Monday, December 16, 2024


I wasn't wrong about the day, but I wasn't as bummed as I expected.

I left for the hike. In the dark. In the pouring rain. Got halfway there (30 minutes in) and hike was canceled. Should I have made that decision for myself? Probably not. Pulling off a full qualifier hike at the last minute is a big ding against the "politeness" rules of the club. I wish I hadn't gotten up so early, drove so far -- and for nothing, but what can you do. The rain forecast changed for the worse. 

That gave me some found time and I made the little Christmas craft from IG.

Then we got the news that we lost the bid for the house. Mostly relief, but a little feeling of scarcity -- will we find another house that works for us? Location, price, etc. It's not easy in that area. Now I feel a bit like I have one foot out the door on this house. I'll need to sort out some feelings on everything. I believe it was for the best though. Just feelings running a little crazy right now (which they would be even crazier if we got the house).

What I need to manage is feeling in limbo. We spent most of our married life this way. Hubby was always on the edge of a transfer and we lived that way. I don't want to do that again. We might move in 2025 and we might not. My garden phase 2 will proceed as planned (unless a move is eminent). We're making a few improvements to the house to get ready to move, but also get to live with the improvements. We often do the things ahead of a move and never get to enjoy them ourselves. I'm looking at you, carpets. 

Anyway, the real disappointment is not moving to a walking town. I'm extremely ready for that change. However, I think we were romanticizing some of that a bit -- caught in the excitement. 

So back to my question ... how can I live this now? That's the way out of limbo. 

Hope you're set for a good week in this busy run to the end of the year. I have a full day, but I'm grabbing some fun too. Later gators.

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