Thursday, April 30, 2020

Costco Run

Unfortunately, I shopped during a panic week.  So far, I've had great luck avoiding the crazy shopping days, but the meat shortage rumors have hit main stream.  Since I went early, I was okay (barely).  Costco was a mad house ... out of so many things ... most meat gone, lots of pantry stuff.  The checkout line was all the way to the back of the store and it wound around.  (It moved quickly though.)

Kudos to Costco.  They are REQUIRING a face covering starting next week.  This man was close to me from behind with no mask and an employee asked if we were together.  He told the man, "step away from this lady."  If I was allowed to kiss a stranger, I would have kissed that employee.  Thank you, sir!!

When I left the line wrapped around the building to get inside and no one was 6 feet apart.  I would have turned around and gone home if that was the line when I arrived.  I had 2 people in front of me.

Looks like my new quarantine hobby is online shopping.  Can't drink, can't bake, can't snack, can't go out.  I ordered living plants.  By gosh, by golly ... my goal of 5 live plants is happening.  SIX are coming in the mail.  All easy, potted plants.  I want to start an herb garden, but it might wait for next year.  I have exactly NOTHING to plant herbs and I don't want to go out shopping for it.  Online ordering of that stuff is expensive.  The pre-planted herb gardens are on waitlist.  P.S.  I currently have 2 living plants and they are alive and looking well ... yea ME!

I had an intractable headache yesterday -- probably hormones since nothing took it away.  I don't have headaches often, thankfully.  I feel much better this morning.  After Costco, I didn't nothing.  Hubby changed his car appointment and I hung out.  I was so tired from Costco and too many people. Zoom call with family was fun.  I never get a word in because my family is LOUD.  I sat back and listened and loved the fact that I have great ladies in the family.

I did a little Jen Hatmaker reading -- new book, Fierce.  So far, it's not awesome.  I've listened to her a lot ... in person, podcasts, interviews, etc.  Nothing new in the book.  Even her fun story telling is the same that she's told many times.  I'm skim-reading.  I LOVE her though.  I think she shines more in her speaking -- maybe audible for this book would be better.  Her webcast is tonight with Brene Brown (among a few others).  I want to listen, but it's not until 8 pm -- I wonder if I can access it tomorrow too.  Of course, I could be a big girl and stay up to hear it.  Doesn't look like it's available at another time.

Still hanging with a stiff neck and sore heel -- both are on the mend though.  One day I might be fully functioning LOL.

Stay well.  XOXO.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Goodies and such ...

I got a few new things in the mail last week.

(1)  Body Wash Sudsing Oil and Lotion from Glossier.  I wanted to try a new scent for the shower.  This one is nice, but it's sweet.  Definitely girly and with a "love it or hate it" scent.  I enjoy it, but I could see that it might bother people who are sensitive to scents.  The oil wash gets sudsy when you use it.  Both are nice textures.

(2)  Since manicures are a ways away, my girlfriend recommended this cream for cuticles per her dermatologist.  It's super greasy -- not for general use.  BUT, it works great on your hands and cuticles.  Use it with damp hands.  The moisture lasts.  I think this size will last YEARS -- you use such a small amount.

(3)  Releash has their new shirts.  They decided on the production before the pandemic, but it couldn't be more perfect for this year.  It's my favorite one they've done.  Comes in tanks, t-shirts and multiple colors.

(4)  Spanx did a flash sale on this print bras and panties -- 50% off.  I got 2 bras.  One lined (haven't tried it yet) and one unlined (have this one in buff).  I didn't bother with matching panties.

Still waiting on a t-shirt from Etsy ...  It's a Good Day to be Happy.

Yesterday's park chat was another hit.  Stayed almost 3 hours -- her friend met us there.  It's a great conversation and feels comforting to be in the mix with people who are reasonable and caring.

Today is jammed -- by pandemic standards.  Costco run for me.  I planned a grocery store run, but I think Costco might be the best fit.  I need meat and veggies.  I'm still not going to Publix until they require their staff to wear masks.  Hubby's car needs to go into the shop so I'm chaffering him around this afternoon.  Zoom evening call with the family too.

Our diet is going well.  I really want to buffer my afternoon/evening away.  It's more obvious that I have a lot on my mind when I can't buffer away the feelings.  Imagine that?!?  No wine or junk purchasing at Costco today.  I have ZERO self control and the only way to get control is not allow it in the house.  Thanks, Quarantine.  It's the one positive.  Now that hubby and I are BOTH doing this, neither of us will bring junk home.

My neck is still a mess.  My heel still hurts.  Ugh.

I'm canceling my Massage Envy membership.  I can't picture a day in the foreseeable future when I'd feel good about getting a massage there.  They're opening today --  too early and irresponsible if you ask me.  I'm taking note of businesses and their choices.

Hope you have a good day.  Stay well.  XO Later gators.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Some Random Good Things

Good morning.

(1)  The kids were able to move their wedding to 3-28-2021.  It's a Sunday -- not a first choice, but Sunday has it's pros too.  Recent reports from the CDC and other experts that even in the fall large gatherings are not recommended, pushed the owner to agree.  They opened up January - March.  BTW ... no skin off their nose since they are normally closed during that time.  Kids took the LATEST day possible.  Fingers crossed.  They need some of the born-on-a-sunny-day luck.

(2)  I'm meeting my girlfriend at the park today for another in-person chat.  We'll be 12 feet apart, but it feels so good to be face-to-face -- 12 feet is better than FaceTime.

(3)  I'm watching Unorthodox on Netflix.  This one IS a mini-series of 4 episodes (not 4 seasons like Money Heist).  We used to live near a big orthodox community in New York.  It's worth the watch -- it's mostly subtitled BTW.

(4)  I finished Verity.  I was on the edge of my bed reading to the very end.  It's definitely a beach-read thriller.  There's one aspect of the story that is particularly hard to believe, but the read is so much scary fun.  I give it a thumbs up.

(5)  Little by little, I'm getting used to the idea that hubby is "moving" to Virginia.  By 2021, he'll be home more regularly and sharing time equally between here and there.  Until then ...

(6)  Hubby and I ate well yesterday.  Having hubby as an accountability partner is good and not so good LOL.  He takes his role VERY seriously and is "accounting" every time he comes in the room.  This is why we've never done this together.   Strange times call for desperate measures ;)

(7)  My heel is on the mend.  Still sore, still stiff, but progress.  I boxed yesterday and as it does sometimes, my neck kinked up.  Lord have mercy.  It should feel better in a few days.  I'm like the wimpy, walking wounded.  It was an easy, shorter workout ... still messed up my neck though.  I must hold tension when I punch.

That's a quick GOOD NEWS update.  Hope you have good stuff too.  Stay well.  XOXO

Monday, April 27, 2020

A Few Pictures

Here are some random updates:

(1)  Izzy is doing well.  Her mama says she's settling and everyone loves her.  Once a few more days pass, I'll relax.  Pleasing 3 boys is hard ... I'm cautiously happy :)

Look at her brother's JOY!!
Her little peep window for spying on the neighborhood.

(2)  My vintage coffee cups.  Corning.  Exactly the size I needed and they bring back memories.  Nostalgia feels very comforting these days.

(3)  I finished the 2 seasons of Mind Hunter.  I thought there were 3 -- dang.  Absolutely GREAT.   Killing Eve was recommended by the same friend, but I don't know if I can stream it.  I'll have to look into options.

(4)  Verity (Colleen Hoover) is so good (!!)  I hope it can keep up the mystery and suspense ... and end well (of course).

(5)  Diet day today.  (Don't ask about yesterday ... let's call it a typo.  Anything more honest is pathetic LOL.  TODAY is the start.)

(6)  My heel is mildly better this morning.  Hope on the horizon.  Maybe.  Pretty please.

(7)  I forgot to take a picture of our painted deck.  Technically a stain, but looks more like paint.  Stay tuned.

That's all from here.  This week's plans are up in the air.  Maybe a grocery store run before people go crazy with the quarantine lifted in GA.  Maybe a park picnic.  Maybe a dog hike if my heel feels better.

Stay well.  Later gators.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

3 More Rolls

I hit a new low yesterday.

All day angry about my cousin and her friends supporting and defending Trump by gaslighting everyone else.  That behavior is my mother and is triggering for me.  I had unfollowed her, but she has breast cancer so I felt compelled to see her social media again.  Not worth it.  She did a social media blitz attack and I kept seeing stuff -- she's gone from my world again.

Then I saw pictures from our neighborhood "safe" party last night which we wouldn't go anywhere near (about 40 people).  Neighbors hugging, actually kissing, group photos with arms around each other.  Gathering around grandkids, guy with MS and a guy with brain cancer.  They actually called it a social distancing event -- and then posted those pictures.


How can hubby keep safe with a new job when this is what surrounds us?

What can I do?  Well ...

Eat 3 big rolls.  Dang, girl.  You know better.  Cold sore - check.  Joint pain -- check.  Tummy bloat -- check.  Sad mood -- check.  You can't be judging me any harder than I'm judging myself LOL.  Definition of insanity in real time.

Guess what?  Today is the start of ANOTHER clean up.  Pandemics suck BTW.  This time hubby is joining me.  We're holding each other accountable and I usually HATE having him as my accountably partner, but when in isolation -- not many choices.  I'm desperate.

No more baking (me).
No more buying any kind of junk (looking at you, hubby)
No more cheddar cheese (yep, the 3 rolls were 3 cheese sammies)

I can't workout like I want, but I can do a few things.  Back at SOMETHING this morning.  My heel is messed up.  My ligaments/tendons are ANGRY and inflamed.  I need to be careful I don't do more damage.  How is it possible I aggravated it THIS much?  I wasn't doing anything crazy.

The Pity Party continues, but without the "party" part -- it's definitely not as fun.

Breaking out the inspirational books again.  I need to get my head straight and GLUTEN out of my system.

Stay well.  Later gators.

P.S.  Izzy's adoption pictures tomorrow :)

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Big Announcement

A big CHANGE is coming.

Hubby got a job ... out of state (8 hours away).  He's "commuting" starting in June.  COVID is making things difficult.  No flying, so he'll be away weeks at a time until he's comfortable to fly.  He'll rent a furnished apartment, but first, hotels.  By next year, the job will be a combination of commuting and remote work so he'll only be gone a few days a week.

Of course, I'm nervous.  Scared he'll be exposed, get sick, get me sick, etc.

It's going to be a big adjustment having him gone.  I knew it would feel strange initially, but I also expected to adjust.  He's traveled the last 20 years of his career and being apart is nothing new to us.

BUT, alone during quarantine is a new level of alone.

I'm torn whether this is good or not.  He's excited and isn't concerned (since he'll take all the precautions).  We're giving it a try.  The job is a good match and a good opportunity.  He wants to work for 3-5 years (that's the timeline for this position) and then retire.  Guess I get him back in 2025.

We made pro/con lists.  Discussed what would've happened if he already had a job before COVID.  Discussed what he REALLY wants.  Discussed the fact that COVID will probably be a "thing" for at least another year.  Discussed the chances of a local job that works better.  Everything points to taking this job.

Wow, this year is NOTHING like I envisioned and keeps surprising me.  AND keeps STRESSING me.  I'm having a fall down kind of moment and I'll go with it ... but not for long.  I need to accept our decision (since we talked it out for weeks) and go forward.  I have 5 weeks before he leaves.

Little pity party going on here ...
... hubby is going away.
... my heel is bad -- ANOTHER injury.
... I still don't have MY dog and miss my big boy.
... I'll miss my pre-COVID life when I'm shut in alone.
... my 50th birthday is TOTALLY by myself -- all virtual celebration.

The way I've adjusted to the quarantine won't work in 5 weeks.  Baking lots (not if I'm the only one eating it).  Date nights (not by myself).  Morning dog walk and conversation.  Afternoon time on the deck while we chat again.

I have to hard-pivot again.  I'm not someone who changes easily.  This feels crappy.  I'll figure it out -- I always do, but first I want to wallow a bit.  There's lots to be grateful about, but that can wait a few days -- hah.

BTW, I realize this is a "lucky" problem to have -- many people are out of work, facing financial hardships, etc.

Best way to get through this ... do my healthy things.  Get myself back to the NEW ME and feeling good.  Why is this always the solution?!?  Why is this solution the last thing I actually WANT to do?

If my dang heel wasn't hurt ... I NEED a hard workout to help my mood.  (Hello, Pity Party)

Stay well.  Have a happy Saturday.  Later gators.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Hello, Friday My Old Friend

I have that song stuck in my head this morning.

I'm a little late to writing because I had to address the President and his suggestion to inject disinfectant to cure COVID -- read all about it and shared an article.  No more wallflower for me.

4 year old:  "Mommy, maybe we could put cleaners on our insides."
Mom: "Hunny, that will kill you."
President: "That sounds so interesting."

That's not what I wrote, but, dang, I wanted to ... still might (just added it to my comments on the post).

Anyway, my VINTAGE PLATES came and I love them (!!)  8 plates for $30.  I tossed 2 of the plates because one had no stamp on the back and looked like it could be a decorative plate.  The other was very scratched and didn't look appealing to put food on it.  The rest are in great shape.  2 from the USA, 3 from France and 1 from UK.

My favorite is the top right.
Spring colors - so pretty.
All the France plates are my top choices.

Started Mind Hunters on Netflix.  2 episodes in and I'm enjoying it.  It's like a precursor to Criminal Minds (without showing the killings).

Izzy's new potential family comes today.  Fingers crossed it's a good match.  She deserves her happy-ever-after.

My heel is getting worse, not better.  I'm going to try and stretch it today.  It's now sore AND tight.  Dang.  I feel the green dress slipping away ...
Yep, I know it starts in the kitchen, but the kitchen behaves so much better when I have a good workout.  Mental strength, but I'm not sure I'm focused enough to do one without the other.  *sigh*  Can you say GLUTEN again -- TWO ROLLS ... not one ... TWO.  Lordy.

The never-ending saga of ME (!!)

Have a good day and stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday Things

I met my girlfriend at a garden park.  We brought chairs and sat in the shade -- about 12 feet apart.  We talked for 2 hours.  A friend of hers came to tend to her garden area (it's a community garden with individual garden boxes) and she joined us.

We laughed.
Exchanged worries.
Found community.
Shared ideas.

It felt phenomenal.  In person made the biggest difference.  We're going to do it again -- adding a picnic to the fun.  It only ended because we all needed to go home to go to the bathroom.  You know women and their bladders.

My girlfriend says regularly she wants me to meet this friend (and tells her the same).  So much in common and felt we'd really mesh.  We could never seem to coordinate schedules, etc.  Then we randomly meet during a quarantine.  Go figure.  Thanks, Universe.  Still good things happening.

As good as this was, I STILL had some angry, frustrated feelings yesterday.  A Facebook post with the subsequent "likes" got me fired up.  My cousin cancelled the family zoom call right before the call because "time got away from her."  What about the other 6 of us -- who all planned, timed dinner, made arrangements to be available?  It felt last minute rude AND I have a feeling it was more like something better came up.  Last week her neighbors were getting together and doing "social distance" games with the kids.  If I was a betting gal ...

Anyway, I'm surprised how easily I can move feelings right now.  I'm working on ACCEPTANCE because it's the secret to PEACE.  I'm getting lots of practice -- feels like about every hour or so ;)

I finished The Things We Cannot Say (Kelly Rimmer).  2 thumbs up.  As the story unfolded, the ending was clear and a bit sweetly perfect, but it was a good story the entire way through.  The ending tied up nicely, but after being vesting in the characters, you wanted a nice ending.   It was a book I was excited to pick up to read each night.

Both ladies yesterday recommended Mind Hunter.  Not sure where to watch it, but I'm going to look for it.  Money Heist slowed way down and feels way too long to watch now.  We might table it for now -- save it if we run out of shows.  I thought it was a mini-series and it's the opposite -- 4 long seasons.

Stormy day today.  My heel still hurts so I'll try some sort of modified workout.  Hubby to Costco -- I didn't add wine to the list because I still want it too much.  This might be my first "bored" day.  Absolutely nothing on the calendar or the to-do list.  Two new books to start though - yea!!

I did my first Sudoku puzzle yesterday.  I tried one years ago and gave up quickly.  Once you get the method, it's not bad.  It's also not exactly fun either.  I'm not sure if this is my new quarantine activity -- my guess is NOPE.  I'll probably do one occasionally.  It focuses and quiets my mind to work on it.  The adult coloring book came too.  Apparently, I don't enjoy coloring -- at least, with markers.  I think crayon is better, faster and more forgiving.  I think I have a box somewhere -- I'll go digging to see if I can find it.

And a couple of extra random things ...

When you forget to push in the stool.
Hello, Izzy :)

Can't love this woman more.
Way to be intelligent and reasonable and everything we need in a leader!!

Stay well.  XOXO

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Lots of Good

Lots of good stuff yesterday, but one thing that doesn't appear very good -- I aggravated my ligaments and tendons on my right heel.  I stopped my run 10 minutes in (after one minute of heel pain).  Can't walk on it, need to let it rest.  Dang.  So much for my new workout schedule.

But ... lots of better things yesterday.

Izzy got returned yesterday afternoon.  The family brought her back to us which was very kind (they live an hour away).  She's meeting another family on Friday.  I had the BEST Izzy cuddles this morning.  This girl loves to be warm and snuggly.

Hung out with the eldest and the dogs midday.  Limped a walk and picked up the best takeout.  It tasted exceptional -- from our favorite Persian restaurant.  They have a fantastic takeout process.  Dropped some off for the youngest too.  Virtual birthday dinner.

Another good -- I decided to SPEAK UP about the current situation -- silence is a form of chicken shit and I've been chicken far too long.  I usually keep charged topics off my social media and yesterday I posted an article that looks at the governor's decision and a perspective on why (can you say unemployment $ and his fiscal bottomline).  I also politely commented on a friend's post because someone was WRONG and spewing shit all over.

Wrong -- is that judgmental -- nope, it's wrong.  "COVID is no different that eating too much and getting heart disease or going mountain climbing -- life is a risk."  ABSOLUTELY WRONG.  COVID is contagious.  Eating too much cake is not.  Dumb ass.  But I was nice -- an opportunity to educate.  In my mind, however, not nice.  I'm sick of hearing that faulty argument.

P.S.  It may seem that I'm outraged again, but speaking up calmed me down.  Showing up as myself is empowering.  Only rule -- pause before I post to check myself.  Education, not anger.  Matching with name calling, etc doesn't help anyone and is not the way I need to conduct myself publicly.  My thoughts however ...

Deck staining is underway.  The color is much lighter than I expected, but I like it.  Feels like a french country porch.  Pictures when it's finished.  Day 2 today because NOT painting underneath looked horrible.  Why does hubby doubt me?  Lol.

I'm reading a good book.  The Things We Cannot Say (Kelly Rimmer).  It has a similar title to another popular book -- also about WW2.  This has 2 story lines that will merge -- present day and WW2 and I don't often like that, but I'm hooked on both stories and this is one of the better books I've read lately.

I saw a recommendation for a book from a mormon influencer -- I say that because she said it's so good, but it's an ADULT book - hah.  It's next up ... Verity (Colleen Hoover).  I don't even know what it's about, but it was $4 on kindle.  Sold.

Jen Hatmaker's new book came too.  I'll start it once I finish the WW2 book.  I can read Verity and her book together.  She's all over the podcast world and I'm totally here for it.  I'm bummed I can't walk and listen.  Dang my heel.  I put down E3 for a minute.  Jen's book is calling (!!)

I got my new nail polish and I thought I bought another shade of neutral -- nope, same color.  I need to read the names from now on.  Too hard to tell on a computer picture.  Pink quarantine nails are finished.  Back to neutrals on my fingers.

I'm meeting my FaceTime happy hour friend for a sit in her garden -- well separated, with masks.  Can't wait -- it'll be so nice to see her and be outside.  Zoom call with the family girls this evening.

Have a great day.  Stay well.  XO.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

New Normal is Now

Our butt wipe of a governor opened up the state of Georgia.  By Monday everything except very large events (amusement parks, concerts, etc) will be open.  This includes bowling alleys and movie theaters -- because, of course, they should open immediately.  We can't possibly live without a bowling alley.

My dentist is even closed for routine cleanings until June.

What the actual hell am I living?!?

I need to find a way to accept this without being so outraged.  I knew it was coming and now verses 3 weeks from now is not that different.  Suddenly the outside world feels very unsafe again.  And the Trump loving, people hating, butt wipes who support him are shouting victory -- throwing their masks in the air and saying it's over.

Meanwhile, the kids want to punt their wedding to 2021 and the venue owner is not allowing it (so far).  Why?  "Our governor is smart and he cares about our safely -- he says it's perfectly safe to have a wedding this summer."  Can you say Trump supporter?!?

Okay, enough of a rant even though I could rant for hours.

Today is my eldest's 26th birthday (!!)  We're meeting at lunchtime for a dog walk and I'll pick him up lunch from a local restaurant.  I made an angel food cake too.

Want to hear my disaster making the world's easiest boxed cake?  I had the batter poured and was taking the cake to the oven.  It slipped a little and I caught it on the bottom -- the moveable bottom.  Yep -- batter EVERYWHERE all over the kitchen I had just cleaned (yesterday was cleaning day).  I had to re-mop the floor 3 times before it wasn't sticky.  Second cake cooked fine and I turned it upside-down on my gram's old empty vermouth bottle she gave me 20 years ago for making angel food cake (she always said it was the perfect bottle for the job).  For the first time, the bottle wedged so deeply into the pan that I had to throw out the entire thing -- pan and bottle.  Nothing (heat, cold) would remove it and I'm not risking breaking a glass bottle on my hand.  I'm sad about losing that piece of my time together with my gram.  Lots of good memories when I'd see that bottle.

We're having the deck stained today.  We had to wait until the new wood aged.  Hubby went cheap and said not to stain the underneath.  I think it's going to look sloppy since I bet some of the stain drips through the slats.  No one sees the bottom but us, but still -- it should look nice for us too.  We'll see.  We can always have it stained fully the next time.  It's an outside job and we felt it was fine to do it now.

Izzy's adopter wants one more day to decide.  I think she's coming back to us, but they are smitten with her and want to try one more day.  I know it's a hard decision.

I plan to have a good day today -- this isn't going to be without effort though.  I need to call in all the big thought work and feeling processing.  I'm worried and angry and feel alone.  We're NOT in this together anymore -- I'm back to the quieter minority of people who still feel precautions are necessary.

Stay safe.  Later gators.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Some Fun Stuff

I got inspired to order some fun things (treat things) for my 50th birthday challenge.  At first, I was drawing a blank on new ideas.  Zoom calls, walk with a friend soon (with social distancing), takeout, new nail polish color -- nothing that felt special, but still nice things to add to the week.

Then Etsy to the rescue.

I'll show pictures once things come, but here's a preview.

(1)  6 mismatched vintage dessert plates.  I like eating on smaller plates, but my dishes are large and heavy (even the smaller plates).  If I'm eating something too small for my dishes, I'd reach for a paper towel ... not anymore.  This should be a fun surprise.  And a nice way to serve dessert on mismatched plates too.

(2)  Vintage coffee floral coffee mugs.  Vintage means SMALL when we're talking coffee cups -- perfect for the espresso/americano I drink in the mornings.  Too small for my coffee mugs and too large for traditional espresso cups.

(3)  T-shirt.  I've been wearing my t-shirts so much they are pilling and quite worn looking.  This one says, "It's a Good Day to be Happy."

We ... and by "we" I mean hubby ... finished our last puzzle.  He totally hijacked my puzzling.  I gave up fighting him on it.  (I have a puzzle coming from Shutterfly, but not until May. )  I need something to fill brain/creative time so I ordered a book of Sudoku puzzles and an adult coloring book.  I'll give them a go -- both were cheap so no harm if I don't like them.  A little something to break up the afternoon that STAYS IN MY OFFICE.  No hijacking this.

I ordered a couple of books for hubby for Father's Day.  One on Starbucks and one on Winston Churchill.  He opened the Starbucks one -- dang.  Why did he do that?

That's a recap of my online shopping.  I'd imagine more to come -- I forget how much I like Etsy.

Hope you had a great weekend.  Yesterday was a bit of wonky day.  I gave youngest a haircut (I've got skills!!) and I GF baked all afternoon.  Then I ate way too many sweet treats and felt yucky.  Not against my challenge rules, but certainly not in the spirit of the challenge.  My eldest called -- they're moving the wedding to 2021 but the venue is refusing to accommodate.  They have a conference call this evening to see what can be worked out.  These poor kids can't catch a break.  They need some of their sunny day magic for this wedding.  Also, after I shaved youngest's head, I noticed a growth on his scalp.  Maybe skin cancer, hopefully not, but he needs to have it checked out if it doesn't go away on its own.  Dermatologist is closed, he's transitioning medical insurance ... so it has to wait a minute.  Maybe it's a birth mark/mole??  Wonky day -- lots of poo feels.

I finished Ozark's latest season.  Wow.  Just wow.  LOVED it.  It always takes me a couple of episodes to get back into it, but once it gets rolling ... so good.

Have a great day and stay well.  Later gators.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Hello, Sunday

Good morning.

First, Izzy.  It's not going well.  Little girl hates the cats.  Today will be the deciding day.  My guess?  She's coming back to us on Monday.  I have a possible 2nd application that looks super on paper.  Fingers crossed either way.  She LOVES the people, LOVES kids and is otherwise doing well.  That's the good news.  My heart hurts for multiple adjustments -- it sucks for her.  Duke has been frantic with her gone too.  Back and forth will be confusing for them both.  Fostering is a rollercoaster of emotion -- for us all.

We started watching Money Heist for our series date night -- 4 parts, we watched 2.  It's a thumbs up so far.  A little like Ocean's 11 movie.  I think it's Netflix.  Heard about it on Instagram ... where I get all my "important" information LOL.  Thanks, Influencers.
UPDATE:  4 parts is actually 4 SEASONS.  Hah.  Each part is 13 episodes.  We thought we were halfway, but we have barely begun.

My youngest comes over for a haircut and meal pick-up today.  We'll mask and be outside.  Sundays are the hardest day for me.  No Course in Miracles and no kids over for dinner and games.  Sundays feel the most different, the most lonely.

I've said it once and I'll say it lots more ... thank goodness I have no wine in the house.  Wine WAS a huge crutch for me.  I had no idea how big.  Last night was a blue-ish night with news of Izzy and anticipation of a lack-luster Sunday and I WANTED WINE in the biggest way.  Our neighborhood was having a bonfire party at the clubhouse creek area -- frustrated at their dumb decision and envious of the social fun.  EMOTIONS everywhere.  If there was a bottle in the house, I would've opened it.  Lordy, I don't need that as a habit.  I don't have an issue with drinking and Q2's goal should NOT including finding one (!!)

This week won't be boring though.  It's a Costco week (no wine buying though) and cleaning week.  Both take up my back abilities for each day.  Tuesday is my eldest's birthday and I'm going to go for a social distance walk with him.  I'm also possibly meeting a friend at her garden bench for a social distanced, masked in-person chat (weather withstanding).  Probably a couple of Izzy things happening too.

Head up, mind right and moving forward in the new normal.  Some days are harder than others.

Stay well. XOXO

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Oddly Normal

The quarantine is starting to take on a "new normal" feel.  Anyone else feel this way too?  I'm not sure if that's good or bad.  As talks start about ending the shelter-in phase, I've thought about what that will look like for me -- over the next couple of months.

I WILL add back hair appointments because she's the only stylist working and will take precautions with masks and wipe down, etc.
I WON'T add back nails because the salon gets super crowded.

I WILL start walking outside with friends -- keeping a distance.
I WON'T socialize with them indoors.

I WILL start seeing the kids -- mostly outside and keeping distance ... etc.
I WON'T go to their small apartments where we can't be spread apart or outdoors.

I WILL keep shopping to a minimum.
I WON'T stop wearing a mask in public.

It feels reasonable and normal.  I don't want it to become so normal that I become complacent about the risk.  The risk is real, but we need to learn to live with the risk as the world moves through these initial phases.

Anyway ...  my rambles this morning.

My 50 day challenge is going well ... it's nice to be out of wine (!!)  Boy oh boy, I started a big habit of having a glass of wine late afternoon and I feel that craving everyday.  That is absolutely not something I want to GAIN from the quarantine.  It's too easy to say ... "I'll start tomorrow or Monday or next week or next month."  That's a crutch I use on the regular and the quarantine is the MOTHER LOAD of an opportunity to start LATER.

There's a good chance hubby is headed back to work -- out of state (but remotely until it's safe).  Weekly commuting.  I'll be home with NO OUTSIDE ACCOUNTABILITY during the week.  Not good for me.  I need to keep myself in check and that starts and ends with healthy habits.  I was thinking about taking a coaching break (I have one session left), but if hubby goes back to work, I'm going to continue.  I need accountability.  I remember when I threw in the towel, stopped fighting, stopped the effort -- years of unhappy, years of trying to turn things around.  Remembering those awful years keeps me pushing forward, even if I have a big fall.  Giving up is the absolute worst.

Lots of rambles this morning.

Fingers crossed for Isabella today.  I want this to work for her.  Also, she's a funny little night owl -- super duper piss and vinegar all evening (until about 10 o'clock).  Then she sleeps like a log until later in the morning (stays in bed, under the covers, by herself LOL).  This is NOT a great match for our lifestyle.  Hubby wants off dog duty and I want to go to bed.  Neither happens with Izzy in the house - hah.  Otherwise, she's perfect.  Housebroken now, no leash needed in the fenced yard, plays well with Duke.  But, dang, those witching hours are HARD!

Hope you have a great day.  Stay well -- we've got this.  Later gators.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday Updates

Here's a random list of updates ... in no particular order.

1.  Finished Something in the Water.  As often happens, the ending was just so-so.  It wrapped everything up with some stretching of believability and a lot of unknowns ... even a possible opening for a second book.  I'd give it a B- ... enjoyable while you read but with an unsatisfactory ending.  I'm looking for the next fiction read.  Stay tuned ...

2.  I started E3.  More experiments.  More fun.  I read the intro chapters, but haven't reached the first experiment.  Stay tuned -- we can "play" together (just when you thought it was over LOL).  In E3, Pam Grout suggests that some of the "asks" can take longer than the 48 hours (this sounds like a book report sentence!!).  Hello, Jen Hatmaker.  I'm still waiting for you to reach out ;)

3.  Date night got postponed.  Both of us on phone calls until around 5 o'clock and we didn't feel like rushing.  (That's why I got so much reading time!)

4.  My call?  Izzy is meeting a couple on Saturday.  Yea, Izzy.  If all goes well with their cats, this will be a fantastic home.  P.S.  Found out yesterday, Isabella (nickname Izzy) is actually her name.  Her previous owner contacted our rescue -- not a good story.  She wants her 2 dogs back, but both were severely neglected and her social media paints a sad picture for the dogs.  She relinquished them to the shelter.  Her friends have been applying to try to get the dogs back.  Sticky situation, but I agree with our rescue.  I also don't think she actually wants them -- I think she wants attention on social media.  If you could see Izzy's brother -- poor sweet old man is a horrible mess (not just for financial reasons either).  Anyway ...

5.  Zoom call with the high school friends.  Yes, it was nice to catch up, but it's a strange dynamic when everyone is in a group.  Talking over each other ... yep.  Birthday girl late to the call because she was baking.  "Host" tied up and late to the call so we couldn't start until she started.  All polite talk to the point of boring.  One on one ... very different.  Guess this happens in a group of woman.  It WAS nice to catch up and we're going to do this monthly through the quarantine.  To be fair, it's hard to REALLY deep talk during a group video call.

6.  Zoom call today with one of my favorites.  Our FaceTime gets moved a lot, so I'm not completely sure it's happening ... but hopefully.

7.  I did some batch cooking yesterday in the InstantPot.  Honey soy chicken and a beef/chicken chili.  Both are easy recipes I saw on Instagram stories -- and I happened to have what's needed.  I used up some ground beef and frozen chicken tenders from the freezer.  I don't usually freeze raw meat, but I bought non-organic chicken for a foster dog and then didn't use it all (Costco packs are huge).  It was time to get the raw meat out of the freezer and used up.  Nothing to waste these days.

8.  I listened to Brooke Castillo's lastest podcast.  On point for my 50th birthday butt kick.  She talks about isolating this quarantine time in your mind ... 3 months, second quarter of the year (Q2).  Use Q2 wisely so when the second quarter is finished, we feel like SOMETHING moved forward.  Still allowing bad days, meltdowns, emotions, etc.  A list of small things or one big thing.  Proving to ourselves we can do things in hard seasons.  Organize the pantry.  Meditate.  Read a book.  Things like this (or one big thing ... I like the little list though).  It reminds me of what Gretchen Rubin says.  "We can accept ourselves AND expect more of ourselves."

9.  I stopped the Yale online class.  Barely got started.  I lost interest and never went back.  Yale dropout -- oh well.  BUT ... I am signed up for a webinar from Jen Hatmaker on April 30.  If you have tickets to the postponed live event OR pre-ordered her book (me!!), you can sign up for free.  Brene Brown is one of the speakers.  Fantastic.  I think the offer ends on Monday because her book releases on Tuesday.

10.  To end on a nice round number.  Just TWO deliberate workouts and my body is tired and sore.  Guess I was really dipping low into effort for the last few weeks.  I'm glad to be back to focused workouts -- mentally and physically.  Looks like I spent much of March in a funk (probably more than I realized) -- time to haul myself up and DO BETTER - hah!

Stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

50th Birthday Kick-in-the-Butt

I did some planning and executing on getting myself together in time for my big birthday.  I planned, picked a start date, then (kicking and screaming) realized I needed to start immediately.  No "good" reason to hold off.  Quarantine party is over.


Because now I HAVE to do the things.

It's nothing earth shattering, but since I've been loosey goosey in quarantine ... it seems HUGE.

Five things for 50 days.  And I tried to work in the #5 (because I love number patterns!!)

1.  No alcohol.
Hard -- I love wine.
Easy -- don't buy any during quarantine.

2.  Eat a real dinner.  No snacking as a meal replacement.

3.  2-2-1 workout for the week (as a minimum)
Two running days.
Two yoga days.
One boxing day.
I've been working out during quarantine, but with no plan.  Back to a plan.

4.  Meditation
Five minute minimum.  My baseline is 2 minutes ... I upped it.  Quarantine calls for a little added STILLNESS.  I usually meditate longer, but lately, it's been hit or miss (and lots of miss).

5.  Five fun things each week.
Anything ... new nail color, new book, zoom call with a different friend, etc.

See, nothing crazy.  Nothing too restrictive.  Lots of flexibility and a little FUN!

Each day I'll journal in a notebook.  The five things.  Whatever I'm feeling.  Venting, cheering, complaining.  Anything I want to say.  Not fancy.  49 days to go ...


Zoom family call last evening.  First time I missed wine ... zooming and drinking have gone hand-in-hand for me.  But, as soon as the call started, I was over the desire.  I can't say LOUD ENOUGH ... it's so helpful to be out of wine with no option to "run out and grab a bottle."  I usually keep wine on hand just in case.  And, normally, wine doesn't "call" to me this much -- this has been a quarantine habit.

Zoom call this afternoon with my high school gals.  Another one of us drops into the 50s today.  Birthday zoom.  I missed the first one.  I'm excited to see them :)

Date night.  We're going to try and watch The Newsroom.  I think we can get it, but maybe not.  We'll watch 2 episodes of whatever series we pick for Thursday date night.  Dinner is chili over potatoes.  That's always delicious.

I painted my toes.  There's an advantage to being kind of blind -- can't see them close enough to see the sloppiness.  It was PAINFUL to reach them.  Lordy.  But I did it and they look loads better.  I buffed the dead skin, clipped a few and slapped on some pink.

Cleaning is on hold this week because my back is wonky.  After doing my toes ... I can hardly move.  I'm totally serious about how hard this is for me (!!)  The price of beauty though LOL.

Cleaning my house and painting my toes are now completely guilt free services I'll happily pay for again.  Medically necessary ;)

Stay well. XO Later gators.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


I think I had a burst of ovulation hormones yesterday.  I was in a mood to end all moods.  Fortunately, I realized something was not-as-usual so I didn't act on my ANGRY attitude.  That was a herculean feat.  Yea, ME!!

I feel lighter this morning.  Perhaps it's safe to interact with people today LOL.

During protective hibernation yesterday, I started solidly into Ozark Season 3. It takes me a few episodes to get into the new season -- now I'm hooked.  More reading too -- Something in the Water is twisting and turning -- love it.

Let's talk personal grooming ...

I cut hubby's hair.  Scissors and clippers and it looks great.  Wow -- who knew.  He has forgiving hair to cut, so don't be too impressed (hah), but crafty ME showed up.  Wreath, blanket and now hair cuts.  It was kind of fun too.

My hair situation is okay.  I'm not due for a color/cut until next week so nothing seems shabby.  My fingernails are fine too.  I take breaks from SNS, so this doesn't feel very different.  My eyebrows are managing with some heavy tweezing.  BUT ... my TOES are a hot mess.  HOT MESS (!!)

The reason I NEVER do my toes is I can't reach them.  True story.  I'm that inflexible.  AND, from carrying big babies, I have abdominal muscle separation.  If I crunch over too much, I get a big abdominal cramp -- muscles totally seize up.  I need to give it a try though.  They are a fright.  So yucky, they are catching on the sheets.  EEEKKKK -- man toes.

Izzy is giving us a run for the money during the night.  All of a sudden, she likes to go in and out of the room every couple of hours.  Girl, this is not okay.  Not sure how to "win" on this ... she's a stubborn one.  Seems every 4 days or so, she TOTALLY changes up her sleeping habits.  No more crate, no more sound sleeping.  Ugh.  She becomes available the end of this week.  I'll miss her and I won't ... hah, I love my sleep.

Family zoom call tonight.  All the ladies.  Fun time feeling the connection.

I'm thinking about doing some sort of "challenge" ahead of my big birthday in June.  Something to get me feeling my best, fitting into The Green Dress, etc.  Something to make my birthday feel special.  I've been thinking ... thinking a lot ... all about my list for 2020, etc.  I KNOW what I should do ... but I'm stomping my feet a little a lot.  And, I need something to spice up this quarantine.  It's getting mundane and that's on me.  I have LOTS of options, but that requires effort and I'm sagging on effort.  Morning motivation makes me excited, but afternoon slump makes me blah.  Stay tuned ...

Stay well.  Thinking of all of us.  Sending hugs to everyone --- it's hard, but we can do it.  XOXO Later gators.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Random Things

Parasite.  Wow.  I see why it won best picture.  If you have no idea what it's about ... keep it that way.  The movie will be jaw-dropping shocking and extra fun to watch.

Hubby and I decided one date night is movie night, the other is 2 episodes of a series.  We were quickly running out of movies that excited us to watch.  Looking for our next series.

Take-out was okay -- just okay.  Not worth all the decontamination, etc. and it didn't taste as good as I remember.  My stomach was also wonky after eating it -- still not super happy this morning.  I think I'll stick to making dinners.  Cue shock and awe.   Life altering pandemics are apparently, life altering.

Hair cut day for hubby and the first day of me as a "real life" hairdresser.  This should be interesting.

Dogs have been a royal pain in the butt last 2 nights.  First the storms, then, last night both took turns getting up and going out -- 4 times overnight.  Sleep is alluding me this week.  Apparently hubby got up and went to the spare room with Duke this morning.  This messes up all my morning things set up in my office (which is right next to the spare room).  I'm starting the day quite grumpy now.  I can't even get a couple of hours of peace in the morning.

I finally did some DAY reading yesterday.  Something in the Water is SUSPENSEFUL.  I get excited about a book I can't wait to read.

Last 2 nights without wine and it feels GREAT.  I don't feel well drinking regularly -- even if it's only a glass of wine.  This break is good and easy being as I have no wine at home and no chance of a quick trip to buy some (!!)  Taking advantage of this quarantine to force myself into my good habits.

Cooking up the chicken I got at Costco today, giving hubby a haircut and rescue calls.  Nothing spectacular.  Hoping for a better night's sleep tonight.  Also, kind of needing some UNINTERRUPTED time to myself.  Even though I'm not super busy, I can't seem to get time uninterrupted (even sleep).  Reading yesterday -- regular interruptions from hubby, dogs, texts, phone calls.  People KNOW you're home and it's hard to screen calls.  Peeps checking on how we faired with the storms.  Very kind, but I felt "bothered."  Guess that's why this morning feels grumpy -- interruptions ALREADY.

Before this devolves to a total rant session, I'll say good-bye.  Stay well.  I'll be on the lookout for some good vibes since my day is wonky already.  Hope you find it too.  Later gators.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Southern Storms

There was a big storm front that moved through our area overnight.  So big, we had relatives coming out of the woodwork to tell us to be safe, have a plan, etc.

We were on the edge of the severe weather and, fortunately, only had a night of thunderstorms.  But those messages got me so WORRIED.  I tried to ignore the worry (not the thing to do), tried to accept the situation (sort of worked) ... but I went to bed wondering if it was The End.

I guess living in the current situation puts everyone on extra edge and that's what created the "panic" -- a contagious panic that spread to me (!!)  What if a tree hits?  Where will I go?  How can it get fixed?  What if power is out for days?  Etc.  Right down the rabbit hole (fitting for Easter).

I wouldn't have gotten most of the messages, but I kept my phone on in case we needed a weather alert.  Oh, the irony.

Anyway ...

Back to Monday grind.  Kidding.  BUT, back to rescue calls, hubby's interviews and DATE NIGHT.  Parasite.  We need to pay attention because of the subtitles.  For the first time since April, we're getting take-out from a local restaurant.  Hubby's idea and his version of date night cooking.  I'm a smidge on the fence whether this is safe, but it seems okay.  Pizza -- of course.  I'll get GF because I've been horrible about gluten.

Here's a theory that has no merit, but makes me wonder.  I have no issue with gluten outside of the US (aka on vacation).  I know gluten is different in Europe, so I figured that's the difference.  I've been loose with gluten this week, but also loose with wine this week (same as vacation).  No BIG symptoms.  Coincidence and cold sore on its way LOL?  I don't know.  But no wine, so no gluten ... still pizza (!!)

I finally did some reading last night ... Something in the Water (Catherine Steadman).  It's getting GOOD and suspenseful.  Love a good suspense book.  All about the ending ... fingers crossed.  Probably no reading tonight -- I'm tired already.  Every crack of thunder had Izzy barking and me in a tizzy.  Not much sleep last night.

I'm grateful we're well this morning.  I hope the storms weren't horrible for anyone (I haven't looked at the news yet).  Grateful for power on and a nice weather day ahead.  Stay well.  XOXO.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter

We've never religiously celebrated Easter in our house -- just enjoyed The Bunny fun and reluctantly eaten a ham dinner (none of us are big fans).

She's an amazing sketcher
and artist.

This year is a little different.  No ham dinner, no family dinner, no bunny.  It's not a big deal and we're making Easter fun in our own way.  I miss is the family gathering though -- Easter or no Easter.

Today is a sofa slugging, relaxing day.  As I said before, we've been oddly "busy" since the shelter-in orders.  Taking a break from everything ... no rescue calls, no zoom calls, hubby has no interview prep or calls.  Dinner is from the meatball freezer stash, spruced up sauce and salad.  Yummy and easy.  Weather is stormy and it's a good day to veg.

I had the LAST of the wine yesterday (too much actually).  How can I stop with a nightly ritual of wine?  Don't buy any.  Yep.  Quarantine benefits -- pantry wine is gone.  I feel the need for a couple weeks of cleaning up.  A little more workout focused, a little more activity focused, a lot less eating ... oh, and no wine ;)

Speaking of that ... the happy hour call was fun (maybe it was the wine).  I can admit when I'm wrong LOL.  We'll do it again in a couple of weeks.  I had appetizers, wine (think I mentioned that - hah) and a really good burger for dinner.  It felt like a night out.

We saw the kids from a distance too.  Dropped off dinner and groceries to the youngest.  Then a 5 minute drive to drop groceries, puzzle and hair clippers to the eldest and DIL.  We chatted from a far, stayed outside.  I miss them.  Disappointment of the quarantine -- super small "sacrifice."  P.S. We'll drive by hubby's possible job location another time.  Dogs were getting fidgety in the car.

Have a beautiful day -- however that looks for you.  I've seen some fun, creative ways people are celebrating and enjoying.  My friend who's living in Rome says the shelter-in is seeing results now.  Hang in there.  We've got this.  Each day, one day at a time.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Weekend

MIA yesterday -- I started writing a post about how I had changed my mind about grocery shopping this week because it's Easter weekend.  Costco was enough.  Hubby was super bummed when I mentioned it to him (he wanted some specific things) so I went ... in a mad rush to go early (after the senior time, before the masses).

It was way too crowded for my comfort.  Aisles had directional markers and lots of people were ignoring them and ignoring the overhead announcements.  Many people without masks (including all the store employees) and masks PROTECT ME from YOU -- in case you cough or sneeze.

Costco gets my vote and I'm not going to go often to the regular store.  If I need to go, it'll be midweek, early in the morning.  We are well stocked for a couple of weeks and I think Costco should be enough for at least a month.

I'm making a grilled burger dinner for my youngest and dropping it at his door -- no visit.  I have some groceries and a mask my girlfriend sewed for us to give him too.  I know he's tired of cooking for himself.  I'll plan to make him a meal once a week.  He chose my favorite -- the black dog bones and hearts -- Giving Tree Mom ;)

Bandanas don't work on my big head.
These are sized for an adult MALE.

We're also going for a short drive to see an office/factory building.  Hubby started interviewing last week with this company -- it's a long shot, but we should take a look for fun.  It's the only actual local job -- gives us something to do.  Just a drive-by.

And, we're having a zoom happy hour with another couple tonight.  This is hubby's bff and his wife (who drives me nuts).  The GUYS had this planned and now it's all of us (sound familiar??).  No way politely out of it.  It's not going to kill me LOL, but I hope this isn't a regular thing.  Guess it'll give me something to complain about hahahaha!

Remember how I said Izzy LOVES to bury under covers ... TWO dogs in this picture.  See why it's hard to sleep without worrying about squishing her??

She's at the FRONT of this picture ...
the flattest part -- you'd never guess. 

Looks like some big storms tomorrow -- high winds and rain.  That'll be a poop in the house day for the dogs.  Hopefully, nothing major.  We're enjoying a little cooler weather today.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.  Stay well.  Thinking of you.  Later gators.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thursday Things

Family XOXO

We zoomed and THIS is one of the positives to come from the quarantine.  Standing Wednesday zoom call with the ladies in the family -- with a few cameos from the men.  Further apart, yet closer together.

My other happy hour call got postponed.  Long story -- trying for Saturday.  50/50 shot on it happening, but whenever it does, it'll be fun.

I have my coaching call this morning -- got the email reminder.  Update tomorrow.

*Rant Alert*

Yesterday was challenging.  I watched my neighbor have her personal trainer over in her garage -- standing close, interacting (why couldn't that be a virtual training session??).  I saw my neighbors standing close, petting a dog, chatting away.  I stood up for "doing the right thing" with the rescue group who was "open" to an adoption of a popular dog 10 hours away.  It's a friend of a new foster and this would be a favor.  Favor??  During a quarantine?  Unessential travel ... nope.  I was polite, but I NEVER stood down.  It's an active, loud Trump supporter who thinks it's fine and she argued in the way that Trump does (aggressively, without merit) -- I'm not having that right now.  The adoption was denied -- smarter heads prevailed -- after HOURS of back-and-forth.

AND, there is a RIGHT thing to do.  I'm not in the camp that people should be allowed to act how they want and we shouldn't make a right/wrong judgement.  THINK however you want.  ACT according to the law and ACT like a responsible citizen and be part of the solution.  We are all living in a SOCIETY and sometimes we have to act beyond ourselves.

AND, I haven't met a loud Trump supporter who isn't fighting this quarantine -- I live in Trump land.  Maybe there are some, but not in my outer social circles (rescue peeps, neighbors).  THIS is not about politics and I won't stand passively on this issue.


*Rant Over*

I'm not grocery shopping today.  Hubby has another day of calls and I can't make it all happen in-between (I'm on dog duty).  We're also postponing date night because he has an evening call too.  Shopping and movie tomorrow.

Looking for GOOD things was fun and I'm going to continue -- especially looking for good things that are a direct result of the quarantine.  It offsets the frustrating things that are the result of the quarantine - hah.  I had a big, healthy dose of GOOD yesterday and, boy, did I need it (!!)

I painted my nails bright pink.  I bought the polish just as all this was starting since I figured I'd need to paint my toes.  I don't wear color on my fingers, but if there was ever a time to try new things, it's now.  It's fun.  It won't last long, but I like it for a minute.

Time for dogs.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Martha Beck for the Win

I listened to a video a friend sent me ... Martha Beck's Masterclass -- Thriving in Turbulent Times.  I can't recommend this enough -- it's long, but perfect for a walk outside.  You will finish and feel good and hopeful and understood and validated.

Thriving in Turbulent Times

WOW.  So dang good.

Biggest takeaway -- quote from a monk (I think) who collected priceless crystals and they were some of his most prized possessions.  His cleaning lady accidentally knocked over the box of them and they shattered.  She was devastated, asking for forgiveness.  He said ...

Those were for my joy, not my misery.

YES(!!)  The trip to Italy -- it was meant for my joy, not for my misery.  All these postponed or canceled THINGS -- meant for our joy, not our misery.

Thank you, Martha Beck.  Thank you, friend who sent this to me.  I'm paying it forward.  Enjoy XOXO

Zoom Day

Hubby and I will be zooming all day.  He has 3 zoom interviews, I have 2 zoom happy hours LOL.  (One of mine is actually FaceTime.)  Mine are more fun.

The family group of us who went to Charleston -- aunties, cousins, sister, DIL -- are having a zoom call tonight at 6:30.  This is one of the POSITIVES of the quarantine.  We've never done this before and it's going to be fun.

I debated doing my grocery store run today, but I don't think I can coordinate with hubby's interviews.  I need to keep the dogs occupied -- even our little guy likes to bug him.  He needs to be focused, not distracted by dogs.  The interview prep and actual calls will take all day.

That leaves tomorrow for the grocery store run.  I should have a coaching call tomorrow at 11, but Holly has been MIA from social media and podcasts.  Her last social media said she's having a hard time and is taking a break.  I assume she's still coaching -- I'll see if I get the reminder email.  I need to figure out timing the store with the call and my shower and the desire to go early in the day.  I'll figure something out.  I have this overwhelming feeling of wanting to get it over with so I can fully quarantine again.

We knew Izzy had a white fur patch on her chest -- discovered it's a heart!  I love this.  Her tag and her collar are hearts too -- perfect :)

I rewatched Bird Box last night.  Somehow, it felt comforting.  Crazy, right?!  Still not much in the way of reading Something in the Water.  I've been staying up later to take care of Izzy and only reading for a few minutes (trying to read with hubby in the room doesn't work, hence the movie instead).  I'm STILL busy during the day with rescue stuff -- so no day reading desire either.  It has to taper soon. Not my favorite thing to do -- probably because I don't think we should be adding this many new foster all at once, during a quarantine, etc. so I'm reluctant to continue.

I did finish E2.  The last "experiment" is to spend 48 hours actively noticing good stuff and actively not engaging in negative things.  A little more difficult right now, but still possible.  Feel good exercise and I'm all for it.  I noticed loads of good things yesterday and it absolutely amped my mood.    Today is day 2 and I expect the same.  Good reminder anytime and great reminder for right now.

Here's me in a funny nutshell.  I have no other words on this subject.  I (temporarily) give up.  I need a break from "trying" and not "doing."  Anyone else in this boat?  I see you, Green Dress ... I'll be back.

Stay well.  Look for the good stuff -- funny how it hides sometimes, but it's there.  Thinking of us all ... we've got this.  Later gators.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Costco gets an A+ for proactive and reactive regulation.  Line control, aisle control, wiping EVERYTHING, wipes available at every aisle.  Well stocked, friendly employees, plastic barrier at check out.  Sign at the front of things that are out-of-stock so you don't waste your time.

I took my precautions too.  Including moving my ID, credit card and Costco card to a baggie with a wipe in it -- which I do at the grocery store too.  BUT I dropped the contents and didn't notice.  Lord love me I looked everywhere.  An employee checked with the desk - nope.  I FINALLY found them in the vents of the meat bin.  So much for a fast trip.  It was maybe 15 minutes, but it felt like an eternity.  Needless to say, I have a new process.

I spent an hour unloading groceries -- some moved to garage for a 3 day quarantine period, some washed in soapy water, some wiped and opened contents dumped (inside not at risk).  What a process.

I'm holding grocery store shopping until Thursday.  Giving my car and ME some space from germ world.  The "search" experience has left me feeling at risk.

I made the decision to put Izzy up for adoption (no foster fail).  She is too much personality for Duke.  They are 2 peas in a pod with thief and hoarding ... the snarky fights are too much.  Love her and we'll find her the best home.  For my heart, I need to stop "looking" for MY dog.  I get so excited, then deflated.  I'll know it when it happens.

I haven't done much with the Yale online course.  This quarantine is busier than I expected.  I said I was going to let up on rescue stuff, but that's not happening yet.  Some extra stuff needs to be worked on this week, of course :)

Date night last night.  We watched JoJo Rabbit.  It was GOOD.  I wondered how I would like it -- given what I knew, but it's well done, beautifully acted and filmed.  Big thumbs up.  I made an apple crisp with the last few apples.  Freezer chicken, roasted potatoes and salad -- nice to have fresh greens again.

I need to tend to dogs -- it's one of those mornings.  Stay well, "see" you tomorrow.  Later gators.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Grocery Shopping Thoughts

The kids went to Target yesterday (with homemade masks) and said it was well stocked -- rush of relief on my end.  I think we'll be good to shop this week.

I'm still debating on BIG LOAD shopping once every 2 weeks or REGULAR LOAD once a week.  We are EMPTY of all things fresh -- I'd be hard pressed to find fresh veggies that can last 2 weeks.  I've frozen what I can (greens, sweet potatoes).  The stores are out of frozen veggies, but fresh seems to be plentiful.  Doing big loads takes longer in the store and at checkout -- increased time, therefore, risk exposure.  Going more frequently, obviously has it's risks too.

Most of my friends are going anywhere from 3 times a week (eeekkk) to once a week.  I don't know anyone pushing it out to 2 weeks ... which doesn't mean I shouldn't.  Maybe every 10 days is a good compromise.  Waiting this long is making me a bit anxious.

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but I think we are going to see supply chains with some increasing issues as factories, delivery systems, etc get compromised.   Prepared helps me sleep.  I'm trying to predict some of the more long term issues -- including NON food items.

I started Something in the Water (Catherine Steadman).  It's going to be GOOD.  It's written in first person and I like that kind of fast read for a suspense book.

Honeymoon is over with Izzy and sleep.  She figured out our bed is better ... why is SHE the only one in a crate?  True to chihuahua form -- she SCREAMS lol.  If you've never heard a chihuahua scream, it's something else.  We don't mind her in the bed IF she doesn't pee AND she doesn't borough under the covers to the end of the bed.  This is another chihuahua trait and ALL the ones we fostered did it.  Scared to death they're going to suffocate since we have 5 layers of covers on our bed.  Makes for light sleeping and uncomfortable positioning.  We'll see if we can do better tonight.  We have some tricks up our sleeves too -- not our first chihuahua rodeo.

Mini deer. 

Today is MORE foster stuff.  I'm taking a bit of a break after today's work though.  We have lots and lots of new fosters and very few new dogs.  6 new fosters and no dogs to give them.  For reference, we have 40 fosters total -- about 10 are inactive at any given time.  Also, 5 of the new fosters have no pets -- that means no supplies.  Pet stores are closed, deliveries are delayed.

I'm STILL trying to get myself into a new routine for the evening.  One that doesn't include eating junk or drinking wine.  I can get it about half right each day LOL.  Hopefully, once my monthly has calmed down, I'll feel like doing something more active.

As I've said before, I don't think I need to write a novel or become a yoga instructor during the quarantine, but I also don't need to let myself go to pot just because I can and only hubby will "see" it.

BTW, this has NOTHING to do with the stress of the situation.  It has EVERYTHING to do with accountability.  Except for hubby and grocery store shopping, I won't see anyone up close for months.  I'm falling into the mentality ... this can wait until next week.  I have so much time to get it together.  I can have "fun" now and "work" later.  My old thought pattern rearing its ugly head.  I need to get this under control and QUICKLY.

I hope you have a good day and are finding your new routines and some peace of mind in places.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Dog Pictures and Updates

PMS is over -- guess I'm back on a "regular" phase.  Thanks, Perry.  Some CERTAINTY is nice.  My mood should settle, my cravings should subside and I can sweat out all the extra water.  I'm back baby(!!)

My evening was dog cuddles.
Then Duke threw up in the bed.
Izzy tried to eat it.
I yelled 'no.'
Izzy submissive peed all over the bed.
JUST washed the bedding that morning.
Then cuddles resumed.
Then I FINALLY finished the book.

She loves a cuddle
Head down
Also, head down
P.S. this is a water proof dog blanket.
Guess what didn't get soiled one bit?
Had to race OFF the blanket to throw up, of course.

P.S. Little Fires Everywhere is good, but an unsettling ending.  Not a feel good book, if that matters.  Onto the next ... suspense, murder -- now, there's some feel good possibilities hah.

I was MOODING like crazy yesterday.  Izzy MUST be on my lap and it was driving me nuts.  Not adopting her, but maybe that was PMS talking.  Fickle as a pickle.  She is a sweetheart.  Stay tuned ...
(P.S.  If I decide to adopt her, I won't be fickle.  I'll love her with all my heart ... forever and ever.)

Every single time I sat down.

Hubby is enjoying my quarantine creative cooking.  We are LOW on everything fresh.  Can't wait to shop and see what's still available.  The area is in panic again and that's causing a rush on the stores.  Hopefully it's calmed by my shopping day next week.  I'm getting a little fidgety being this empty.

Chatted with my college roommate from CT yesterday.  Crazy stories out of NYC and the surrounding areas.  They're safe, but low on a lot of basics.  Massive lines, no paper products.

Today is all day rescue calls.  The foster applications need to slow the hell down.  This is nuts.  Most are not a match and some are darn right horrible.  Waste of time.  Yes, we have nothing but time ... however, I'd rather be reading.

Sundays are probably the hardest day for me.  I miss A Course in Miracles class.  That will be a welcomed "normal" when we can meet again.  I miss my Trader Joe's run after the class.  And, I especially miss have the kids over for the afternoon and evening.  This will return -- maybe somethings won't, but this will.

Stay well.  Hope you can enjoy this day -- however it looks.  That's my goal for today.  Later gators.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Saturday -- In Case You Needed Reminding

First a little complaining and a lot of judgment.  One of our neighbors threw a quarantine driveway party last night.  Invited the entire neighborhood to get sick to come over.  "Don't worry, we'll spread the virus out and be outside."  I don't know who went (we can guess some based on the golf carts parked on the street), but it was a big turn out.  You could see the group from our yard and hear them partying -- loud and stayed for hours.  BTW, the average age in the neighborhood is late 60s and the driveway is small.

Seriously??  It's painful to keep my mouth shut.  Saying something will change nothing.  This is why states, cities, etc HAVE to keep the harsh mandates in place.  Our town released the fines and the unlawfulness of gathering (it's just a "suggestion" now) ... and THIS happens.  Thumbing themselves at government.  The party host is someone I unfriended on Facebook last week for disparaging remarks about Democrats.  She is a huge Trump supporter.  Not surprised at all, but disgusted by everyone who attended.  IF this stayed as the law, it could have been broken up (I would have called the police).  Oh, and she's a realtor and is still working -- posting pictures on Facebook, arms around peeps at the closing table.  (Hubby is friends with her on Facebook and keeps me UTD LOL ... Facebook snooping.)

These are people who shop at the grocery store I use -- will be at a hospital where my DIL works if they get sick.  It matters, people ... it matters.  As their luck will probably have it, they won't be the ones who get sick and they'll feel justified in their actions.

Okay, rant for the day is over.  Remember PMS and idiots are a hard combination for me.

Let's switch to funny little Izzy.  I got up to check on the potatoes in the oven and she took over for me ...

I had a FaceTime happy hour with my girlfriend again.  It was fun -- we're planning to do it a little more often.  She had me download the app Marco Polo to send video messages to each other.  Sort of like an Instagram story.  That's been fun too.

We're having a stretch of nice weather and that's helping keep us sane.  Don't worry, I'll complain about the heat soon enough :)

We watched Late Night on Prime last night.  It wasn't our official movie night, just something to watch.  It was predictable, but entertaining enough.  By quarantine standards, I'd give it a watch recommendation.  Good actors, feel good movie and FREE.  That's a winner right now.

STILL reading Little Fires Everywhere.  It's not a bad book, but I'm reading like it's horrible.  One measly chapter a night.  I need to step it up ... so hard to find the time LOL.

I'll leave with a couple of cuddle pictures of Izzy.  She's so sweet.  Stay well.  Later gators.

I was at the desk and she "made" me come cuddle!!
GPS tracker ... just in case on all new fosters.
Making rescue calls from the bed instead.