Monday, April 13, 2020

Southern Storms

There was a big storm front that moved through our area overnight.  So big, we had relatives coming out of the woodwork to tell us to be safe, have a plan, etc.

We were on the edge of the severe weather and, fortunately, only had a night of thunderstorms.  But those messages got me so WORRIED.  I tried to ignore the worry (not the thing to do), tried to accept the situation (sort of worked) ... but I went to bed wondering if it was The End.

I guess living in the current situation puts everyone on extra edge and that's what created the "panic" -- a contagious panic that spread to me (!!)  What if a tree hits?  Where will I go?  How can it get fixed?  What if power is out for days?  Etc.  Right down the rabbit hole (fitting for Easter).

I wouldn't have gotten most of the messages, but I kept my phone on in case we needed a weather alert.  Oh, the irony.

Anyway ...

Back to Monday grind.  Kidding.  BUT, back to rescue calls, hubby's interviews and DATE NIGHT.  Parasite.  We need to pay attention because of the subtitles.  For the first time since April, we're getting take-out from a local restaurant.  Hubby's idea and his version of date night cooking.  I'm a smidge on the fence whether this is safe, but it seems okay.  Pizza -- of course.  I'll get GF because I've been horrible about gluten.

Here's a theory that has no merit, but makes me wonder.  I have no issue with gluten outside of the US (aka on vacation).  I know gluten is different in Europe, so I figured that's the difference.  I've been loose with gluten this week, but also loose with wine this week (same as vacation).  No BIG symptoms.  Coincidence and cold sore on its way LOL?  I don't know.  But no wine, so no gluten ... still pizza (!!)

I finally did some reading last night ... Something in the Water (Catherine Steadman).  It's getting GOOD and suspenseful.  Love a good suspense book.  All about the ending ... fingers crossed.  Probably no reading tonight -- I'm tired already.  Every crack of thunder had Izzy barking and me in a tizzy.  Not much sleep last night.

I'm grateful we're well this morning.  I hope the storms weren't horrible for anyone (I haven't looked at the news yet).  Grateful for power on and a nice weather day ahead.  Stay well.  XOXO.

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