Friday, August 5, 2022

Asheville Bound

This will be a very different trip than last time (!!) 

I need to feel better -- mentally and physically.  I'm tanked on both fronts.  I probably won't feel better until I get my period though.  So I'll either feel crappy with pre-symptoms or cramps and such.

Yep, I'm in a fun mood.

My intention is to STILL lean into FS stuff.  This feels impossible from where I'm sitting now -- tired, hot flashing like crazy, grumpy and (geez) my boobies are HUGE (for me).  It's a strange sensation to feel my boobies on my arm when I sit and type.  Small chested girl issues lol.  BUT, I'm going to try a few things here and there because it makes me feel better.

I might not get much of a check-in while in Asheville.  Hubby tends to get up with me and there's no alone time in the morning.  At home, he'll sleep in -- another little thing that bugs the shit out of me.

Rain is expected the entire time we're in Asheville.  Bummer.  

Wow, upbeat chat today.  How low can I go??  Best to call it quits while I'm ahead.  Hope you have a great weekend.  Later gators.

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