Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Costco gets an A+ for proactive and reactive regulation.  Line control, aisle control, wiping EVERYTHING, wipes available at every aisle.  Well stocked, friendly employees, plastic barrier at check out.  Sign at the front of things that are out-of-stock so you don't waste your time.

I took my precautions too.  Including moving my ID, credit card and Costco card to a baggie with a wipe in it -- which I do at the grocery store too.  BUT I dropped the contents and didn't notice.  Lord love me I looked everywhere.  An employee checked with the desk - nope.  I FINALLY found them in the vents of the meat bin.  So much for a fast trip.  It was maybe 15 minutes, but it felt like an eternity.  Needless to say, I have a new process.

I spent an hour unloading groceries -- some moved to garage for a 3 day quarantine period, some washed in soapy water, some wiped and opened contents dumped (inside not at risk).  What a process.

I'm holding grocery store shopping until Thursday.  Giving my car and ME some space from germ world.  The "search" experience has left me feeling at risk.

I made the decision to put Izzy up for adoption (no foster fail).  She is too much personality for Duke.  They are 2 peas in a pod with thief and hoarding ... the snarky fights are too much.  Love her and we'll find her the best home.  For my heart, I need to stop "looking" for MY dog.  I get so excited, then deflated.  I'll know it when it happens.

I haven't done much with the Yale online course.  This quarantine is busier than I expected.  I said I was going to let up on rescue stuff, but that's not happening yet.  Some extra stuff needs to be worked on this week, of course :)

Date night last night.  We watched JoJo Rabbit.  It was GOOD.  I wondered how I would like it -- given what I knew, but it's well done, beautifully acted and filmed.  Big thumbs up.  I made an apple crisp with the last few apples.  Freezer chicken, roasted potatoes and salad -- nice to have fresh greens again.

I need to tend to dogs -- it's one of those mornings.  Stay well, "see" you tomorrow.  Later gators.

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