Monday, April 6, 2020

Grocery Shopping Thoughts

The kids went to Target yesterday (with homemade masks) and said it was well stocked -- rush of relief on my end.  I think we'll be good to shop this week.

I'm still debating on BIG LOAD shopping once every 2 weeks or REGULAR LOAD once a week.  We are EMPTY of all things fresh -- I'd be hard pressed to find fresh veggies that can last 2 weeks.  I've frozen what I can (greens, sweet potatoes).  The stores are out of frozen veggies, but fresh seems to be plentiful.  Doing big loads takes longer in the store and at checkout -- increased time, therefore, risk exposure.  Going more frequently, obviously has it's risks too.

Most of my friends are going anywhere from 3 times a week (eeekkk) to once a week.  I don't know anyone pushing it out to 2 weeks ... which doesn't mean I shouldn't.  Maybe every 10 days is a good compromise.  Waiting this long is making me a bit anxious.

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but I think we are going to see supply chains with some increasing issues as factories, delivery systems, etc get compromised.   Prepared helps me sleep.  I'm trying to predict some of the more long term issues -- including NON food items.

I started Something in the Water (Catherine Steadman).  It's going to be GOOD.  It's written in first person and I like that kind of fast read for a suspense book.

Honeymoon is over with Izzy and sleep.  She figured out our bed is better ... why is SHE the only one in a crate?  True to chihuahua form -- she SCREAMS lol.  If you've never heard a chihuahua scream, it's something else.  We don't mind her in the bed IF she doesn't pee AND she doesn't borough under the covers to the end of the bed.  This is another chihuahua trait and ALL the ones we fostered did it.  Scared to death they're going to suffocate since we have 5 layers of covers on our bed.  Makes for light sleeping and uncomfortable positioning.  We'll see if we can do better tonight.  We have some tricks up our sleeves too -- not our first chihuahua rodeo.

Mini deer. 

Today is MORE foster stuff.  I'm taking a bit of a break after today's work though.  We have lots and lots of new fosters and very few new dogs.  6 new fosters and no dogs to give them.  For reference, we have 40 fosters total -- about 10 are inactive at any given time.  Also, 5 of the new fosters have no pets -- that means no supplies.  Pet stores are closed, deliveries are delayed.

I'm STILL trying to get myself into a new routine for the evening.  One that doesn't include eating junk or drinking wine.  I can get it about half right each day LOL.  Hopefully, once my monthly has calmed down, I'll feel like doing something more active.

As I've said before, I don't think I need to write a novel or become a yoga instructor during the quarantine, but I also don't need to let myself go to pot just because I can and only hubby will "see" it.

BTW, this has NOTHING to do with the stress of the situation.  It has EVERYTHING to do with accountability.  Except for hubby and grocery store shopping, I won't see anyone up close for months.  I'm falling into the mentality ... this can wait until next week.  I have so much time to get it together.  I can have "fun" now and "work" later.  My old thought pattern rearing its ugly head.  I need to get this under control and QUICKLY.

I hope you have a good day and are finding your new routines and some peace of mind in places.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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