Monday, June 19, 2017

Hello Whole30

Whew.  It's a relief.  A set of rules to follow.  No gray area until I reset.  Whole30 to the rescue and I need to be rescued.  Today might actually be an easy day.  I'm really ready to get this going.

Today is also an extra workout rest day.  My legs and knees are sore from the SUP and the hike.  I'm listening and taking an extra day to rest them.  It plays with my head a little since I'm starting my W30 today and a good sweat would be a welcomed way to start.  But if I workout today, I know the rest of the week will suffer.

No big plans either.  I'm stuck at home waiting for the microwave repairman.  Hubby and youngest are at work.  A just ME day (or mostly ME day) is good.  If the repair happens in a timely way (is that even possible?!?!), I'll run an errand but, otherwise, I'm home.

Good time to hit my motivational gurus.  I could use a big old pep talk as I REALLY get back to my healthy habits.  TR, Jim Rohn and Melissa Hartwig.  The 3 biggies in my life right now.  And healthy habits lead to feeling better which leads to being productive (hello "work").  It's time for all of this again.

Yesterday was a fun day.

Here's the pup BEFORE the swim (what a difference lol!)

Relaxing after the hike while the dogs swim.  It's like a river beach.

Lunch with the gang.  Hit the spot!  The coolers in the background 
brought to you by Father's Day.  They worked liked a charm!  
Stupidly expensive though, but a perfect gift for the guy who has everything.

For some reason he stays sloppy wet.  Every other dog shakes and looks dry.  
I wish I got a better picture of all the dogs.  There were probably 50 or so.  
All having fun, playing, getting along.  It was awesome.

My INTENTION for today is to RESTORE.  Restore healthy, restore feeling good, restore focus.  Time to make a turn and get back to what works for me.  I had the best time these last few days, but there was an undercurrent of feeling crappy.  All by my own hand (to mouth).  I know what to do ... time to do it.  Later gators.

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