Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Housing Hunting

Did I mention that hubby and I are doing a little house looking in a town that's a bit closer to the thick of things we do, more inclusive, more diverse, and has a community feeling?

We toured a house on Saturday -- great location, interesting, but didn't fit our needs. Hubby found another house and it's a bit closer to what we want. We hope to see it this weekend. I took a ride and looked at the neighborhood yesterday. Not a bullseye, but not a 'no' either. I didn't have a lot of time to drive around and it was rainy with heavy fog -- not best day to peruse. 

This isn't the house I see in the FS visualizations, but I think this could be a stepping stone of "how can I live this now." Hubby wanted to move further out before retiring, but now feels it's too far. I agree (always felt that way). The problem is I love my house here. I feel at home and settled. The thought of a move is daunting -- especially ahead of the wedding. Maybe this will take some time -- we want to be picky because we can. Also, a bit worried to make an unnecessary move during these unpredictable times. 

Anyway ... it's fun to look, fun to imagine. As Mary Oliver says ... something like ... you have one wild and precious life, what do you plan to do? 

We found out a friend from when our kids were little had a medical emergency at 60 and is now on the heart transplant list at level one. Puts things in perspective and reminds you if not now, when do you live the life you want?

I was tight on time looking at the neighborhood because I decided to get the COVID booster. I've been waiting since I had COVID in June and wanted protection closer to the wedding. This week fit the bill in case I didn't feel well. So far, nothing but a sore arm. 

I also got a few prickly things off my to-do list yesterday. That always feels good. Today is much of the same -- unscheduled day to do things for me and some stuff from my list. Tomorrow starts the "work" part of my week. Doing as much as I can AND spending time on things that I enjoy is a good way to spend the day. Once again, I need to remember to use the time well. 

No sofa slug needed. 

But ... this is totally okay.

Hope your week is going well. Later gators.

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