Saturday, December 14, 2024

And We Wait ...

As expected, house was a mixed bag for me AND as it seems to usually happen for us, there's another offer coming in from yesterday morning. Hubby wants the house and we put in an offer. We won't get into a bidding war, so I expect we'll lose the house.

I'm a little disappointed and a little relieved. This feels like such a 50-50 thing for me. 

We'll know soon.

As you can imagine, my nervous system is in overdrive. And nothing is bad. I want to control this better. It's annoying to get so worked up over "good" things.

I have a qualifier hike with my hiking group tomorrow. If I pass, I'll get to hike at a higher level. I passed once before but it expired -- and I made the time by only 90 seconds and I felt like death on the last mile. I gave it everything to finish. Geez. No room for breaks, slow down, etc. This has me up in arms too. I refuse to drop the hike because I'm nervous I can't finish in the allotted time. If I don't, I know how much I need to improve and I get a good morning hike. Why am I nervous?!?! See? Crazy things get me all wound up. I will drop if it rains and that's a possibility -- hike is mostly rock climbs and it'll be too slippery. 

Today I'm heading downtown Atlanta to meet the kids at the rehearsal dinner restaurant to finalize a few more details and try more food options.

If there's no house stuff, I'm switching gears to Christmas prep. Baking (to freeze) this afternoon and tomorrow. But first, I need to plan and grocery shop. 

I can't seem to find a balance between not-enough and too-much. I'm in too much mode right now. Of course, I wonder if it's really too much or I'm just telling myself it's too much. What's wrong with full days full of good things?? 

I'm going to try to clean up my attitude and see if that helps.

I miss coaching. I could use it now. 

I have a mostly free morning and I'm going to use it wisely. Christmas food planning and rock painting on the agenda for a little bit of to-do and a little bit of creativity. Both will help.

Later gators.

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