Big thing by FS standards, at least.
2019 I wanted to do a bee and honey farm visit. I couldn't find someone to go and then 2020 happened. I've visited the idea a few times but it never worked out with closings around the pandemic and such. I had it on my 21 for 2021 list.
My girlfriend set up a get together either Tuesday or Wednesday this week. Her text said "let's think about something fun and different and touch back." Last time was the same and her "idea" was brunch or lunch -- lol!! I ended up suggesting a movie instead (Where the Crawdads Sing). Anyway ...
I looked at the bee farm and there's a tour Tuesday 4 - 5:30. She said she was interested when I've mentioned it before, but when I suggested it for our fun plans this week, she said no because she's too afraid.
So I decided to go myself. Even though things are stacked up in the con pile -- long drive, rush hour, by myself, hubby out of town so dogs are home in the evening.
(Now weather might end up being a factor today -- dang, but I'll reschedule if it gets canceled. I messaged the farm to see if we meet in the rain too.)
My GF suggested coffee that afternoon or a walk the next morning. I'm proud of myself because I chose me -- not available for coffee because I'm doing the bee tour -- not available for a morning walk because I'm working out in the morning. She's notorious for canceling walking plans and for sure it'll be a short walk because she doesn't like the heat. It's not worth modifying my morning.
We're having coffee tomorrow afternoon and that works FOR BOTH OF US. So many times I twist and bend for others and not for me. I'm also proud because it was okay if our schedules didn't match up and we didn't do anything -- I'd rather choose me.
I'm also proud of myself for actually thinking about something different to do. Nothing wrong with a walk, coffee or lunch .... but she suggested we brainstorm ideas and I DID. Keeping promises you make to yourself is an underrated skill. Twice she suggests brainstorming a fun idea and twice she didn't -- but twice I did. I'm not judging her (maybe a little), but I'm happy that I kept MY word. BTW, I was going to suggest coffee before she suggested "something fun and different." It's not about WHAT we're doing, it's about doing what I said I was going to do. I took the time to look for ideas.
Promises, no matter how small, matter. I learned that from The Holistic Psychologist -- the result is greater than the sum of its parts.
This entire situation is FS worthy from start to finish -- and I can't wait to learn about honey bees.
Stayed tuned for pictures and such ... if the weather holds.
In other news ... Spanish presentation WAS POSTPONED (!!) She decided to switch up the lessons so presentations are next class. One of the ladies isn't available then so she did hers -- mine is fine and on par with what she presented. I sort of wish I knew ahead of time, but then I wouldn't have practiced as much. This is a BIG study week again -- past tense and the presentation. No class on Labor Day so I have two weeks -- but I need to use my time wisely because it's a lot of new stuff.
Guess what??? Yep, hormones are starting up again. Body temperature up, mood, sleep -- Oura and I think I'm getting ready to cycle again. I hope so because I want to be free and clear for the wedding in September.
Wish me luck with the bee farm -- I hope it's not canceled if I've driven all the way there. Hope you have a good day. Later gators.
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