day instead.  I'll see how I feel once I get moving around more.

Hope you find some HAPPY in your day -- I'll be looking too.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Dog Hike

Another FUN day -- two in a row is shocking!  

The dog hike was nice.  Lots of loop options, not too hilly, very shaded.  It's also a mountain bike trail so we had to contend with that, but everyone was polite and announced their passing (we ended up seeing our neighbor so had another outdoor chat this weekend).  We took a 2.4 mile loop.  Perfect for our little Monti.  We're going back Saturday with our grand-dogs and kids.  Changing up the BBQ to a lunch so we can do something with the dogs (weather permitting).  We saw a baby snake on the trail -- no spiders though.  If the baby snake is poisonous, it's very dangerous -- more so than a full grown snake.  An adult snake will only give a warning bite, but a baby can't control the release and will inject way more venom.  I was too busy doing my snake avoidance dance to see the details.

This got me motivated to change things up, find something to do.  I googled and googled.  Lots of things closed or feel unsafe.  Our plans are apple picking up in the mountains on Thursday.  Dog friendly, shouldn't be crowded with school back and during the week.  Outside and we'll wear masks.  If it's too crowded, we'll leave.  I have a new recipe for apple quick bread and I'll make it for lunch on Saturday with our haul.

My local winery is doing it's harvest and lunch again.  I'm so tempted, but I can't bring myself to do this in a pandemic -- even though we're outside.  It's too long a day with the same people and I bet awfully hot with a mask (not required, but I'd wear one) and my back is still wonky.  Also, not so fun without a friend and I don't feel comfortable bringing anyone in the car.  Next year ... patience isn't easy or fun.

That said, I would be up for an afternoon at our local winery.  They are open during the week and it's usually empty.  You bring your own food, buy a bottle of wine and sit outside.  I think I'll ask a friend (or my aunt) in October when the afternoons are cooler.  Also dog friendly which is fun.

I'm on the hunt for more things to do.  This week hubby is on vacation, but usually he's working during the week.  That puts things on the weekend with possible crowds.  Maybe go do something with a friend if we can be outside, social distance and ride in separate cars.  Hmmmm.  Possibility.  I'll see how the logistics of apple picking turn out with people and bathrooms!!  (I swear finding "safe" BATHROOMS are my biggest hiccup.)

I'm caught up with Outlander.  I had to stream through STARZ for the 5th season.  I managed to get in under the 7 day free trial.  It was hard to figure out how to cancel (big pet peeve of mine), but eventually I found the correct google answer.  That was a fun binge series for quarantine.  I don't have any series waiting in the wings -- just a couple of documentaries.  More on those when I watch them.  Maybe I can get some more traction on my book pile.

Today doesn't have anything on the calendar.  We're taking a break from hiking to rest our old bodies.  I can't push my heel too much, too soon.  Some house chores and that's all.  Way too crowded to head out for anything today.

Have a happy holiday.  I love our country and its service women and men, but it feels hard to cheer on America right now.  We have a lot of broken parts that need immediate attention.  Also, locally, this day has become Trump rallies and boat parades on the lakes.  This day is NOT about Trump -- he's far from a "laborer".  I'll take him out of my mind and have a HAPPY day instead thinking about America when she is healed and whole.

Stay well.  Later gators.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

More Like Yesterday

Yesterday was a good day.  It felt "normal."

We long walked the dogs in the neighborhood and had a good conversation with one of our neighbors when our walk intersected.  Social distanced and outside, but it felt nice.

The hike was great -- a bit populated given you rarely see anyone.  Holiday weekend at a lake -- duh.  But we masked when we passed people and it was a quick hello.  The weather was perfect and the lake is pretty this time of year.  Only downside -- MASSIVE spiders in MASSIVE webs.  No one would want to walk through those.  It slowed me down a little because I had to keep looking up just to be sure since I was leading the way.  It's that time of year.

Then kids over and it was a fun afternoon.  Dinner was just the thing.  I also made a lemon dressing on arugula for a quick, tart salad.  Turns out my family likes the bitter and sour.  Zucchini with toasted almonds -- tastes like popcorn -- was also a hit.  Everyone loved the cookies -- it's a keeper recipe.

Went out front to fly hubby's drone for some more fun.  Chatted with neighbors on both sides of us.  Also very distanced, but it felt like a normal time. 

Finished One to Watch (Kate Stayman-London).  This was a green light from the Podcast podcast.  Fun read.  Super fluff and a little cliche ... perfect beach or plane read.  The ending was surprisingly better than I expected.  

Starting The Storyteller's Secret (Sejal Badoni) for Jen Hatmaker's bookclub.  This is a little deep and heartbreaking -- so there's that, but I want to try the bookclub out for something fun.  Bit ironic -- sad book, fun club.

I have TOO MANY books on my need-to-read shelf.  I'm working on getting some endurance with reading again.  Feels like I can only go about 15 minutes before I want a break -- thanks to my scrolling social media for that problem LOL.

Today is a dog walk in a local park.  Easy trails and shaded (according to my hairdresser).  We'll check it out.  Then some office stuff (bills and such).  Kind of an easy paced day and I'm all for it.  Hubby is on his week vacation and we need to figure out some things to do.  I think a couple more hikes, maybe a picnic.  He's golfing a few times -- yea for him.  

Trader Joe's meditating skeleton.  How cute is he?  Fall IS around the corner even if we don't see the weather change for another 4 or 5 weeks.  Spiders are proof -- ugh, the only downside to fall.

Hope you are finding some HAPPY in your weekend too.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Saturday, September 5, 2020



S'mores Cookies.  Lots of steps.  Interesting bake (FREEZE dough and then bake at a 400).  Hubby says one of the best cookies he's ever had -- crunchy, chewy, lots of chocolate, hint of cinnamon.  Kids will test them today.  Baked cookies with chocolate is not my thing (I ate some dough off the paddle though -- yum).  It sure is a LOOKER -- in all it's decadent glory.


My neighbor baked us an apple pecan pie as another thank you for watching the cats.  What a nice surprise and very yummy.

Joey is adopted.  Lord let me be this amazing at EIGHTY YEARS OLD!  This woman was the bomb and you better believe I took notes.  Nothing "old" about her -- technology savvy, adored by all her family, active, not afraid to get out in the world, kind, agreeable, generous.  Grandkids kept calling to ask about Joey -- so sweet.

Today is a BBQ with the kids.  I made the cookies and loaded potato salad yesterday.  Not much left to do today.  I planned it that way so maybe my back will hold up the entire day.

Hubby and I are heading on the hike I took a couple of weeks ago.  I want some nature time and he wants to come along.  Since my body is still wonky, I don't mind him coming along (and slowing me down).  I did interval runs on the treadmill yesterday and that was enough.  Today is more of a rest kind of day.

I have an update on all the "things" that I'm doing to get out of the funk.  More on this soon.  Have to get moving this morning with the dogs.  The hike trail doesn't allow dogs so I need to walk them ahead.

Stay well.  Happy Long Weekend -- hope you find HAPPY along the way.  Later gators.