Friday, June 9, 2017


The Littles met their forever mama and big (human) sister.  They will be LOVED and LOVED and LOVED FOREVER!!  And did I mention pampered as the only pets?!?  They will never have a sad, abused, neglected day again.  My heart is full of joy for these little girls.

Plus ... they turned the potty training corner.  We've achieved house-breaking!  All in just a week.  Good little girls.  CERTAINTY is my specialty - the schedule worked.

With the adoption happening tomorrow, I canceled all my classes this week.  I can't go tomorrow and last night was a late night with the meet and greet ... not worth getting up so early for one class today.   Plus, they need to be crated a lot today (I'm a softy!).  Home workouts to finish up the week.

Today is a home inspection for another adoption and the grocery store.  I keep pushing that back (I was on my way out the door last night when I got the adoption call).  The freezer is still pretty full, but the refrigerator is running on empty (now I'm singing that song ...).  I love these little girls, but I'm happy to get back to normal tomorrow.

My eating has been okay.  I'm not overeating, but I'm not back to the level of healthy eating that makes me feel my best.  Some of that is my refrigerator is bare - but it's an excuse.  I could have made a grocery store run if I prioritized it.  My heart isn't ready to go full force ahead yet.  I think I need a breath before I get back at it.  Baby steps.  The good news is I'm craving my vegetables so I don't think it will be too long.

Okay - I keep getting interrupted on this post - phone, kid, dogs lol.  Guess that's the scoop today.  Later gators :-)

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