Thursday, August 20, 2020


Remember how I said I saw a fawn on my hike this week?  It appeared several times as I was trying to figure out the winding trail that was so overgrown with tall reeds and grass that I was scared to go too far.    You could only see the dirt path under your shoes -- the rest was plant that you had to push away.  I doubled back to the area that looked familiar to try and figure out if I missed a turn because I didn't remember this part of the hike (I think it was overgrown more than when I've been before and that's why I was confused).  I was concerned about getting lost and snakes since you couldn't see much of the path ahead (lots of poisonous snakes in GA BTW).

Anyway, I kept seeing the fawn and it kept startling me.  I ended up seeing a fellow hiker coming from that direction and he confirmed that was the way to go after I walked back and forth along the river a couple of times.  Right before I walked into the grass area, I saw the fawn one last time.

The next day I listened to a podcast from my life coach about repeating numbers and she also chatted about animal symbols.  I decided to look up a FAWN sighting.  Keep in mind, every meditation I do lately is focusing on finding MY PATH going forward.  I was thinking about this a lot while I hiked for obvious reasons ... walking down a path :)

This is part of the article I found online -- the first and only thing I read.  Prepare your woo woo hearts ...

The fawn is a symbol of innocence and peace, a perfect reminder that no matter how winding or thick the path appears to get, there is always solace and love stationed along the way for us to remember. The youth of the deer, its curiosity and willingness to approach, were reminding us to tread our paths with fearlessness and innocence. But the fawn is strong as well, wobbling on two seemingly pencil thin legs to tread the forest despite its seeming frailty (something we all do when we open ourselves to love).

Thanks, Universe.  I needed that message.

UPDATE on Crate & Barrel:  Sending a replacement and a return label to ship the item back.  Yea.  Took them a bit (customer service is all texting), but looks like they're getting it done.

UPDATE on Joey:  He's a cutie pie, but a biter and super nervous.  Doesn't look like he knows the name "Matt" so we're calling him Joe.  He's seems to be housebroken and crate trained.  Fingers crossed both continue.  Pictures soon -- I'm too tired to upload them to my computer.

UPDATE on Monti:  Another night of diarrhea and throwing up every hour.  By morning ... totally fine.  I think he might be intolerant to chicken.  I'll give that theory a try, but if it happens again tonight, I'll take him to the vet.  He started at 1:30 and I'm exhausted.  Did I mention hubby snored all night too?!?  Fun times hah!

I can't complain I'm not busy this week (!!)  I'll need to look for some fun, although at this rate, SLEEP might be the big prize.  Have a happy day.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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