Saturday, August 13, 2022

Southern Melon

Good morning.  

I had another decent night's sleep.  I'm wondering if some of the sleep issue is related to my diet -- specifically dairy.  I'm paying attention -- we'll see.

Anyway, I finished the last book, Summer Island (Kristen Hannah).  It was okay.  Too wrapped-up-in-a-bow for my liking, but that's this author's style.  Easy read.

Next up is bookclub book since I'm hosting and want to make sure I'm ready.

Hit the farm stand with no luck on veggies (they hadn't picked yet), but I got a YELLOW watermelon.  He called it a Southern Melon and said that's what they ate growing up.  It's the original watermelon (before nature produced pink, then red ones), but it has a thin shell so breaks easily at a market.  It tasted like watermelon with a bit of honey -- and it was SO water-filled, but not mushy.  It was like crunching on water.  And, it had been picked hours before so it was so fresh and delicious.  I ate too much and had a full bladder over and over lol (!!). Guess I'm hydrated for the hike today.

Youngest is coming over this morning for a new hike and lunch.  I'm grabbing Pub Subs I ordered for pick-up.  Keeping it simple.  This afternoon is falafel making, but the chickpeas weren't ready in-time for lunch.  I'll have a bean burger I got at Whole Foods -- they're surprisingly good.

I biked 20 minutes yesterday and my back is fine this morning.  Hallelujah!  I didn't push at all, but it's a good start.  Thank you, turmeric!  I think that's the last missing piece to fully healing.  It feels SO GOOD to be able to be active again.  It's taking a lot of fortitude to hold back and pace myself, but so far, so good.

Still focusing on FS intentions today.  My day is better when I focus forward and watch for slips back into old habits.  One FS is hiking a new hike.  I'm VERY chicken about drop offs on a trail and I don't know if this one has any, but I'm doing it anyway.  I read the reviews and the hike is well within my skill level and should have nice views too.  Pictures coming if I'm not shaking in my boots lol.  

Have a good day -- later gators.

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