Wednesday, June 7, 2017

A Refreshing Day

Taking care of TWO littles is proving to be a lot of work!  They are adorable, still learning AND now coming out of their shell.  It's very hard to watch both when they are scrambling in different directions.  Walks are now their favorite thing to do - every couple of hours!!  They discovered birds yesterday - OMG so cute!

Handling the adoptive families is also more work than I expected.  It's like herding cats getting them to commit to a day and time (too many follow-ups with no results).  Excuse me - I have a life and a schedule too.  I'm not at their beck and call and I won't hold the weekend completely open while they ponder what works for them.  Ugh.

It looks like we may have these gals a bit longer than expected.  After an extremely hectic and poorly managed day yesterday, I'm moving to a schedule and some reorganization to make this work more efficiently.  So far - well, maybe a bit better.  Stay tuned on this one.  As much as I love them, two is one too many for me to handle.  Lesson noted.

All that said, today feels refreshing - like a cleansing breath.  The ungodly humidity broke over night and it's pleasant and sunny out this morning.  Monthly woes are mostly gone.  Moving off caffeine so goodbye strange feelings (probably hello headache lol).  A good solid cardio workout in my immediate future.  Yep - a better day.

Taking care of these little girls is a big reminder to me on so many levels.
STOP and enjoy the moment.
Life is precious.
Doing things that matter - MATTERS.
Life can change in a moment.
New beginnings are always possible.
Being kind blesses me.
(Not exactly inspiration poetry - just stream of consciousness)

They are little whirlwinds of lessons and frustrations and HAPPINESS and I feel like I was meant to re-appreciate these lessons.  I also feel like a weathered new mother - can I actually shower today lol?!?!  I have VARIETY overload, but bringing in some CERTAINTY organization (my specialty) should balance things out much better.

On that note - time to workout (hello CERTAINTY).  My INTENTION today is to find the CERTAINTY to BALANCE me out.  Wish me luck - I'll need it on this one!!

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