Saturday, August 15, 2020

Outlander and Foster

I started Season 3 of Outlander -- wow, this is a good show.  I don't "watch" every little bit (especially the battle scenes which are boring to me), but it's been my nightly routine this week.  I'll slow down a bit with hubby home this week.  MORE READING needed.  I give myself this week to get to page 300 of Boy's Life or I'm tabling the book (I'm on 109).

Looks like we have a foster coming soon -- Joey.  7 year old Maltese and he looks sweet.  I don't know his story yet -- waiting for him to be get in our system.  I wonder if he's an owner surrender since the picture is at a home.  I'm so excited to get back to fostering (!!)

I have significant kitchen time today.  Nothing hard, but a lot for my back.  It feels great right now and I need to keep it that way.  Oven ribs finished on the grill.  Mashed potatoes with all the fixings mixed in.  Spinach salad.  Vintage lemon cake for dessert.  Nothing is prepped so this will take a minute.  I'm not sure why I didn't do anything yesterday -- I think I'm a day off in my head.

My hairdresser postponed my appointment for this week.  Some sort of product delivery issue.  That's good -- dentist AND hair the same week is more "exposure" than usual.

My Hoka hiking shoes came.  Brown low risers (nothing interesting for a picture).  They're super comfortable and I'll hike next week.  I got the regular rise because mid-risers weren't well rated with a side seam issue and my heel doesn't like higher shoes right now.  The cushioning is awesome.  Some of the hikers were low rated because of slip issues -- this one seems to be good.  Grip is so important for hikers.

We ended up with NO RAIN yesterday.  Lordy, the weather forecasters.  Today looks like rain all afternoon.  Guess we wait and see.  I hope we can be in the yard.  The dogs love to run around together and I want to ENJOY my RELAXING fence :)

Have a happy Saturday.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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