Friday, April 3, 2020

Remember When I Said ...

... no more fosters UNLESS it was urgent?

I got a call yesterday afternoon, 20 minutes later we have a foster dog.

She's a cuddle bug
LOVES to sniff and give kisses.

This is Isabella ... I think we're calling her Izzy.  She'd be perfect for our girl name (Penny -- she's copper colored), but I'm not doing THAT again!

She's chihuahua and dachshund -- looks like a baby deer.  She's not "pretty" in the traditional since and that makes a big difference in adoption AND fostering.  No one wanted her.  The transporter was stuck with her in her car and NOWHERE to go.  She was vetted and spayed by the shelter because of this crazy world right now and needed to leave the shelter ASAP.  They were trying to find a boarding place -- THIS is urgent in my book.  We got you little girl.  (Hubby is a good guy to say 'yes.')

She's spit fire -- that's the chihuahua AND totally a scent dog -- that's the dachshund.  She's resource guarding hard (food, toys, bed and ME).  First day means nothing though and by the evening she and Duke were doing well.  She apparently knows a crate and slept perfectly last night.  She seems to have been someone's pet (so sad).  We'll be redirecting the resource guarding, but it might be part of her nerves.  Poor little girl.  She's still sleeping -- I'll get her up as soon as I finish this post.

Also, I got a surprise flower delivery from the older couple I mailed TP and paper goods.  They were going to the store every day to find some.  The manager asked them to stop coming (because of the risk -- they're in their 80s) and said he'd call when there was some available -- they were completely out.  I'm happy this went to good use.  This made my day!

Movie night and dinner went well.  Izzy is well mannered so I could cook while hubby was on a conference interview.  Knives Out -- as good as I remembered.  Rental on Prime.  Izzy slept on my lap the entire movie -- so sweet.  (Except when Duke fussed -- then she snarked at him LOL.)

My routine is a bit wonky again until I get to know Izzy.  She's worth it though.  This kind of dog does horribly in a shelter setting.  Chihuahuas are the second most euthanized breed (behind pitties) because they get snappy when they're scared.  When you see them in a shelter, they're mean.  Shelter employees are wonderful to help rescue "see" the dogs beyond the fear response and know which dogs need to get out as soon as possible.

Anyway, time to get the girl up.  She's 11 lbs, 2 years old.  Of course, I'm wondering if she's MY dog.  Cart before the horse.  I barely know her, but you never know.  I did say aloud yesterday -- so where is my little Penny Primrose, Universe??  It was another timely coincidence since she arrived that afternoon.  I still need to finish the E2 book BTW.  Pandemic got in my way.  I'll get back to it soon.  I'm curious about the other "experiments."

Stay well.  Later gators.

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