I had the afternoon to myself and got to spend it on the phone with people who love me. We all gathered back for dinner. My family LOVES carne asada apparently. They raved and raved and raved about it -- I'm happy it's so easy to make (and W30).
I didn't miss the birthday sweets, but I missed joining the wine celebration. Even hubby drank, which is unusual. My fizzy water with orange squeeze was a poor substitute. The good news is that feeling doesn't last long. By the time dinner was over, I was over it. And the night was lots of fun.
The value (pleasure) of most food is in the moment -- it doesn't carry over. There are exceptions - Italy trip, special homemade cake, etc. Some food (in its special context) carries the pleasure with the memory. A regular bottle of wine (I've tasted many times) doesn't hold any pleasure in the memory, just pleasure in the moment. I'm not fondly thinking about the glass of wine I had 2 weeks ago on a Wednesday - I'm remembering the fun night I had with my youngest.
Does that make sense? I don't miss that I didn't drink the wine last night as soon as it was over. I don't feel deprived. I'm not craving it today. I won't give it another thought until it's in the moment again. My memory of last night is about the fun being with my family, lots of laughs, preparing a meal everyone enjoyed, birthday gifts I loved, etc.
The caveat with alcohol (vs food) is that it changes "state." This week is our monthly GNI and I won't be drinking. I will miss the wine in the moment, but in this case I'll also miss the buzz from the wine. Why? I'm not a night person - without the boost of a glass of two, I'll be tired and quiet and fantasizing about bed. It will be less fun. Sad, but true. The evening is nice, but not always super fun (varies month to month). In this case, the wine helps me get through the evening.
Well, that was a long ramble. I've been trying to put into words that ah-ha moment for a long time. I don't know if I succeeded, but it's closer than I've come before.
Today is a rest day (hallelujah), lunch with a friend and nothing more! It's a good Monday. Here's some pictures from yesterday.
Kids under the funny elbow tree starting the hike.
My and hubby at an overlook. Beautiful!
That's the top half of the waterfall. Love the sound and the "wind" from the water.
Selfie time.
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