Monday, August 22, 2022


Why does entertaining in Asheville zonk me so much?  I'm exhausted today.  That's a big word, but I'm more than tired.  I guess the combination of all-the-things wipes me out -- sleep, routine, eating, etc.

A "simple" weekend is a lot of work for me.  We ate out just for the one dinner so I was in the kitchen a lot setting up, serving, cleaning up, etc.  Arrival was a big rush and leaving was a whirlwind too.

In the name of taking one car, these weekends are jammed because of hubby's work schedule.  Maybe I need to put my foot down and take 2 cars so I have time on the front and back end -- when we're entertaining, at least.  I think that might have a lot to do with why I get so tired.  

The next trip is Labor Day -- possibility the weekend with the kids or the week after with just us.  

We stopped at Goats on the Roof roadside rest stop.  It's cute for kids.  Candy and ice cream store, goats, playground.  We saw the rooftop goats, but didn't realize there was another area on the other side.  We'll stop there next time for the dogs to sniff around.  It times nicely on the way home.

Today is a re-entry day -- back into routine.  Plan the week and a few unpacking chores.  Spanish class tonight.  I wish there was another week in-between because BRAIN FOG (!!)

Hope you're having a good start to the week.  Overall, I'm glad the weekend happened and I'm happy with how I showed up.  Still learning, still practicing ... but not a bad go of it.  Later gators.

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