Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Latest News

Here are some hump day updates.

First, and only bummer update is I need to completely cancel the cleaning crew until this pandemic has simmered down.  I have them on a break again and was thinking about starting up (my back doesn't do well with cleaning).  The owner (who cleans along side of the crew) is COVID positive.  She's vague about where she had exposure -- only saying that she had exposure, felt ill and tested positive.  I'm so appreciative that she was honest about being positive.  This is an exposure risk I don't feel comfortable with during this upsurge.  Many local schools started back this week (with alarmingly poor precautions -- check out TMZ for some local fame) and the cleaning crew all has kids back in school.  I enjoy cleaning my own house when I'm not working -- it's my back that isn't happy.  And, lord knows I have the time right now.

I finished Beach Read and it was a little too sappy at the end.  It's was a fun and easy read though.
I'm well into Sea Wife (Amity Gaige) -- it's got a Gone Girl feel.  As usual, all about the ending.  It's fast and interesting so far.  Recommended by a friend.

Slowly moving through Outlander on Netflix.  My girlfriend mentioned that there's a lot of sex -- and she wasn't kidding.  Serious sex.  That's a warning or a recommendation -- depending on what you like LOL.  Starts off tame and about halfway through the first season ... bam.  

I think my heel pain is plantar fasciitis.  I've been thinking along those lines for a few weeks and after chasing dogs this weekend, I have foot pain too.  Best thing I did was update my walking and running shoes.  Both are great for healing and preventing PF issues.  Knowing is half the battle.  Now I can working on fixing it.  

I have a coaching appointment scheduled for late August.  I'm heading back into coaching full steam ahead.  It's important self-care in a time when that's all I can do.  I'm stuck and lost and need a place to figure things out.  Also, from a money perspective, no cleaning crew = coaching cost with some extra $$ to spend.

I had another come-to-Jesus talk with myself and I have more options for managing this time than I want to admit.  Options that aren't fun or sexy or easy, but things I can/should/want to do.  More on this later, but you know it starts with The Green Dress.  Hah.  Of course.  

On a recommendation from my life coach on her Instagram, I'm finishing my showers with 4 minutes of cold water.  It helps inflammation and works to lift mood.  The inflammation part is obvious.  The mood part is less obvious.  It helps rewire your brain to realize it's okay during times you feel uncomfortable stimulus.  Since we're bombarded with uncomfortable things right now, our brains are going a little crazy and often over-responding.  I figure (other than my water bill) there is no harm in trying this.  The first minute is the worst.

That's all from here.  Lifting up SLOWLY ... like super duper slowly, but I'm still trying.  Hope you stay well and find your happy too.  Later gators.

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