Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Lots of Good

Lots of good stuff yesterday, but one thing that doesn't appear very good -- I aggravated my ligaments and tendons on my right heel.  I stopped my run 10 minutes in (after one minute of heel pain).  Can't walk on it, need to let it rest.  Dang.  So much for my new workout schedule.

But ... lots of better things yesterday.

Izzy got returned yesterday afternoon.  The family brought her back to us which was very kind (they live an hour away).  She's meeting another family on Friday.  I had the BEST Izzy cuddles this morning.  This girl loves to be warm and snuggly.

Hung out with the eldest and the dogs midday.  Limped a walk and picked up the best takeout.  It tasted exceptional -- from our favorite Persian restaurant.  They have a fantastic takeout process.  Dropped some off for the youngest too.  Virtual birthday dinner.

Another good -- I decided to SPEAK UP about the current situation -- silence is a form of chicken shit and I've been chicken far too long.  I usually keep charged topics off my social media and yesterday I posted an article that looks at the governor's decision and a perspective on why (can you say unemployment $ and his fiscal bottomline).  I also politely commented on a friend's post because someone was WRONG and spewing shit all over.

Wrong -- is that judgmental -- nope, it's wrong.  "COVID is no different that eating too much and getting heart disease or going mountain climbing -- life is a risk."  ABSOLUTELY WRONG.  COVID is contagious.  Eating too much cake is not.  Dumb ass.  But I was nice -- an opportunity to educate.  In my mind, however, not nice.  I'm sick of hearing that faulty argument.

P.S.  It may seem that I'm outraged again, but speaking up calmed me down.  Showing up as myself is empowering.  Only rule -- pause before I post to check myself.  Education, not anger.  Matching with name calling, etc doesn't help anyone and is not the way I need to conduct myself publicly.  My thoughts however ...

Deck staining is underway.  The color is much lighter than I expected, but I like it.  Feels like a french country porch.  Pictures when it's finished.  Day 2 today because NOT painting underneath looked horrible.  Why does hubby doubt me?  Lol.

I'm reading a good book.  The Things We Cannot Say (Kelly Rimmer).  It has a similar title to another popular book -- also about WW2.  This has 2 story lines that will merge -- present day and WW2 and I don't often like that, but I'm hooked on both stories and this is one of the better books I've read lately.

I saw a recommendation for a book from a mormon influencer -- I say that because she said it's so good, but it's an ADULT book - hah.  It's next up ... Verity (Colleen Hoover).  I don't even know what it's about, but it was $4 on kindle.  Sold.

Jen Hatmaker's new book came too.  I'll start it once I finish the WW2 book.  I can read Verity and her book together.  She's all over the podcast world and I'm totally here for it.  I'm bummed I can't walk and listen.  Dang my heel.  I put down E3 for a minute.  Jen's book is calling (!!)

I got my new nail polish and I thought I bought another shade of neutral -- nope, same color.  I need to read the names from now on.  Too hard to tell on a computer picture.  Pink quarantine nails are finished.  Back to neutrals on my fingers.

I'm meeting my FaceTime happy hour friend for a sit in her garden -- well separated, with masks.  Can't wait -- it'll be so nice to see her and be outside.  Zoom call with the family girls this evening.

Have a great day.  Stay well.  XO.

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