Monday, June 12, 2017

All Quiet on the Home Front

The weekend was good, really good.  Saturday was spent dropping the Littles to their new home (picture below), brunch, errands, grill-out and a movie.  We watched Dr. Strange ... I liked it ... fun free watch.  Yesterday we had the gang over for a big dinner and Stanley Cup Finals (yea Penguins for the win).

Today is relatively quiet.  I miss the little dogs, but I don't miss the tons of work lol!  To sit quietly, early in the morning is pure pleasure.

Why am I up so early?  Hair Day!! And now that the color is on the right track - stress free lol.

My youngest has his LSAT this afternoon.  Fingers crossed ... he's worked hard.

I'm kind of freaking myself out right now.  I have some sort of bite on my neck.  It's hard, raised and hurts.  Not the usual mosquito-like bite.  I refuse to type what I think it might be - my arch enemy - was it in the bed with me?!?!

Today's workout is a quick lift - mostly legs.  I had my hard interval run yesterday, so no run today.  I wanted to do something though.

Now that the week is back to normal, I need a to-do list to figure out my stuff.  I have chores to get done, but I want to have time to myself too.  Like this afternoon ... no one at home ... perfect time to read (new book today!) or whatever.  I'll have a few hours of peace and quiet and I need it.  And meditation FINALLY.

I know I'm not on my HAPPY path right now ... stepped a little off and I want to get back on.  Quiet time lets me think and ponder and plan.  When that's missing, I tend to get off that yellow brick road and run smack into some trouble.

I saw a Facebook post from a long time ago friend's son ... he's back in rehab and doing well ... again.  It's a forever journey for him - sad story, lots of tragedy for this young man.  Anyway, it put my struggles into perspective - again.  That's part of my pondering this afternoon.

My INTENTION today is ME.  It's a self-centered kind of day.

Oshie and Olive (love the new names!) with their new family.

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