Friday, June 30, 2017

Happy Friday

Reward day was okay.  My intention to ENJOY it didn't work as planned.  It's a long boring story, but the nails were rushed, uncomfortable (extra long story) and I'm not thrilled with either color.  My fingers are a baby pink with a shimmer, but the polish looks streaky.  I was told that's the downside to this brand.  My toes are light blue (I really wasn't trying for the baby shades, but it happened lol) but there is something about it that misses.  If I wasn't rushed by the salon owner, I would have figured that out. 💩Oh well.  The shape is good, the price was cheap and I can always get a color change next week for another "reward."

Speaking of rewards ... my new workout shirt came.  I like it a lot 💖  I also got a foster shirt and it's awesome too. 💋

The "We Believe" is the back of the shirt.
It has side panels that give it some interest.

Time for the big, bad holiday weekend.  Lots of stuff to do .... grocery store, cooking, etc.  I need to keep diligent because these next 5 days will be challenging.  Celebrating hubby's actual b-day, 4th of July, hanging with friends, golfing with friends.  Temptation weekend.

AND speaking of busy (I saved the BEST for last) ... I'm a foster mama today.  A 9 month old, 18 lb little lady.  Scared, timid.  Lived tied under a porch until someone took pity and brought her to a kill shelter.  She was on THE list and Releash grabbed her.  She's had virtually no human interaction and was like a wild dog.  She's stayed at a dog center for a few weeks to break in and observe.  She's ready for a foster home now.

Did I mention I HATE some people?  I mean really, bonafide HATE.  There is no reason, no excuse, no justification.

But now there will be no more horrible days for this little girl.  Love, love, love and some training.  A perfect family is out there somewhere and we're going to find them.  I LOVE her already!!  Pictures soon (of course!).

I'm up early for my lift class, have a zippy quick errand and then off to the city to meet the pup.  It's going to be a hectic few days (she's not housebroken)!  I laughed since the last time I got a foster was just before hubby's b-day party.  We're getting another just before his actual birthday and bbq party.  Timing.  But hubby will be home so it's all possible.  That unexpected ME day was a gift before the crazy!! And P.S. the darn refrigerator is leaking AGAIN.

Yep, crazy ahead!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

ME Time

Yesterday ended up being filled with lots of unexpected ME time.  I finished my "work" in the morning: mac+cheese for the family's dinner, bill paying, Lazy Devils and some laundry.  With nothing pressing until the evening, I ended up with time to leisurely peruse the internet while hanging out with one of my favorite people -- ME, of course 😘

I listened to a few podcasts, found a ton of book recommendations, started one of those recommendations, listened to music, booked my REWARD appointments, drank TONS of decaf cold brew, got my free espresso drink and had a really good afternoon.

With the holiday weekend on the horizon, I will have lots of family time.  A little ME time ahead does wonders.

Day 10 is in the books and I'm still wrestling with tight pants.  It's frustrating.  I'm trying to be patient but this is the first time I've experienced this side-effect.  I upped my vegetables and water intake and still hoping for results.  Honestly, my stomach is puffed out like I'm expecting a small child.  It sucks.  It's uncomfortable.  Maybe too many sweet potatoes? But I've eaten this way before without this bloat - ugh.  Maybe digestive enzymes need to come back to the table.  The probiotic was working well before I started W30.

Why can't life be simple, predictable.  Doesn't the Universe realize I'm not a big VARIETY gal??  Come on ... throw a girl a little CERTAINTY with this W30 and some loose pants.

I did well at the GNI evening.  Fun, but a bit slow.  I missed the wine.  Sad to say, but I'm more lively with a drink or two on board.

Today is a lift workout followed by nails - mani/pedi.  REWARD time!!  I miss the gel polish though.  I like a manicured nail (but a neutral/natural short nail).  I hope the "long" lasting polish works okay.  Either way, I need a good shape up.  Just a couple more weeks of rest and I'll go back to the gel.

My new obsession is a blogger named Jen Hatmaker.  Whole30 highlighted a post she wrote about her W30 experience.  Lord it was funny!  I started poking around her blog and Facebook page.  She's a self-proclaimed Jesus lover and at first I thought not for me.  Excuse my generalization, but often those who proclaim big Jesus love also hate a lot of people gay people in the name of Jesus.  I can't and won't tolerate that EVER.  HOWEVER ... Jen is NOT this generalization and she actually talks about the hypocrisy in Christianity.  She writes books, blogs, does podcasts, speaking, etc about life, kids, women, etc.  Sold!  I LOVE funny!!

I'm reading a new book based on her recommendation.  (We have the exact same "favorite" books from childhood - practically bffs lol.)  The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie -- Allan Bradley.  It's a dark, funny mystery series about an 11 year old girl in the 1950s.  It's good so far and something different.  I'll keep you posted!!

My INTENTION today is to ENJOY the day.  It's an easy day with some fun stuff happening and sometimes lots of times I don't stop and smell the roses and I "miss" the enjoyment of a good day.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

ISO Rewards ...

I'm fresh out of rewards and today I'm going to prioritize a search!  I AM in the most-likely-to-quit days so rewards make sense and because I really, really love rewards 💋 (playing with emojis - there are some odd ones)

My workout top still hasn't come - bummer.  I wanted to try it this week.  I have a new country song to download for working out: Craving You - Thomas Rhett.  Maybe schedule a massage?  My tired muscles say 'yes.'  I also want to get a manicure.  I'm on gel-rest for a couple more weeks, but I want to try the long lasting polish to see if it really lasts longer.  Okay - here are a few ideas I'll get moving on.

Oh and it's BOGO grande iced espresso drinks at Starbucks between 2-5pm until Sunday.  Iced Americano qualifies - YEA.  I just need to wait until later to get it them.  Free drinks - awesome.

Speaking of drinks, I made a W30 mock-tail to trial for this weekend. It looked FANTASTIC, tasted just okay.  I need to tweak it a bit to make it more drinkable.  It's muddled lime and mint, coconut milk and lime seltzer water served in a salt-rimmed glass.  Next time, I'll take out the mint leaves before serving.  They just get in the way.  And the coconut milk was grainy.  I might need to heat it first to smooth it out.  I tried stick blending it, but it wasn't enough.

Pretty - right?!?

This reminds me - I'm on Instagram now.  I have a friend who pushed hard to get me to join.  I'm not a super fan yet and just know the very basics.  I'm giving it a try though.  I like Facebook and Snapchat better and how many social media "things" can I be on really?!?

I did my split workout yesterday.  Talk about hard.  The running intervals went okay, but I don't think I could have done a full interval workout.  Then Lift was total body endurance - wow.  If I had known, I would have skipped the run.  Anissa usually posts the upcoming workout on MFP (another "thing" I'm on for our workout group), but she didn't.  Sometimes the workout is just arms.  Oh well, it was a good one and today is a rest day.  She brought her pig to the yoga studio -- 4 months old. Her duck is much friendlier!

Truffels stayed in the yoga office while we lifted.

Tonight I have my monthly GNI group. Being on W30 makes me not super excited to go.  As I've said before, it can be sort of a boring night, but it's nice to keep friendly with the group.  Alcohol helps perk me up and it will be missed tonight.  I'm not worried about the food.  I'll eat before I go and I'm bringing compliant Lazy Devils.  (Hard boiled eggs, spicy compliant mayo, prosciutto, topped with chives and finishing salt - YUM!)  W30 has some great recipes. 

Yesterday was a vegetable-lite day and I want to do better today.  The split workout makes for odd meals in the morning and I bought some watermelon (just a big wedge) and that filled me up too much at dinner - pushed veggies right off the plate.  In my defense, watermelon is perfection right now!  I also had that drink late afternoon.  So my goal for today is VEGETABLES!

My INTENTION for today is to stand strong.  Good is around the corner and I can't give in now.  Eyes on the prize!  Later gators. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


It rarely happens that I'm at a loss for words, but I got nothing in the old toboggan (is that the right word?) this morning.

Fortunately, the Whole30 Channel is always up and running.  So W30 woes and successes - oh goodie!

I'm on Day 9.
It's flying by.
It's draggin' ass.
Gotta love/hate the dichotomy of a W30.


Anyway, I'm struggling a bit this W30 probably because I was so off course for a couple of months.  I'm not struggling as in I'm giving up, but I'm hitting all the "hard" phases and have yet to REALLY experience the good stuff.

Here's the "hard" crap:

I WANT junk food every afternoon.  Enough said.

Kill-All-Things phase hit big time.  I actually checked the calendar to make sure it wasn't "that" time. I don't recall going through this phase before.  W30 has a Timeline of common happenings - this is a real stage.  Case of the major grumps for no reason.  You hate anything and everything.  It's over, but it was a couple days of holding-in-the-crazy as best I could.

My pants are tighter.  Hello bloat.  Also a common happening, but it's never been a big deal before.  I'll get bloat in the evening (depending on what I eat), but this is bloat all day long.  It should go away in a few days -- according to the Timeline gospel.  Let's hope.

21 days left is ENDLESS!  I'm not even 1/3 there.

Where is my good sleep?  I had to take a Benadryl last night as I lay WIDE awake with a mega stuffy nose -- killed 2 birds with one drug though (nurse bragging). This might explain my weird morning fog today -- oops.

Where is my productive energy?  My body is STILL tired.  My mind is still blah.  I should be hitting the get-all-my shit-done by 7am phase.  I'm stuck in the crawl-to-the-sofa by 4pm phase instead.

Here's the good stuff:


Okay, I'm being a bit dramatic.  There are a few good things happening.

I'm waking up early and easily.  No more food coma (not to be confused with food "comma" -- caught this typo early!)

I'm HAPPY to be on the right course again.  Comfort in the rules.  Accountability.  Proud of myself -- I held strong on my birthday for crying out loud!!  Well done ME.

It's already Day 9.  I blinked and am through the first week. (Remember that dichotomy thing??)

I've discovered a couple of new, delicious recipes.  (I'm reaching on this one.)


Whole30 likes to keep you on your toes.  I know myself well ... I don't know myself at all.  It's a stinker.  I have little panic moments that W30 won't work this time (I've worn it out), but I need some patience and belief in the process.  I have no idea why it seems different (aka slower) this time.  Maybe it's all in my head.

BTW Day 10-12 are the most-likely-to-quit days.  Ut-oh.

But for today ... Day 9. Later gators.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Birthday Review (Pictures)

I had a really great birthday.  Mother Nature decided to give us a cool day in the mid-70s with low humidity.  I was actually "cold" eating our picnic *gasp*.  The hike was steep (but not as long as I remember - about 2 miles) and the waterfall was running well after lots of rain recently - beautiful.  The picnic was yummy (I make a good picnic, if I do say so myself).

I had the afternoon to myself and got to spend it on the phone with people who love me.  We all gathered back for dinner.  My family LOVES carne asada apparently.  They raved and raved and raved about it -- I'm happy it's so easy to make (and W30).

I didn't miss the birthday sweets, but I missed joining the wine celebration.  Even hubby drank, which is unusual.  My fizzy water with orange squeeze was a poor substitute.  The good news is that feeling doesn't last long.  By the time dinner was over, I was over it.  And the night was lots of fun.

The value (pleasure) of most food is in the moment -- it doesn't carry over.  There are exceptions - Italy trip, special homemade cake, etc.  Some food (in its special context) carries the pleasure with the memory.  A regular bottle of wine (I've tasted many times) doesn't hold any pleasure in the memory, just pleasure in the moment.  I'm not fondly thinking about the glass of wine I had 2 weeks ago on a Wednesday - I'm remembering the fun night I had with my youngest.

Does that make sense?  I don't miss that I didn't drink the wine last night as soon as it was over.  I don't feel deprived.  I'm not craving it today.  I won't give it another thought until it's in the moment again.  My memory of last night is about the fun being with my family, lots of laughs, preparing a meal everyone enjoyed, birthday gifts I loved, etc.

The caveat with alcohol (vs food) is that it changes "state."  This week is our monthly GNI and I won't be drinking.  I will miss the wine in the moment, but in this case I'll also miss the buzz from the wine.  Why?  I'm not a night person - without the boost of a glass of two, I'll be tired and quiet and fantasizing about bed.  It will be less fun.  Sad, but true.  The evening is nice, but not always super fun (varies month to month).  In this case, the wine helps me get through the evening.

Well, that was a long ramble.  I've been trying to put into words that ah-ha moment for a long time.  I don't know if I succeeded, but it's closer than I've come before.

Today is a rest day (hallelujah), lunch with a friend and nothing more!  It's a good Monday.  Here's some pictures from yesterday.

Kids under the funny elbow tree starting the hike.

My and hubby at an overlook.  Beautiful!

That's the top half of the waterfall.  Love the sound and the "wind" from the water.

Selfie time.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Happy Birthday to ME

And HAPPY 500th POST!!

Wow - what a match up!  I only noticed yesterday that today would be my #500.  Big day in my cyber world and in my real world!

Hike, picnic, dinner and presents - that's my day today.  Picnic food is prepped, just some assembly needed this morning and the coolers iced.  Dinner will hit the crockpot before we leave - another batch of carne asada.  Eldest and his girlfriend are coming for dinner and cupcakes (watermelon) and this was an easy choice.  Maybe some for the freezer this time!

I sliced the watermelon last night and ate the "edges" with dinner.  I LOVE watermelon.  The beloved center pieces are waiting for me today.  Stuck on a desert island and only one food ... watermelon would make the top 5 ... good watermelon, that is.  No half ripe even enters my radar.

The hike is a big one today.  I don't remember the mileage (I'll find out today) but it's steep and rocky.   And then those 600 stairs down.  By the end, your legs are shaking and you are weak in the knees.  Awesome leg day!  It counts as a workout.  The waterfall is a beautiful bonus.  I'll take pictures.

I'm also excited about #500.  I never thought I'd journal (or blog) this long.  It's like my daily therapy, sometimes twice daily (I think my record is 4 in one day 😜).  It helps me organize my thoughts, work through my stuff and notice my day a little more.  I reread some stuff (and cringe at the typos) but the reminders are good.  The general theme is diet, exercise, my dog and needing space.  Not exactly poetic stuff, just ME.  I like having a presence in the cyber world.  I like reading other blogs, some mega-blogs, some regular daily life.  It adds a dimension of connection to people.  Sometimes it's easier to be myself, have crazy thoughts, perseverate on my same issues with "strangers."  So thank you cyber world for my FREE therapy.  I'm a better person for it.

Now back to my BIRTHDAY!  We watched Concussion last night.  Will Smith is great (on a desert island - he's my #1 lol).  The movie was really interesting.  A bit long winded, but worth the watch.  We also finished the second season of Red Oaks.  What a great show.  It's been picked up for the 3rd and final season.  Yea!  AND Game of Thrones in a few weeks.  Oh baby - can not wait!!  Winter is coming - finally!

My INTENTION today is to feel the birthday LOVE.  Birthdays are fun.  It's nice to hear from family and friends - a reminder of the great people in my life.  I'm a lucky gal and today I get reminders of that all day long.  And P.S. today marks 6 months until Christmas!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Last Day of 46

I'm getting old!  And after reading all my EXTRA lots of typos from yesterday's post, I think it's going to my brain 😜  Either that or it's the Whole30's fault!

Today is my last workout for the week AND my last workout as a 46 year old.  Circuit with an emphasis on cardio.  Yesterday's lift was a bit better than the arm day before.  Maybe I'm climbing out of the slump.  But lordy, my arms are sore!

Fun fact - I LOVE that I was born in 1970 - makes age calculating so easy!

The day is par for the usual these weekends.  Grocery store, prep for picnic tomorrow and a grill-out tonight.  Burgers and such.  Then a relaxing night watching a home movie - my pick.  I don't have any ideas yet, but I have Will Smith's Concussion from Netflix ... hint, hint ... nobody's giving the thumbs up, but it's MY birthday weekend!

Normally, I'd be pissed to put together my birthday picnic, cupcakes, etc.  Two days a year (Mother's Day and my birthday) should be different.  But, I can't expect anyone to accommodate my food choices right now.  That would put them over the edge.  So it's all me ... again.  They got lucky this year AND last year, now that I thing about it, since I was at the firewalk.  (There IS credit in the bank from a great Mother's Day brunch.)

On the food note -- I've announced to my little world that I'm currently on a Whole30.  Accountability.  I need it this go around.  Summer nights on the deck ... makes me want to kick back with a glass of wine and some munchies.  30 days.  Now actually 24 days.  Yea (it's flying) and ugh (not really) all at the same time.

This morning's sleep was weird.  I woke up far too early (even though I need to get up early) so I stayed in bed.  Promptly fell asleep and had the strangest, most vivid dream.  I actually wish I could have finished out the dream.  Whole30 gives you some wild ones!  But an alarm during that phase of sleep - it's like I'm still dreaming.  Maybe dreaming ME does better with typos.  I need to proofread more - and I need stronger glasses ... right back to the older thing again. (I just noticed a bunch so now it's a thing.)

I'm super into cold brewed coffee this summer.  I put my flavored decaf grounds into a big glass jug overnight, strain with a mesh strainer and a paper towel and BAM.  Delicious cold brewed coffee.  Add ice, pour into my pretty pink bubble glass and enjoy.  It's a softer, less bitter result.  It lasts for a few days in the refrigerator.

Busy day today which is good.  Yesterday was positively the SLOWEST afternoon ever.  I was gathering my stuff to get ready for bed and it was only 6:45!  That's even too early for me.  I watched a few episodes of Red Oaks until it was respectable to go to bed.  P.S.  Red Oaks is a fun comedy (with some occasional serious) that takes place in the mid-80's.  The music is great, the 80's are great, actors are fantastic -- definitely recommend it.  It's free with Amazon Prime.

On this last day of 46, my INTENTION today should be profound, but it's not.  Simply STAY BUSY.  Up early + up late (movie night) = long day to make good choices.  This is a red zone weekend and I need to be aware and careful.  Busy helps the time move along.  Good lord, it has to be faster than yesterday!  Maybe profound for tomorrow.  Later gators.

I almost forgot the picture of my "skinny" pup.  Summer hair with layers 💗

Friday, June 23, 2017

The Whole30 Channel

I'll try to go easy on the Whole30 talk, but it becomes all consuming sometimes (especially the first week) -- sorry in advance!

I'm stuck on the chicken hash recipe - so unique, so easy, so delicious.  I made another big batch for left-overs.  Best part - no one else will like it lol!  The carne asada from yesterday is good too, but that's going fast with the family.  No left-overs for the freezer - bummer.

My workouts took the predicted dive.  I couldn't even get through the first set for arm day.  I had to lower rep numbers significantly.  I hope it doesn't last long.  I'm plugging along, but dialing it back until my muscles adjust.  I'm going to class today (since it was just arms yesterday).  Today should be leg focused.  We'll see how it goes.

I'm enjoying my (mostly) alone time this week.  Just what I ordered!  It ends this afternoon.  I can't be greedy!!

Cravings are in full flame right now too hitting in the afternoon.  I'd love a glass (or 3) of wine and something sweet.  It's just 30 days - right?!?  Whole30 food is delicious, satisfying, no hunger ... yet I want something more.  Always in the afternoon - ugh - witching hour blues.

BTW, my new kitchen towels are great -- they held up after washing and drying.  I might even go buy more.  Anthropology has some nice kitchen stuff.  The clothes are over-the-top expensive, but the kitchen stuff is on par price wise with most places.  My apron is from Anthropology and I love it -- only apron I've ever liked.  I also have some dinner napkins that have held up really well (got those on a big sale).  Since I keep burning holes in my other towels -- how, I don't know -- it's time for some new ones.

Half of my workout outfit came in the mail.  It's a skort that can be used for golf (nice mesh pockets) or working out.  It's really comfortable, but might show a bit too many lumpy-bumpies.  I'll try it on again in a week or so and decide whether to keep it.  I had weird underwear on when I tried it on lol! It's Carrie Underwood's line that can be returned through Dick's.

Today is an early workout, bunch of errands and that's about it.  Family all home this afternoon so we'll figure out the rest of the day.  I still have the overall tired-body-feeling so not too enthused for lots of activity.

My INTENTION for today is to STAY STRONG with my HEALTHY habits.  It's Friday, family is home, my body feels blah, no afternoon plans ... all triggers for giving in and giving up.  I'm almost over the hump -- I want to keep on keeping on.  Feeling good is around the corner.

P.S.  My pup got a BIG summer shave.  I need to get a picture -- he looks 20lbs lighter.  If only it were that easy for all of us :-)

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Energy Slump

Hello Whole30 energy dip.  The further I stray, the bigger the slump when I get back to it.  Even though I'm eating sweet potatoes and fruit everyday (keeping my carbs up), I still feel the my-body-can't-move phase today.  My mind is up and ready to go ... my body doesn't want to do squata!

This goes away reasonably quickly so by next week my energy levels should be cruising.  I need to be mindful with workouts and add an extra rest day if needed.  Today is lift and lift only.  I took a short power walk on the treadmill yesterday and that was probably too much.  I might rest tomorrow instead of class.  I'll see what she has planned for these three days.

My birthday plans have switched from dinner, drinks and cupcakes to a long hike and a picnic with a home movie that evening.  We hiked this particular hike years ago when we first moved here.  Up a mountain, to an amazing water fall and then down 600 stairs as you descend with the waterfall.  It's a killer leg workout.  No dogs.  My pup is way too old for something that strenuous and there is no swimmable water to cool him off.  The stairs are metal grates and will tear up his feet.  He'll be sad when he sees the hiking gear come out -- I'll make it up to him, my sweet boy.

I suggested the changes to the family and they were all up for it.  Yea.  Whole30 intact, but something special nevertheless.  I'm getting cupcakes for the gang, but I'll have watermelon for my treat.  I usually won't do watermelon on W30 since it's a food-without-brakes for me.  Lots of sugar too.  But that will be my birthday "dessert" and watermelon has been really good lately.  I love watermelon (good watermelon) so much, I'd actually prefer it to cake, even without W30 in play.  I'm happy just thinking about it!  Happy birthday to me 💘

OBVI (I see this everywhere and had no idea what it meant ... I googled it ... now I want to be cool too) I've decided to give the W30 a go for real.  I decided the sacrifice of 30 days was worth it.  I want to feel better again -- including having my clothes fit.  Something about a consecutive run of healthy eating has a powerful effect.  After the reset, I can get back to my "food freedom."  Now if plans come up, I can preemptively plan for the occasion to be W30.  P.S. OBVI mean obviously, obviously ... I should have been able to figure it out in context ... oh well.

No big plans today.  Dog to groomer, lift and then nothing.  Maybe a good afternoon to relax my body, but use my mind??  I'll figure out something.

My INTENTION to today is to be mindful of my body's limits.  It's working hard to adjust.  Sorry to put you through this again old girl -- maybe someday I'll figure it all out.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Reward Day (Pictures)

I went shopping with a friend today and in the name of Whole30 rewards (wink-wink) and my upcoming birthday, I found a few goodies.

Starting in the kitchen:
Two pale pink bubble wine glasses -- perfect for anything from wine to seltzer.  I love drinking from special glasses.
4 pack of kitchen towels.  They seem to be a good quality.  I'm super picky on my dish towels.  The test will come after they're washed.  Mine have seen better days.

Then me:
A new workout outfit.  I'm not ready to debut it outside the house yet, but I'll get braver once I get back in fighting form.  The pants are gray stripe and the shirt is a super light weight navy blue.
New workout bras.  I don't need much support, but after time the seams start to chafe my sensitive skin -- I'm at the point with my last batch of bras.  More a necessity than a reward!

In other news:
The flank steak just finished in the crockpot.  It smells fantastic (best part of crock pot cooking), but I was too hungry to wait to eat.  It's what's-for-dinner tomorrow.

Interesting update on this Whole30 round.  I planned to "skip" days that held something special -- particularly a BBQ that a friend was hosting over the 4th.  She gets nervous hosting and I felt it would be rude to not be an indulgent guest, having fun, partaking in all she prepared.  You know what I mean??  I found out today that she's postponing the BBQ until the end of July.  That was the one "skip" day I couldn't skip.

So now what?!?!  The other days can be managed W30-style if I choose ... including my birthday Sunday.  Now I'm torn.  I'm simultaneously excited and disappointed.  I don't know what I'll do.  I can argue both options with equal veracity.  Choices complicate things! I have until Sunday to decide.  One of those problems that's not really a problem.  My specialty.

It's now actually tomorrow.  I added these pictures in the 
morning since I was too lazy to do it last night.

The pink glasses work for cold brewed coffee too!

My new workout outfit.

Peace and Quiet

It's still just me (and the dog) this morning. Youngest will be home later today.  I LOVE a quiet morning.  I'm sitting with my new tea flavor (peach, ginger, green) and my coffee with not a rush in the world.  A rain shower just passed so it's overcast and cozy.  This is how I would paint a really good morning.

I finished the book last night (The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k -- Manson).  It was average, but there were some good repeats of ideas.  Appreciate pain as it will give you the most growth ... stuff like that.

The part that was a home run for me (timely message) was the chapter called Do Something.  "Don't just sit there. Do something.  The answers will follow." -- Mark Manson.  If you're stuck trying to figure out the "what" and "how," action will help you find the answers.  You don't need the answers to take action, you need action to find the answers.  I wrote about this yesterday (and I didn't plagiarize lol - I read it last night).  Standing still won't get me anywhere. Okay -- thanks Universe and thanks Mark Manson -- got the message.

New book tonight.  I downloaded a couple -- fiction is up next -- yea!

Also, another new recipe today.  Crockpot flank steak with tons of flavors.  And, again, that hash was surprisingly good.  Lunch for today - now I wish there was even more leftover.

I continue to feel more my healthy-self.  I'm still mad peeing at night (probably one more night of it) - but I woke up less puffy in the face.  Rest day for workout.  I'm tired and sore - both good feelings.  I have a stretch of 3 hard workout days coming, so rest wins today.  I might do a treadmill walk just to stretch out.

My INTENTION today is GRATEFUL.  That feels right for today.

Pictures that remind me to be GRATEFUL and make me smile.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Nothing but ME (and the dog)

It's happened.  I'm home alone and lordy does is feel good!

Today was busy: 2 workouts (lift was whole body), 2 grocery stores, 2 homemade meals -- day of 2s apparently.

I made dinner, but haven't tried it yet.  It seems okay -- not great, but certainly edible.  Of course, it made a huge pan, so leftovers for tomorrow.  I didn't taste it because that's part of W30 -- no snacking, especially if you're not hungry.  I made it early to get the kitchen cleaned up and have it ready for when hunger strikes.  I find on W30 I'm not hungry, then I'm suddenly famished so having dinner ready is a plus.  I had a HANGRY scare after my workout because I wasn't well prepared.

Hash was delicious.  Sitting helped the flavors come together.  Grated sweet potato, chicken, granny-smith apple, spinach, hot pepper flakes, chopped pecans and apple cider vinegar.  Recipe from Melissa Hartwig's blog. Way more flavor than I expected.

My body is TIRED in a good way from today's workouts.  The rest of the night is some TV and then reading (and hopefully finishing) the book.

I'm really looking forward to see how I feel by week's end.  I kept fighting a full reset, but I need it.  I'm excited to push hard on the workouts and actually see results.  My workout energy will take a dive by the end of the week, but it will come back up.  This isn't low carb eating, but it's not high carb either.  I've been riding the high carb sugar train so it will take a hot minute to adjust again.

After I get a reset underway, I want to start my "other" work.  I know -- broken record on this one.  I have a feeling this procrastination is a complicated animal.  I'm battling mixed feelings about going back to work and have unanswered questions about what I want to do - both are hanging me up.  Standing still won't solve anything though.

Okay, time to enjoy the peace and quiet and just ME.

It's already working

I had to pee 4 times last night -- I mean full, aching bladder pee.  Sayonara bloat.  That's the first sign W30 is working for me.  It shows me the unhealthy in my healthy-ish eating over the past few weeks.

Dinner last night was later, but good.  I thawed W30 meatballs with sauce over Trader Joe's spiralized carrots.  The carrots are a new item for me (thanks to a blog I read for highlighting it).  Mixed reviews.  Love the shape. Love the ease to prepare it.  But the flavor is strong carrot (duh, it's carrot). I don't feel inclined to eat them on their own.  I'll have to think about ways to jazz them up, i.e. hide the flavor.  (I have a few boxes in the freezer.)  If I make carrots, I roast them and I like that much better.  Still, it's an easy option for a whole pan of veggies.  It took a hot minute for the riced cauliflower to grow on me too.  I'm not ready to give up on them just yet.  I LOVE easy!

Tonight is dinner on my own!!!  Yep - ON MY OWN!!  Everyone is gone tonight.  Freedom!!!  I'm making chicken hash -- new recipe -- nothing the family would like.  Yum.  There is something nice about occasionally taking care of just ME (and the dog, of course).

So what's on the agenda today?

Finish the book.  It's gotten better.  Not the great revelation promised, but I understand the message and the f-bombs slowed down.  More when I finish it.

Split workout.  More like a double today.  I hope to do a full cardio if my knees feel okay.  And I have an old 80's song to download for the run.  Billy Ocean - There'll Be Sad Songs.  I workout to weird choices.  I forgot how much I like his voice.  Little Reward #1.

The studio gets me halfway to Sprouts so I'll get my teas and coffee plus a new flavor of both.  Little Reward #2.

I listened to some Whole30 podcast stuff yesterday.  It got me thinking about the "is it worth it" question.  I planned this disconnected W30 to allow the days where I had something special to not count - 5 total.  Now I'm re-evaluating.  I don't think all 5 will be "worth it."  I need to review Food Freedom Forever.  One of the criteria to "is it worth it" is will it put me back on a struggle path.  The 5 events hit pretty close together and the answer is probably "yes."  Feeling good is taking a priority. I know how good I feel when I eat healthy and I want to be back there again.  P.S.  Hubby finished the nuts -- when will I learn?!?

My INTENTION for today is to WORK at my healthy habits.  I know the pattern of my behavior that leads to good things and I know the pattern that leads to poor choices.  (e.g. sitting down to dinner at the table with a plate is much more satisfying than snacking around the counter or in front of the TV) I have lots of examples of what works and what doesn't.  I need to WORK the stuff that works today. Later gators.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Hello (again)

I'm enjoying my quiet ME day.

Repairman came and went ($178 later - working microwave).  Guru revisit, continued reading and a few episode of Better Call Saul.

The foster was claimed from the shelter in a win-win situation.  No foster this week, but a happy ending for the one who counts!

Now that I'm "free" for the week, I need to occupy myself, be productive, focus on something other than food.  That's when W30 works for me.  Food becomes food and everything else becomes important.  I also find rewards help the process along (twist my arm).

I'm planning some non-food rewards until healthy becomes routine.  First stop -- a new workout outfit.  Awesome, plus incentive to feel good in something new.  I actually hope it takes a little bit to come in the mail so I have time to lose some of the bloat.

I like big-ish rewards and little rewards.  The outfit is big-ish.  The little reward ... new tea and coffee flavors from Sprouts.  I'm running on empty so I'll add to the usual suspects and try something new.

Eating today was a little mixed.  Lots of vegetables - win.  Lots of nuts - not a win.  I stopped myself but not quite soon enough.  A few nuts with lunch became an extended snack.  Still compliant, not ideal.  No more nuts (sounds familiar - why do I think I can eat just a few).  Dinner is cooked and waiting for a reheat.  I'm not hungry yet and might not be tonight after those darn nuts.  I'll wait to see ... might just be a mini-meal.

Tomorrow is my split workout and I'm ready.  The rest day was good and I'm itching to get at it tomorrow.

Fingers crossed and all that.  

Hello Whole30

Whew.  It's a relief.  A set of rules to follow.  No gray area until I reset.  Whole30 to the rescue and I need to be rescued.  Today might actually be an easy day.  I'm really ready to get this going.

Today is also an extra workout rest day.  My legs and knees are sore from the SUP and the hike.  I'm listening and taking an extra day to rest them.  It plays with my head a little since I'm starting my W30 today and a good sweat would be a welcomed way to start.  But if I workout today, I know the rest of the week will suffer.

No big plans either.  I'm stuck at home waiting for the microwave repairman.  Hubby and youngest are at work.  A just ME day (or mostly ME day) is good.  If the repair happens in a timely way (is that even possible?!?!), I'll run an errand but, otherwise, I'm home.

Good time to hit my motivational gurus.  I could use a big old pep talk as I REALLY get back to my healthy habits.  TR, Jim Rohn and Melissa Hartwig.  The 3 biggies in my life right now.  And healthy habits lead to feeling better which leads to being productive (hello "work").  It's time for all of this again.

Yesterday was a fun day.

Here's the pup BEFORE the swim (what a difference lol!)

Relaxing after the hike while the dogs swim.  It's like a river beach.

Lunch with the gang.  Hit the spot!  The coolers in the background 
brought to you by Father's Day.  They worked liked a charm!  
Stupidly expensive though, but a perfect gift for the guy who has everything.

For some reason he stays sloppy wet.  Every other dog shakes and looks dry.  
I wish I got a better picture of all the dogs.  There were probably 50 or so.  
All having fun, playing, getting along.  It was awesome.

My INTENTION for today is to RESTORE.  Restore healthy, restore feeling good, restore focus.  Time to make a turn and get back to what works for me.  I had the best time these last few days, but there was an undercurrent of feeling crappy.  All by my own hand (to mouth).  I know what to do ... time to do it.  Later gators.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day

I had a great dad.  We had some ups and downs over the years (we're both complicated people) but his life ended when we were on a big up (I'm forever grateful for that).  It's been 17 years -- miss him always.

And I married a man who is an awesome dad.  The boys and I struck gold.  My dad always took credit for our meeting -- true in a funny story way.  Two very different dads and I love them both -- lucky me.

I'm up far too early to get ready for our hike and picnic - darn alarm.  It should be a good time though.  The hike is pretty, well shaded and there's an area where people take their dogs to swim.  It's an unofficial water dog park - love it!

Did I mention there are no bathrooms?!?!  It was my first ever pee-in-the-woods when we went last time.  I image this will be my second ever pee-in-the-woods today.

Unfortunately, I'm hungover - yep - crap.  The lake visit is with our drinking friends and they get me every time. I was fine until the cocktails at dinner.  Hard alcohol doesn't sit well with me.  It's not horrible, but the last thing I want this morning is exactly what I'm doing -- my own fault.  Whole30 will be tough tomorrow, but a welcomed relief to this back and forth.  I have major energy zap today.

The lake was a lot of fun.  Perfect weather -- boating, SUP (although I never actually stood this time - too many boat wakes), swimming and lots of laughing.  I could do without the hangover but it was an A+ time.

I like the picnic menu I put together for today - my kind of finger foods.  Not Whole30, but not unhealthy either.  It's all easy stuff, but it will take time to assemble and finish everything, hence the "up early" this morning.  The kids are making the dessert. (It's nice to have big kids!)

My INTENTION today is MODERATION.  I'm not always a fan of that word, but it fits today. P.S. I feel a lot better already.  Hangover is almost over lol!

Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Quick Hello

Hubby got up early with me this morning, so this is a quick post while he's walking the dog.

Golf was a lot of fun last night.  We even "placed" and won $40 prize money.  I played okay, but hubby is a good golfer so he's the reason for the $$.  I did have one amazing shot out of the sand over a steep wall -- best sand shot I've ever hit.

It was a later night than I expected so I'm opting for a home lift workout this morning.  Plus, my muscles are tired so I'd like to do what works for me today.

We are heading to Lake Lanier after lunch for our semiannual invite to visit our friends.  Boating, SUP, tubing, etc and then heading out for dinner.  Should be lots of fun.  And it's easy.  It's just us and them - so no food needed, just a bottle of wine and some beer.  That works!

Father's Day picnic is all prepped for tomorrow. I'll get up early and put it together before the hike.

After some thought, I'm set for the modified Whole30 starting Monday.  I want AND need to feel better (I'm part of the way there, but part isn't enough).

My INTENTION today is to be patient.  Why?  I'm annoyed my morning routine is shared today.  ME time in the morning helps set my day.  No ME time today and I feel itchy and bitchy about it.  This is a fun weekend but it's so much TOGETHER.  Looking for some quiet space and I thought I'd have it this morning.  PATIENCE ... maybe ... hopefully.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Golf Tournament

Living outside the box today.  Tonight is a golf tournament for me and the hubby.  We're paired with friends for the 4-some.  I don't like competition but I'm strutting outside the box and going for it tonight (while I pray for a rain-out lol).  Hello VARIETY.  Hello nerves.  Remember -- eye on the ball!!

My lift class was cancelled today and treadmill drew the short straw - intervals it is.  Yesterday's lift was the posterior chain.  We lifted heavy and it felt good.  I'm bummed about the cancelation since today was going to be another "heavy" day for the anterior chain. Maybe that's better before golf anyway -- I need my swing refreshed and ready to go.  If she cancels tomorrow too, I'll lift at home.

I have to hit the grocery store for stuff for our Father's Day picnic (plus hike and swim -- fun).  We're gone most of the day and night tomorrow, so I need to get it done today.  I have a menu of lunch finger foods that should be a hit and fairly easy to pull together, but it takes a bit of time.  This is the month of hubby!!

Once this weekend is over, I'm considering a specialized Whole30 to get me back to the real deal healthy eating.  Specialized because I have events on the calendar that I won't allow a true W30, but I don't want to wait until mid-July to start.  I'll count out 30 days, but exclude the event days (there are 3 that I can think of off hand) -- so a non-consecutive W30.  I'll think about it some more, but I like the idea a lot.

I had a kombucha fail yesterday.  The store bought bottle had a slime baby that slimed up my straw and it was GROSS.  Now I can't look at the bottle in the refrigerator without swallowing a gag.  It's amazing how quickly perspective can change. Maybe I need to find a slime baby in a bottle of wine?!?

Okay - quick one today.  My INTENTION is to be confident today.  Did I mention I hate competition?!?!  I don't need to do well tonight, I just don't want to flop.  But maybe I need to be comfortable and confident in a full-on flop.  Maybe that's true confidence.  Hmmmm ...

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Wonder Woman

Youngest and I saw Wonder Woman yesterday.  Our reviews were kind of blah ... the movie seemed more a set up to have Wonder Woman join the superhero franchise ... the plot was rushed.  Even so, I like WW.  I remember watching that show growing up and wishing to be her or to know her or to be her best friend.  Girl power with all the glamour -- it's pretty sexy armor, even old school WW!

But, I also like that you can have girl power without the glamour or with a little glamour ... whatever goes.  Take today -- I'm heading to lift weights hoping my nail polish is dry enough not to smudge.  Some leather and some lace.  Choice and acceptance and non-judgement is the real deal girl power. I notice this more the older I get.  I don't know if that's part of the confidence and glory of getting older or the younger generation is standing up stronger, but I like it.  Power and sexy come in infinite number of packages and differences should not only be celebrated, but desired.  Same-same makes for a boring world.

Anyway ...
I had an eating out day yesterday, but I did well.  Nicely balanced and not overdone.  Lunch was ceviche three ways - delicious.  Dinner was persian kabobs - also delicious.  Lunch today with my boys is at a lunch diner that serves paleo options.  They both love a free meal and I love some healthy choices.  Although, their non-paleo banana granola pancakes are heavenly or so I've been told lol.

AND I'm going to be a foster mama again.  Sweet little thing is in a shelter until Sunday (reclaim time) and then she will go to the vet to be spayed and then to me.  I don't know if I should hope she gets reclaimed or not (if she's missing her family).  She's a pure breed, not neutered, 3 years old, no chip, starving when she was found.  This girl needs TLC but quick.  But if she just got lost ... but who doesn't chip their dog?!?!  If you can afford a pure breed - good lord.  Trying to keep an open mind - not really succeeding.

My mood today is noticeably better.  I know that mood and food go hand in hand.  Okay - I love that rhyme - mood and food.  I'm probably going to overuse it now.  How many times do I need to see this lesson?  Apparently, lots and lots.  I have a busy weekend full of fun and food, but I want to keep it balanced so I stay balanced.  (More on the fun stuff tomorrow!)  Food freedom - love me the W30 philosophy.

Time to get moving (aka my nails are dry enough now).  My INTENTION today is BALANCE.  My favorite word.  Later gators.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Win #1

I did it - raise the roof!  I kept to my healthy habits and I'm better off for it this morning.  Finally a win!

I read more last night and this morning (The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck - Mark Manson).  Cheeky title and the first 1/3 of the book was all about the f-word.  It doesn't offend me, but it's a bit overkill if you ask me -- he's slowing it down.  I don't love the book, but it has a few points that having me thinking.  Lots of regurgitated ideas, but it's good to hear them said again with a different twist.  He's not TR or Jim Rohn, but, hey, who is?!?

Manson says pleasure is the byproduct of happiness, not the cause of happiness.  If you seek only pleasure, life is shallow and unrewarding.  Eating junk (overeating junk) is all about pleasure seeking for me. Hmmmm ... interesting food words for thought.  I've heard it before, but it's a good reminder.  I'm about halfway through the book and he promises to get to the point that bucks traditional thinking and will blow your mind. Stay tuned ...

Today looks like a good one.  Rest day for working out (although I already walked the dog -- before it's crazy hot).  I have some house chores to get finished (hello bills) and the stupid microwave broke again.  It's a special built-in and replacing it will require cabinet work.  Ugh.  P.S. I'm not a fan of a custom kitchen.  I need to call a repair company.  BUT, then FUN!  Lunch with a friend, movie with the youngest.  A nice day is shaping up -- take that microwave!

I've been procrastinating my "work" again.  June was supposed to be the slow roll out.  I'm not sure why I'm resisting.  I'm still confused about what I want to do.  I have conflicting thoughts and I don't know how to prioritize them.  I need to do some more thinking.  But that's still not a good excuse for this procrastination.  Usually, I can get my butt in gear by now.  I'll keep working on it.  I'd say stay tuned on this one too, but it might be a long wait.

In other news, I made cold brewed coffee with my flavored decaf.  It's not as good as the kona (duh) but it's okay.  Something different to try with no added "shakes."

My INTENTION today is alluding me.  Nothing is standing out.  Maybe that's my intention -- just go with flow.  Don't TRY today, just let it be.  I like it. (P.S.  That's from the meditation exercises ... there's hope for me yet!)  Later gators.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Checking In


Afternoon witching hours check-in ... because ... it works.  The day is cruising along.  Here's some very mundane scoop.

My hair is darker around my ears, but not horribly so.  I can live with it and have it fixed next time. Vanity crisis over.

I did something today I haven't done in probably 15 years -- painted my own nails.  Yep, makes me seem extra, extra spoiled.  Every since I became a nurse, I had someone else do my nails.  I like them to look professional and I lack coordination (big time).  My right hand always looked particularly bad.  Then gel came along and there was no looking back.  I bought some nail strengthening polish (with a shear pink tint) so I can maintain them on my own for awhile.  I'll get a manicure every once in a bit just to shape up and clean up.  Hopefully, they will grow out much healthier. New painted fingers crossed.

My workouts went well.  Today's lift was hard and long (she went over class time even).  My arms feel pumped and jello-like all at once.  Home cardio was good too.

Meditation and rolling on the books for today as well.

The witching hours are hitting hard -- no surprise there, but I'm focused.  I'm watching an episode of Better Call Saul (wow is it good for all the fans of Breaking Bad).  I'll keep busy until the night is finished.

The win is happening today come hell or high water.

Black Fly

In case anyone was terrified wondering, I've come to the conclusion my neck bite is from a black fly not the s-word that shall not be named.  That's good news ... I hate to move lol.

Anyway, I'm still shy of my HAPPY path, but I have hopes of getting there today.  Yesterday afternoon gave me time to think and I woke up in good spirits -- ready to fight the fight so to speak.

The new book I'm reading is about finding what matters in your life.  Letting go of the crappy, non important stuff and focusing on real things -- i.e. don't focus on the guy who cut you off in traffic, focus on fixing your broken relationship.  That sort of thing.  I hear his message; I don't know if the way he's getting there resonates with me totally.  I'm only 1/3 through the book though.  I'll review it at the end (with title that I can't remember this minute -- darn kindle).

I finished a lot of my to-do list yesterday.  I was on a roll, but then rolled off the old train.  Why?  I'm embarrassed to even confess this here.  My hair is too dark again.  I told her we were still moving a bit lighter and it looks brown on the base again.  I have to wash the keratin treatment today to see how it looks.  Maybe it's fine once it's washed.  Maybe this is a mountain out of a mole hill.  Maybe my crash-n-burn was for nothing.

I'm not as vain as I appear (or maybe I am).  For me this is about being heard.  I'm shouting and I finally thought someone was listening, but I don't feel that way again.  This theme repeats so much in my life.  "I can do any day but Tuesday."  Tuesday it is.  WTH.  Really?!?  I keep looking at myself to see why this repeats so much -- how am I allowing it?  I guess I am.  Frustrating.  My hair issue brought up all that frustration again.

But today I have a clearer mindset and I'm focused on getting back on that HAPPY path.  If my hair is too dark, I will call to get it fixed.  Problem solved.  Focus on what matters (thanks new book).  My real issue is getting back to HEALTHY and feeling well.  The hair means nothing because it can be fixed or lived with -- both easy solutions.  It's distracting me from the "real" work that needs to be done.

Since we're chatting all things vain ... my finger nails.  It's time for a break from the gel.  It's pealing almost immediately and it's making my nails extremely weak.  I'm going to try regular long-lasting polish this week.  Who knows if it actually works, but it's non damaging and can't be much worse than the pealing I have now (I hope).  We'll see.  Maybe a month break, if the polish works?  My nails grow quickly from the collagen peptides.

Today is my split workout.  Some cardio, followed by noon lifting -- triceps and back today.  It will feel good to get back to "normal."  Errands end the day.  Nothing fancy.

My INTENTION today is healthy habits, no excuses, no compromise.  It's a promise to ME today and must be kept at all costs.  Period.  No discussion.  I need this win.  I need to take this step up on the HAPPY path.  Later gators.

Monday, June 12, 2017

All Quiet on the Home Front

The weekend was good, really good.  Saturday was spent dropping the Littles to their new home (picture below), brunch, errands, grill-out and a movie.  We watched Dr. Strange ... I liked it ... fun free watch.  Yesterday we had the gang over for a big dinner and Stanley Cup Finals (yea Penguins for the win).

Today is relatively quiet.  I miss the little dogs, but I don't miss the tons of work lol!  To sit quietly, early in the morning is pure pleasure.

Why am I up so early?  Hair Day!! And now that the color is on the right track - stress free lol.

My youngest has his LSAT this afternoon.  Fingers crossed ... he's worked hard.

I'm kind of freaking myself out right now.  I have some sort of bite on my neck.  It's hard, raised and hurts.  Not the usual mosquito-like bite.  I refuse to type what I think it might be - my arch enemy - was it in the bed with me?!?!

Today's workout is a quick lift - mostly legs.  I had my hard interval run yesterday, so no run today.  I wanted to do something though.

Now that the week is back to normal, I need a to-do list to figure out my stuff.  I have chores to get done, but I want to have time to myself too.  Like this afternoon ... no one at home ... perfect time to read (new book today!) or whatever.  I'll have a few hours of peace and quiet and I need it.  And meditation FINALLY.

I know I'm not on my HAPPY path right now ... stepped a little off and I want to get back on.  Quiet time lets me think and ponder and plan.  When that's missing, I tend to get off that yellow brick road and run smack into some trouble.

I saw a Facebook post from a long time ago friend's son ... he's back in rehab and doing well ... again.  It's a forever journey for him - sad story, lots of tragedy for this young man.  Anyway, it put my struggles into perspective - again.  That's part of my pondering this afternoon.

My INTENTION today is ME.  It's a self-centered kind of day.

Oshie and Olive (love the new names!) with their new family.

Friday, June 9, 2017


The Littles met their forever mama and big (human) sister.  They will be LOVED and LOVED and LOVED FOREVER!!  And did I mention pampered as the only pets?!?  They will never have a sad, abused, neglected day again.  My heart is full of joy for these little girls.

Plus ... they turned the potty training corner.  We've achieved house-breaking!  All in just a week.  Good little girls.  CERTAINTY is my specialty - the schedule worked.

With the adoption happening tomorrow, I canceled all my classes this week.  I can't go tomorrow and last night was a late night with the meet and greet ... not worth getting up so early for one class today.   Plus, they need to be crated a lot today (I'm a softy!).  Home workouts to finish up the week.

Today is a home inspection for another adoption and the grocery store.  I keep pushing that back (I was on my way out the door last night when I got the adoption call).  The freezer is still pretty full, but the refrigerator is running on empty (now I'm singing that song ...).  I love these little girls, but I'm happy to get back to normal tomorrow.

My eating has been okay.  I'm not overeating, but I'm not back to the level of healthy eating that makes me feel my best.  Some of that is my refrigerator is bare - but it's an excuse.  I could have made a grocery store run if I prioritized it.  My heart isn't ready to go full force ahead yet.  I think I need a breath before I get back at it.  Baby steps.  The good news is I'm craving my vegetables so I don't think it will be too long.

Okay - I keep getting interrupted on this post - phone, kid, dogs lol.  Guess that's the scoop today.  Later gators :-)

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Happy Picture

A quick HAPPY picture to start the day!

The mornings are BUSY with 3 dogs.  10am -- I've logged 3 walks, numerous poop bags (yea - going outside) and lots of belly rubs.

I'm drinking my morning drinks (DECAF coffee, tea with collagen) and will take the pups out again before my workout.

It's such a joy to be with all three of these loves, but I'm missing ME again.  I cancelled my lift workout again because it seemed overwhelming to get it all done before class.  Tomorrow will be even more rushed for the early class, but I need to get there.  Getting the schedule together is slowly working.  It takes time for me and for them.  After all, I'm a MORNING PERSON.  I should be able to figure this out!!

Today is simple.  Grocery store, some house errands and some healthy cooking.  That's it.

I have no great words of wisdom for my future self reading this post.  I'm in task mode -- survival mode (apparently drama mode too lol).  My INTENTION today is to find ME and that always starts with a workout.  Best get at it ...

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

A Refreshing Day

Taking care of TWO littles is proving to be a lot of work!  They are adorable, still learning AND now coming out of their shell.  It's very hard to watch both when they are scrambling in different directions.  Walks are now their favorite thing to do - every couple of hours!!  They discovered birds yesterday - OMG so cute!

Handling the adoptive families is also more work than I expected.  It's like herding cats getting them to commit to a day and time (too many follow-ups with no results).  Excuse me - I have a life and a schedule too.  I'm not at their beck and call and I won't hold the weekend completely open while they ponder what works for them.  Ugh.

It looks like we may have these gals a bit longer than expected.  After an extremely hectic and poorly managed day yesterday, I'm moving to a schedule and some reorganization to make this work more efficiently.  So far - well, maybe a bit better.  Stay tuned on this one.  As much as I love them, two is one too many for me to handle.  Lesson noted.

All that said, today feels refreshing - like a cleansing breath.  The ungodly humidity broke over night and it's pleasant and sunny out this morning.  Monthly woes are mostly gone.  Moving off caffeine so goodbye strange feelings (probably hello headache lol).  A good solid cardio workout in my immediate future.  Yep - a better day.

Taking care of these little girls is a big reminder to me on so many levels.
STOP and enjoy the moment.
Life is precious.
Doing things that matter - MATTERS.
Life can change in a moment.
New beginnings are always possible.
Being kind blesses me.
(Not exactly inspiration poetry - just stream of consciousness)

They are little whirlwinds of lessons and frustrations and HAPPINESS and I feel like I was meant to re-appreciate these lessons.  I also feel like a weathered new mother - can I actually shower today lol?!?!  I have VARIETY overload, but bringing in some CERTAINTY organization (my specialty) should balance things out much better.

On that note - time to workout (hello CERTAINTY).  My INTENTION today is to find the CERTAINTY to BALANCE me out.  Wish me luck - I'll need it on this one!!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Under the Weather

Kind of - sort of.  It's the old time of the month.  It snuck up on me and came a few days early.  Travel can mess me up a bit.  I'm crampy with a headache and all the usual suspects of monthly woes.

Another rainy day on the horizon too.  Kind of a blah day.  I canceled my noon lift.  It's back and biceps and I don't have it in me today between the Littles, the rain and how I feel.  I'll do a home workout a little later.

I made the mistake of not taking the Littles out for a late potty (they had a long walk at 8pm and fell sound asleep).  I also didn't set an alarm given how crappy I felt last night.  The combination meant a tinkle accident to start the morning.  My fault.  Lesson learned.  (Good news is they both pooped outside - woohoo!!)

Today IS my last day on caffeinated coffee.  It's finally caught up to me - shakes, feeling nervous, but no trouble sleeping surprisingly.  The kona coffee is finished.  I will probably have a bit of a withdrawal but I need to face the music.

Hubby left for the west coast today.  These are the days I craved last week.  It's a little different picture with the Littles in my life, but some quiet evenings this week.

Nothing much to say this morning.  I'll workout, continue with sheets for all the spare rooms and take care of two Littles and one Big.  Later gators.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Now the "regular" stuff ...

What a whirlwind of a weekend!! I was doing my final shop for the party when I got the foster call - for THAT evening!  The rest is a blur!!  It's been an adventure from that moment on.

The timing couldn't have been worse, but the results are PERFECT.  Great party, adorable Littles and enough happy to power a small town.

Today is Monday.  New week of the new month.  Time to get busy getting back to ME.  Party eating and drinking is over - back to healthy.  I have no excuse (even with two fosters).

This week is getting my house back to order (overnight guests in the extra rooms), hard workouts and begin my "work" list.  And, hopefully, finding the girls their forever home (they have two families interested - yea!).  Hubby is out of town tomorrow, so those quiet nights are here (although not as quiet as I though with two Littles!)  I was grateful to have him home with all the activity of the 3 dogs and a party.

Other than some potty accidents (still working of that), it's going really well.  I'm actually the 3rd foster so no quarantine period (thankfully). The girls have come out of their shell and are playing and running around.  Parker is doing well too.  They take a lot of attention, so we are careful to give him special moments too.  He sleeps next to them in their crate - such a good foster brother!!  I won't have trouble giving them up though.  As much as I adore them, Parker is my main man.  They deserve to be the top dogs for some other family.  It will be a very lucky family - these girls are precious.

I think my hubby will take it harder than I will - he is super in love.  They trust men immediately but take a minute to get comfortable around women - so he's their favorite for sure (as are my boys).  Little flirts!!  It's so cute to watch.  He's bummed to be out of town this week.

I could talk about this forever -- but, alas, it's time to get going.  My meditation was out the window this weekend.  Maybe today?!?!  I'll have to see.  My INTENTION today is to stop and smell the roses and enjoy the JOY from 3 adorable dogs.  Living in the moment is easy when you are surrounded by unconditional dog love!  

Two Littles and a Party (Pictures!)

First the Littles. Cagney and Lacey.  

They are 4-5 years old coming from neglect in a hoarding home where they never went outside or out of their crate.  They are EXTREME LOVE BUGS!!! They were being fostered separately and refused to eat.  Now they are together and happy, happy, happy!!  They'll be adopted together too (probably this week).  I'm so excited for them to have a forever home.  They are pure JOY and deserve a wonderful life!

Double trouble :-) 

Lap dogs LOVE BUGS

Sofa time.

Doggie bed and a "stolen" bone lol

No lap goes unnoticed!


And the PARTY!  Success!  Hubby had the best time.  It was crazy and fun and totally worth it!  The food was a hit, the pina coladas were perfect (youngest bartended) and the "heads" were awesome.  We were so busy, not any "during" pictures -- we'll take more on his actual birthday.  


Hubby and his BFF

Big Head!  Cracks me up!

Ooooops - one more of the pups.  
Lacey decided to join Parker for a cuddle.  
He has no idea what to do lol!

Friday, June 2, 2017


OF TWINS!!!  Adorable, tiny bundles of energy.  More to follow with pictures.  For now ... party planning and new fosters leaves me with no time!!

I'm in doggie joy heaven!!

I'll check in as soon as I can.

P.S.  I can barely type with 2 pups in my lap going crazy!!!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

New Month, New Focus

Hello June.

Summer's start, Father's Day, my birthday -- it's a good month.  Time to set some focus and goals for the month.

I said I needed to get moving on some of my less-pleasant tasks and June would begin the WORK.  Starting next week (yep, after the party) my task for June is to update my resume and review my nursing notes.  I want to log 3 hours of review time a week.  I know, sounds a bit pitiful for a grand reveal for the month, but that will get the job done.

Speaking of jobs, here's a sneak peak ... July will be focused on finding what's available, identifying possible opportunities, etc.

But back to June.

I also want to add a fitness goal for the month.  I'm going to give a push (again) to get some muscle definition - add strength while reducing my fat percentage.  That means lifting hard, eating lean.  I think the lack of success last time was that I pulled off cardio almost completely.  Cardio keeps me leaner and a leaner look is what I'm after -- leaner without the jiggle lol!  I hope what I learned before, combined with some tweaking can get me better results.

I'm feeling good about June.