Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Cancelled ...

The bee farm was rained out.  I'll sign up again in September -- getting closer but starting to wonder if I'll ever get there!  Before it was rained out, the farmer changed the time to 6-8pm -- nope, so I backed out.  Then it ended up getting rained out anyway.  

This is starting to be one of those "cancel" weeks.  My Spanish presentation postponed, bee farm a no-go and now the kids are re-thinking Asheville this weekend because of the upcoming wedding (and COVID risk ahead).  Seriously?  They'll "let me know."  Even though it's a relatively easy weekend, I'm still doing a lot to host 6 people -- including leaving on Thursday (hubby home on Friday).  So if they change their minds last minute, I'm not going to be a happy camper.  Decision making isn't their strong point and nothing has changed since THEY asked to come for the long weekend.  I'm confused why the back and forth now.

I also chatted again with a friend about a visit we're planning for Asheville in October.  I don't get a warm and fuzzy feeling this is actually going to happen now.  The "well, I'm not sure if ..." chatter is starting.  It's okay either way, but added to the cancel week motif.  

Even so, trying to go with the flow -- nothing has gone wrong, just changing.

(Hmmmm, wonder if coffee date will happen this afternoon ...)

Yesterday I kept my promise and headed to the park for a run/walk and it felt good, but hard.  I also finished The Overstory.  There's a lot to like about the book, but it was too long.  By the end, I just wanted it to end.  Land the plane.

Here's my next read -- totally 180 and I'm ready for a fun read.

And, I finished watching Abbott Elementary since it's now on HBO Max without commercials.  It was fantastic -- I see why all the buzz.  

I also watched Labor Day with Kate Winslet.  It was an unexpected love story and a good movie.

Today is a full day.  Peloton ride, cleaning crew, Trader Joe's run, Costco run, gas fill-up, packing for the trip, coffee with my girlfriend and a couple of quick-stop errands.  Simple entertaining is still work, no matter how I manage it.  Lots of little adds up.

I haven't been rock painting for a few weeks because days are fuller lately and I wasn't super excited to paint.  I miss it this week though.  When I'm back from Asheville, I'm back to painting.  Sometimes you need a break -- even from something you enjoy, maybe especially from something you enjoy.  Keeps it fresh.

I've got another stretch of FS practice coming up.  I'm on the lookout for ways to show up differently.  I'm doing well-ish so far.  Biggest miss -- eating, of course.  Way too many snacks again and night eating.  I'm trying a softer change to see if that helps.  I'm never going to fit into the dress for the wedding unless I clean things up.  And it's messing with my sleep and recovery.  

Long winded this morning.  Got to run -- full day ahead.  Have a good one.  Later gators.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Drumroll ... Big Thing

Big thing by FS standards, at least.

2019 I wanted to do a bee and honey farm visit.  I couldn't find someone to go and then 2020 happened.  I've visited the idea a few times but it never worked out with closings around the pandemic and such.  I had it on my 21 for 2021 list.

My girlfriend set up a get together either Tuesday or Wednesday this week.  Her text said "let's think about something fun and different and touch back."  Last time was the same and her "idea" was brunch or lunch -- lol!!  I ended up suggesting a movie instead (Where the Crawdads Sing).  Anyway ...

I looked at the bee farm and there's a tour Tuesday 4 - 5:30.  She said she was interested when I've mentioned it before, but when I suggested it for our fun plans this week, she said no because she's too afraid.

So I decided to go myself.  Even though things are stacked up in the con pile -- long drive, rush hour, by myself, hubby out of town so dogs are home in the evening. 

(Now weather might end up being a factor today -- dang, but I'll reschedule if it gets canceled.  I messaged the farm to see if we meet in the rain too.)

My GF suggested coffee that afternoon or a walk the next morning.  I'm proud of myself because I chose me -- not available for coffee because I'm doing the bee tour -- not available for a morning walk because I'm working out in the morning.  She's notorious for canceling walking plans and for sure it'll be a short walk because she doesn't like the heat.  It's not worth modifying my morning.

We're having coffee tomorrow afternoon and that works FOR BOTH OF US.  So many times I twist and bend for others and not for me.  I'm also proud because it was okay if our schedules didn't match up and we didn't do anything -- I'd rather choose me.  

I'm also proud of myself for actually thinking about something different to do.  Nothing wrong with a walk, coffee or lunch .... but she suggested we brainstorm ideas and I DID.  Keeping promises you make to yourself is an underrated skill.  Twice she suggests brainstorming a fun idea and twice she didn't -- but twice I did.  I'm not judging her (maybe a little), but I'm happy that I kept MY word.  BTW, I was going to suggest coffee before she suggested "something fun and different."  It's not about WHAT we're doing, it's about doing what I said I was going to do.  I took the time to look for ideas.

Promises, no matter how small, matter.  I learned that from The Holistic Psychologist -- the result is greater than the sum of its parts.  

This entire situation is FS worthy from start to finish -- and I can't wait to learn about honey bees.

Stayed tuned for pictures and such ... if the weather holds.

In other news ... Spanish presentation WAS POSTPONED (!!)  She decided to switch up the lessons so presentations are next class.  One of the ladies isn't available then so she did hers -- mine is fine and on par with what she presented.  I sort of wish I knew ahead of time, but then I wouldn't have practiced as much. This is a BIG study week again -- past tense and the presentation.  No class on Labor Day so I have two weeks -- but I need to use my time wisely because it's a lot of new stuff.

Guess what???  Yep, hormones are starting up again.  Body temperature up, mood, sleep -- Oura and I think I'm getting ready to cycle again.  I hope so because I want to be free and clear for the wedding in September. 

Wish me luck with the bee farm -- I hope it's not canceled if I've driven all the way there.  Hope you have a good day.  Later gators.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Favorite Self

I like that FS can mean Future Self or Favorite Self.  FS is SHOWING UP lately -- I'm practicing lots of small things and it's adding up to a bigger picture of how I want to be.

Yesterday -- bookclub.  An extra person showed up so we were 4.  It was nice -- good conversation.  I made herbal peach tea and did a candy bar (no one ate the candy, but I had takers on the tea).  Perfectly easy, everyone on-time and it lasted 2 1/2 hours.  I used the wine glasses that came from Etsy just in time.  They're from the 1950s and I love them.  They have an amazing hold feel with the ball fringe bottom.  I had a pitcher of tea and used the glasses because why not?!?

I wore the new jumpsuit which is crazy comfortable, but a whole workout to go to the bathroom.  I probably won't wear it anywhere but someone's house since public bathrooms and jumpsuits aren't a great idea.

Picked up flowers for my neighbor as thank you and one for me too.  She really liked them -- the farm does a beautiful job.  This was only $20.

Biked a bit harder on the Peloton.  Still no where near where I was, but I don't want to push and have a set back.  Each time I ride, I test the water a little more.  Oura says I need a break today -- I haven't made out my calendar this week yet so I'm on the fence about a workout.  I'll have an active rest day (long walk) at least.  I think that's best since I have a lot of morning stuff to do -- it'll be hot and sunny by the time I'm ready to go.

Spanish presentation today.  I'm trying to not be nervous and it's sort of working.  There is NOTHING to be nervous about, yet here I am again.  I swear it's just old shadows from nursing school rearing it's head.  I keep telling myself THIS IS DIFFERENT.  

I did a BIG-ish FS thing yesterday that's set for tomorrow.  I'll save the details to chat about tomorrow -- little cliff hanger.

Lately, I enjoy a Monday.  Very different from my working days (!!)  Time to get organized for the week.  Hope you are off to a good start too.  Later gators.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Sunday Bookclub and Such

This was probably our least successful year at the PGA tournament, but it was fun to be with the kids.  The weather SUCKED -- oscillated between full sun (HOT, HOT, HOT) and thunderstorms (code red and no golfing for about a 90 minute delay).  We didn't get to see a lot of golf.  Spent more time walking to and from the sponsor tent (free drinks and food) and the golf course.  We finally called it quits right before another storm stoppage and then they closed for the evening.  Next year we'll do better -- we already have a better plan.

Only took a couple of pictures with my phone ...

Oura ring says I had an awesome night's sleep, but I don't feel particularly awesome.  This is the first morning that my stats and how I feel don't match.  I wonder if I'll perk up as the morning goes -- I think the heat took a lot out of me yesterday, but I guess it made me sleep like a baby :)

Bookclub today.  3 of us are a "yes."  Other than a quick cleanup on the main level, I'm making very little effort so whatever happens will be okay.  No one eats the food people put out, so I'm doing a candy tray -- caramel creams, Swedish fish and chocolate.  I'll make peach herbal iced tea and that's the extent of my hosting.  Do you think over or under 3 will show up?  For sure 1 (me lol) ... a number of the regulars didn't respond yet.  Could end up with a bigger group or the 2 who said "yes" could flake.

The flowers are a GO for pickup this morning.  Yea!  A thank you to my neighbor for letting the dogs out and an arrangement for me.  I enjoy fresh flowers a lot.  Hopefully, the farm has some good produce today too.  My refrigerator is EMPTY in a real way.  Lots of grocery store runs this week.

FS stuff is going well.  I'm proud of yesterday -- didn't drink (even though it was free), didn't eat the sweets (gluten).  I had a few "moments" come up with talk of Thanksgiving (we might be alone this year), the CO wedding and the dog foster group.  Coaching kicked in and I regrouped and recovered well.  Today is about being relaxed about however bookclub turns out -- no pressure and wearing a new jumper (bit out of the box for me).  Relaxed and fun day.

The dog foster situation is I was kicked out of the administrative groups.  I haven't done that kind of work since the new person took over so I can't blame them, but I felt snubbed that I didn't get a heads up on it.  Then I remembered, I never gave them a heads up that I wasn't doing the work anymore either -- I just stopped.  I was kind of grandfathered in because I was the sole person doing it for years.  It gave me an inside track when I had a foster up for adoption and that's the only reason I hadn't quit the message groups.  I think I'm heading down the road to leave this group totally (the new person running the group lies, gossips and makes shady money decisions).  Letting go is hard for me, but I think this is ultimately the path.  No need for a rash decision so I'm hanging on for now.  

Lots of stuff swirling in my head right now, but I'm handling it better than usual.  Putting coaching into practice.

Hope you have a good Sunday too.  Later gators.

Saturday, August 27, 2022


East Lake for the PGH tournament today.  I enjoy a golf tournament -- the only sporting event I like to attend.  The weather is okay for August in Atlanta -- that's usually the worst part since it was moved from September.  All 6 of us going so it's a fun family day.

Lunch and shopping with my aunt was super nice, as usual.  Got a new outfit that I'll wear for bookclub tomorrow (picture coming).  Looks like it's on -- there's a total of 3 of us now.

Spanish is slow rolling and very choppy execution.  Yep, this is an area where practice will pay off a lot.  Unfortunately, this means I'm going to be NERVOUS for class on Monday.  I wish I had a few more days to practice. 

Still holding steady on FS kind of behavior for this stretch of social days.  So far, so good.  

Another short and sweet this morning.  Lots to get finished before we leave.  BTW, I did a jog/walk yesterday and my back is okay.  6 months later and I finally feel like I'm REALLY putting this behind me.

Happy Saturday.  Later gators.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Lunch Date

I'm meeting my aunt for an early lunch today -- and maybe a little shopping.  Two of the pictures I bought from her art show have warped so they're going back to the framer.  Good excuse to have lunch.

I'm still working on the Spanish presentation -- eek this is hard.  I'll give it my best shot.  Maybe this is how I need to practice because it definitely takes it to the next level.

Duke is limping a little so I'm heading to the park solo this morning.  I've had 2 "workouts" in a row so I'll do whatever my back wants this morning.  Tomorrow is an early day so I'll use it as a rest day.

I'm enjoying The Overstory, but it's long.  The writing is amazing but can the story hold my interest for another 400 pages? (I've read 100 pages.)  It's set to switch formats after two more vignettes so maybe that will pull it together.  

Bookclub might not be happening on Sunday.  It's only me and one other person so far.  A couple of maybes, but those are really nos -- they're waiting to see if they can pull away for the afternoon.  You plan it or it doesn't happen.  I bet we nix it in-person and do a virtual.  No harm though -- I've prepared very little so it's not a big deal either way.

I had to give a big-ish no for someone to use our house in Asheville.  It was hard to do, but I spoke up honestly and that feels like a clean explanation.  Progress on using my voice.

Short and sweet -- need to get going because lunch is early and the drive is long.  I'm late to the game today because I did Spanish first thing.  I'll do a second study session this afternoon -- down to business this week.

Here's a funny picture of Monti after grooming and a power nap.  Don't you hate it when a blowout doesn't last? Hah!

Have a good day.  Later gators.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Strike Out

I'm recovering from the hostess weekend.  Each time we have company, I'm learning more about what works for me and what doesn't (in terms of keeping my energy).  I get to practice Labor Day Weekend again.  It's easier in some ways with the kids and harder in other ways.

Yesterday was another catch up day, but I struck out on some things.

Return to Ann Taylor (dress option for wedding) and the store has closed.  Mail option instead and I paid the $5 to have it picked up.  I super duper dislike returns so I usually order online where I can return to the store.  Not this time.

Farm stand run -- empty with no sign about picking day.  Dang.  

Ordered flowers for Sunday as a thank-you to my neighbor for letting the dogs out this Saturday and a bouquet for bookclub -- but rain means the farm need to wait and see until Saturday night if they can fulfill the order.

Three strikes.  

The Spanish extra assignment came and it's a lot.  I watched the video, wrote down the extra vocabulary and wrote the script.  Now it's practice, practice, practice -- on top of all the other new vocabulary.  That said, this assignment takes speaking to the next level and that's what I need.  I complain, but I'm actually excited about doing more.

One thing I got finished is birthday gifts for my oldest girlfriend -- we do birthday boxes.  I had one measly thing purchased and her birthday is a month away.  I ordered everything yesterday and that takes some pressure off September.

Read some of The Overstory, watched House of the Dragon (HBO) and 2 episodes of Bad Sisters (Apple TV) -- all good.  That's the opposite of three strikes.  

Duke and I had a good run at the park -- 3 miles with some short walking breaks.  Today is yoga and Peloton.  Both modified workouts, but I'm slowly climbing again.

As for the rest of the day -- dogs to groomers, neighbor stopping by for dog instructions on Saturday and lots of Spanish practice.  I guess today is a low key day too even though I have the grooming runs back and forth.

Hope the week is going well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Catch 22

Good morning.

I'm a little more myself today.  I finished The Dutch House and it's one of the best books I've read in awhile.  True story telling -- loved everything about it.

Next up ...

This is a careful read -- sounds like it can be confusing, but ridiculously well reviewed and award winning book.  Trees, nature, earth, conservation.  I hope it's not too depressing given how we are ruining our plant generation by generation.

Today is an open day (no appointments or specific plans) but I have LOTS I need to do ... and I mean LOTS because I pushed a bunch from yesterday.  The next 4 days are busy and I need to use today to be ready.  I'm beating a dead horse, but it's hard to get on with stuff when energy is so wonky.  I'm plugging along, but with no zeal.

I'm ready to turn the corner to feeling better again.  I KNOW a lot has to do with how I'm eating (this again?!?!).  It's a thorn in my side every single time.  Right now my body has a tight window of eating to feel well.  I'm not eating horribly, but I need to eat strictly if I want to feel better.  Strict feels hard right now -- hard because I don't have energy to prepare, cook, etc.  Catch 22.  But my back is healing well and it's time to have the WHOLE PACKAGE of wellness back.  I'm trying.

That's all from here.  Planning a less downer recap tomorrow.  Have a good day!  Later gators.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Re-Entry WEEK (!!)

Broken record time coming -- I'm wiped out.  ZERO minutes of deep sleep last night and I can feel it.  I want to crawl into bed.  

Spanish class was big last night.  We have a presentation for next week -- actually, me and 2 of the ladies.  I got selected for next week.  I have a full weekend and we won't have the assignment until later this week.  I'll do what I can, but she's been promising this assignment the entire time in Level 4.  Wonder when she'll send it?  I bet I don't get it until Friday.

I'm headed for injection on the 11's this morning.  4 months seems to be the time frame.  

Looks like this is a re-entry week.  I have to listen to my body.  Good news is yoga and bike ride felt fine on my back.  Rest today and then a jog/walk at the park tomorrow.  I'm keeping my schedule as empty as possible.

We are suppose to go to the PGA event on Saturday but I can't find a dog sitter to let the dogs out.  Our usual neighbors are out of town and the teenagers have headed to college.  I'm still looking.  I don't want to miss this.

Turns out the kids want to come to Asheville for Labor Day weekend.  Fun for sure, but WORK again.  Not as "on" as I am for friends, but it's 6 of us and that's work no matter which way you slice it.  Crossing that bridge next week though.

I want to rally because I have a fun social calendar coming up for most of September.  I want to feel okay and enjoy it.

Hope the week is going well.  Later gators.

Monday, August 22, 2022


Why does entertaining in Asheville zonk me so much?  I'm exhausted today.  That's a big word, but I'm more than tired.  I guess the combination of all-the-things wipes me out -- sleep, routine, eating, etc.

A "simple" weekend is a lot of work for me.  We ate out just for the one dinner so I was in the kitchen a lot setting up, serving, cleaning up, etc.  Arrival was a big rush and leaving was a whirlwind too.

In the name of taking one car, these weekends are jammed because of hubby's work schedule.  Maybe I need to put my foot down and take 2 cars so I have time on the front and back end -- when we're entertaining, at least.  I think that might have a lot to do with why I get so tired.  

The next trip is Labor Day -- possibility the weekend with the kids or the week after with just us.  

We stopped at Goats on the Roof roadside rest stop.  It's cute for kids.  Candy and ice cream store, goats, playground.  We saw the rooftop goats, but didn't realize there was another area on the other side.  We'll stop there next time for the dogs to sniff around.  It times nicely on the way home.

Today is a re-entry day -- back into routine.  Plan the week and a few unpacking chores.  Spanish class tonight.  I wish there was another week in-between because BRAIN FOG (!!)

Hope you're having a good start to the week.  Overall, I'm glad the weekend happened and I'm happy with how I showed up.  Still learning, still practicing ... but not a bad go of it.  Later gators.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Sunday Morning

I'm zonked out, but it was a fun weekend.  Because of hubby's Monday schedule we need to leave this afternoon instead of tomorrow.  I have no idea what time our company plans to hit the road, but I'd expect it'll be before lunch.  I'll do a quick clean and hold a full clean for next trip.

Friday was the steak dinner at home and a late night chatting.  I stuck to kombucha but the late night and long day made for a tired morning (plus hubby snored). 

We went for a 4 mile walk up and down the mountain -- beautifully cool morning.  Monti did well in his new stroller for a chunk of the walk.

Downtown for a walk around and a stop at Wicket Weed for a beer (I passed -- not a fan of craft beer).

Came home for the afternoon and sat on the outside rocking chairs -- perfect set up now.  (I planned to have my coffee on the patio this morning, but it's raining -- bummer.)

Dinner at the Grove Park Inn.  Food was okay, server wasn't good and about 15 minutes after we arrived a HUGE torrential rain moved in blocking the view.  We were on a covered patio so that was fine and listening to the storm was nice.  It cleared after dinner and we walked around the grounds.  I had a burger, fries and red wine -- it hit a spot I didn't even know I needed scratched.  The price though (!!)

We watched the Tom Hanks destroyer movie -- Gray something.  We've seen it before, but it was a good quick movie to watch together.  I called it a night after the movie.

It was a nice weekend and I'm glad we did it.  That said, I'm at my limit.  Short on sleep (and short on good sleep) and long on "work" for a couple of days -- toast.  Re-entry day tomorrow and RECOVERY.  I have a decently full week and a busy (fun) weekend coming up.  Best take the recovery when I can get it.

I'm happy how I showed up -- just a couple of self pep talks needed.  I need to continue that today and not have a face plant into a vat of junk food because I'm tired.

Happy Sunday.  Later gators.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Asheville Bound

I'm not "feeling it" this morning.  I'm trying to stay focused on easy peasy and relax, but it's hard.  It feels like I have so much to do and I want to get this weekend over with -- not the attitude I need or want.

Where did my FS go?!?!

Yesterday was kind of a miss day and I think that's leading up to this rush of panic today.  My hair appointment was pushed back which was no problem, but it turned out pushed back meant a lot shorter.  So 15 minutes after we started, her next appointment arrived.  I learned a few tips and learned how to use the curling iron so that was good.  The updo she did was HORRIBLE though.  And not what I asked her to show me.  She took pictures along the way and here's the final product.

I was disappointed.  I expected to enjoy a pretty updo (I took it out as soon as I got home) and get some practice with my hair.  Her husband was getting a steroid injection for his back this week so they were both adjusting appointments (they share one store) so that's why everything was jammed up.  

The afternoon and evening ended up with a SOLID 4 1/2 hours on the phone.  It was one call after another -- all good calls, all catch ups, but I should've had a quiet afternoon instead.  I needed "space" before I tackle this weekend.  My bad.

I think the panic feeling is because we've never traveled with this couple or spent more than a few hours together.  This is a big step in "our relationship" and I'm worried.  FS would NOT be worried though.  I'm on the search for her today.

It's a big morning -- packing, dog walking, workout and then a drive to Asheville.  Rushed grocery run to get stuff for dinner tonight, get food prepped and then company arrives this afternoon.  I'll need to cook dinner, entertain and clean up.  I know myself and I know by the time they arrive, I'll be pooped out and it's just the beginning.  I bit off more than I can chew.

Anyway -- I need to turn this around and focus on the fun of it instead.  I'll leave with a couple of Duke pictures.  This dog!!!!!  Have a good weekend -- I'll probably be back Monday or Tuesday with a recap (hopefully a good one).  Later gators.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Movie Day

I had a really nice day yesterday.  

Duke and I went to the park for a jog/walk and my back is fine.  It was overcast and cooler temps -- what a difference that makes.  Our neighborhood was crowded with people walking so I decided the park felt more relaxing.  We had a good time and Monti did okay being left at home.

Mack and Rita was a fun, silly movie with lots of good actors -- I enjoyed it.  And there were only 2 previews so it didn't feel like it dragged.  (Last few movies had 25 minutes of commercials and previews).  We were the only ones in the theater -- nice, but I still wore a mask.  My GF treated because she remembered she forgot to buy my birthday lunch.  Maybe I need to take things less personally?!?!  A quick (overpriced) lunch after.

I had a little time before the movie so I stopped at William Sonoma to get two pairs of glasses -- wine and a tumblers.  I don't have a lot of nice glasses in Asheville and when we have people over I give them the better glasses.  Now I can have nice one too.  I enjoy drinking out of a pretty glass.

Two of each

New read is an old book that I never read when it was making bookclub rounds -- it popped up on my radar again so I got a used copy.

I didn't read much because I watched 13 Lives on Amazon.  Wow -- so good.  Even though I knew what happened, it was nerve-racking to watch.  I can't imagine what that was like in real life.  Two movies in one day.

This morning I have a style hair appointment.  She pushed the time back a bit -- which is fine.  The bar is low -- I want to learn a little more about updos, but I have no idea how much she's going to charge or how long the appointment will be.  Sadly, it's home after to prep for the weekend.  I'll take a picture for prosperity :)

I focused a lot on FS yesterday and it was a good day.  This morning I woke feeling the pressure of company for the weekend -- remembered FS doesn't get all crazy about these things and that relaxed me.  I'm making an effort to be FS focused this weekend as an experiment.

Hope you have a good day.  Later gators.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

A little clue ...

Remember I mentioned dairy might be a culprit for my sleep and recovery numbers being wonky -- well, another night's data to support it.  It's interesting and I'm keeping my eye on it.  

SCS coaching was just okay.  I got a new-to-me coach and he fixated on one thing I mentioned and that's what we talked about the entire time.  A take-away from the conversation is when I'm feeling a nervous feeling, sit with it, notice it in my body and then think about why I want to be doing what I'm doing.  He used a few coaching techniques I consider lazy coaching and that took up a lot of the time.

Anyway ...

Today is a movie with my GF (Mack & Rita).  I've never heard of it, but I like Diane Keaton.  Cleaning crew while I'm gone -- not a bad day.  I have one errand to run on the way home and a few things to prepare for the weekend (German cheese spread and Vintage Pound Cake).  The cake is a big recipe so it'll do double duty for bookclub next Sunday.

Here's what I'm wearing today.  $30 dress from Amazon.  Not bad -- I got IG influenced.  Dressing like my future self.  Oh, by the way, I heard someone call it their FAVORITE self.  I like that and it keeps with the 'FS' so maybe it means both now :)

My workout is still undecided this morning.  My back feels better, but I'm a little nervous to bike.  I walked and did yoga yesterday.  Tomorrow and Friday are early mornings and Asheville looks like rain -- eek, it's hard to figure this out.  I definitely don't want to overdo, but I also don't want to step away for too many days.  I'm leaning toward a walk/run at the park with Duke.

I finished The Diamond Eye (Kate Quinn) and I loved it.  Great historical fiction read.  New book pick coming today.  I'm deciding between 3 books.  Stay tuned.

This popped up on my phone yesterday -- a blast from the past.  I'm on the end on the right -- wow.  Different times about 12 years ago.

Hope your week is going well.  I need to rally for 6 "big" days -- hope my energy holds.  12 years ago this would be a piece of cake for little baby me -- things have changed (!!)  Later gators.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Mish- mosh

This is a big future-self week as it turns out.

I jogged at the park yesterday morning (with walking), but my back is sore from it.  I'm not sure why because I've done that distance before.  It's still uncomfortable today so I'm nixing the bike and doing my itty bitty yoga-like workout and maybe walking if that feels okay.  

Our friends ARE coming to Asheville this weekend so I'm working on getting prepped.  Yes, I'm glad and I would've been glad if the answer was 'no' too.  Even after my hissy fit yesterday, this is probably what I wanted more -- at least what FS wanted more.

I'm trying to approach this weekend as my FS and that's going to be a challenge.  But practice is what gets me there and I'm going to practice all the things.  First up, making decisions.  I'm steering the ship for the weekend (with everyone in mind), but usually I'm super wishy washy about deciding for others.  I'm keeping things simple and there are a few compromises for everyone -- last minute plans mean adjustments.  (Like dinner reservations are at 6 o'clock which is earlier than they like to eat -- that's all I could get at late notice, but it's at a restaurant I think they'll enjoy a lot.)

My GF responded to my text asking about a catchup this week (I was thinking a walk or coffee).  She suggested another movie so why not.  I complain about doing nothing but "lunching" and she suggested something different this time.  Even though the timing is a bit pushed, I said yes.  Her suggestion makes me feel good -- like she's noticing what I like to do too and making an effort.  This might have nothing to do with me (like most things), but it feels good and I'll take it.

I heard more from my bookclub friend about the organization she volunteers with and I hope we'll still do coffee in September.  She's someone I'd like to explore a possible friendship.  Trying to find people who align with who I am now and who I'm becoming.  And, I'm interested in new volunteering as well -- two birds with one reach out.

Thursday is a style hair appointment.  I have that on my 22 for 2022 list and I'm doing it.  I'm not sure if I'll learn anything, but it's going to be fun.  

SCS coaching today and I'm a bit on the fence about what to talk about.  I'm having a lot of "nerves" and feelings about the solo wedding weekend coming up, but I don't know if talking about it will help at this point.  I think I'm going to have nerves no matter what.  The topic will also depend on who is coaching me today.  They send a reminder 30 minutes ahead with the name.  If it's a repeat coach, I might want to shift to certain topics because they already started chatting with me about it.  Stay tuned ...

Other than peppers (which are producing well), I took out the summer garden.  We're away too much this month and it's so hot (I've had the garden since April).  That said, the seeds from last year's cherry tomato plant that fell under the deck have grown tons of plants.  And they have lots of tomatoes.  Some are starting to ripen.  It's CRAZY (!!)

Today's to-do list is long, but nothing is major.  Lots of little details to get ready for this weekend.  It's funny that this week is like a repeat of two weeks ago.  Wednesday -- movie and cleaning crew.  Thursday -- early hair appointment.  Friday -- drive to Asheville.

Hope you're having a good week.  Later gators.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Hello, Monday

Sunday was a good rest day.  I took the dogs to the park for a "sniff" walk and did a few things around the house.  Pedicure was nice and my toes are a medium denim blue.  Blue is my favorite toe color -- gray blues.

BTW, book is very good so far.

Anyway, keeping with FS me, I texted our friends about Asheville this weekend and they need until today to decide.  They are checking other plans -- of course they are ... UGH.  I shot off another text this morning and made it clear that by this afternoon the invite was rescinded -- very nicely and playfully, but firm.  Hubby needs to change flights and wants to golf -- lots of things are in limbo.  It's super frustrating AND I can't do my calendar for the week until I know what's going on.  Now I want them to say no to the invite because I'm annoyed and not feeling generous with my time and effort.  Guess they feel their social calendar is the only thing that matters.

Why, people, why?!?  This is a theme and I need to learn how to handle friends without such strong emotions.  

Okay, enough of that (for now lol).  More complaining once I get an answer, either way I'll bitch about it, I'm sure (!!)

I'm going back to the park this morning for another jog/walk -- hopefully, more jog than walk.  Building up.  I'm grateful and it feels great to move again.

The rest of the day is errands.  It's a Monday and I enjoy Mondays since I'm not working anymore.  Start of a week.  Holding an intention of a FS week and working on my irritation.  Lord love us, it's not easy.

Have a great start to the week.  Later gators.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

New Hike, New Book

The Sawnee Mountain hike was really good.  4 miles -- 2 up to a summit and 2 back down.  It was a solid hike.  The summit had fall risks, but everything else was a well maintained trail.  Only con -- so many spiders!  My back is good, but I'm resting today anyway.  Three days of workouts in a row so I'm not taking chances.

I made falafel yesterday -- so simple, yet a big pain to make.  I have lots to freeze and that's a happy thing.

I finished the bookclub book in a day.  I Guess I Haven't Learned That Yet.  It was a fast read about her life.  Turns out she's a minister and her father was a pastor and founder of a mega church.  Guess what he did??  Yep, sexual misconduct with women in the church.  She left the church and moved to NYC and this is a lot of takeaways from that experience.  Turns out, she's also friends with Jen Hatmaker, so there's that.

I started this last night ...

Today is a rest-ish kind of day.  Still a full day, but nothing major AND a pedicure.  My nail tech is only working weekends now, bummer for me.  I'm going to need a backup person because weekends aren't the best for me.  Couldn't wait on a pedicure though.  

Setting up for this week, but I have to wait until I hear back from those friends about coming to Asheville.  I enjoy them a lot, but the commitment thing is annoying.  We are in limbo while they "think about it."  We connected Thursday morning -- that's plenty of time to decide.  I'll text her this evening if I haven't heard from her and basically (nicely) say if you can't decide yet, it's a pass.  We're moving on to our next plans.  I'm leaning more and more to hoping they can't come (it's a lot of work for me), but if they do, we'll have a good time.  

I'm also trying to allow my annoyance, but not fester about it.  That's super hard for me.  If they decline, I'll be annoyed it took them that long to decide.  But I know this is how they operate -- for 8 years this is them.  I can't be surprised -- and I continue to go back for more.  The only change is I set a time limit to any invitation now.  We aren't holding our lives waiting for them to figure out if they'd prefer other plans.  Yep, I'm get more and more annoyed by the hour -- dang.

Anyway ...

FS was strong yesterday and, of course, I had a good day.  That's the focus for this week too.  Practicing leaning into this new version of myself.  The more I do this, the better I feel.  It's still crappy at times, but a different sort of crappy.

A big FS thing is this wedding weekend coming up in September.  I need ALL the FS energy for this one.  It's getting closer and I'm getting more anxious about it.  Stay tuned.

Okay, enough for today -- I'm long winded this morning.  Hope you have a good Sunday.  Later gators.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Southern Melon

Good morning.  

I had another decent night's sleep.  I'm wondering if some of the sleep issue is related to my diet -- specifically dairy.  I'm paying attention -- we'll see.

Anyway, I finished the last book, Summer Island (Kristen Hannah).  It was okay.  Too wrapped-up-in-a-bow for my liking, but that's this author's style.  Easy read.

Next up is bookclub book since I'm hosting and want to make sure I'm ready.

Hit the farm stand with no luck on veggies (they hadn't picked yet), but I got a YELLOW watermelon.  He called it a Southern Melon and said that's what they ate growing up.  It's the original watermelon (before nature produced pink, then red ones), but it has a thin shell so breaks easily at a market.  It tasted like watermelon with a bit of honey -- and it was SO water-filled, but not mushy.  It was like crunching on water.  And, it had been picked hours before so it was so fresh and delicious.  I ate too much and had a full bladder over and over lol (!!). Guess I'm hydrated for the hike today.

Youngest is coming over this morning for a new hike and lunch.  I'm grabbing Pub Subs I ordered for pick-up.  Keeping it simple.  This afternoon is falafel making, but the chickpeas weren't ready in-time for lunch.  I'll have a bean burger I got at Whole Foods -- they're surprisingly good.

I biked 20 minutes yesterday and my back is fine this morning.  Hallelujah!  I didn't push at all, but it's a good start.  Thank you, turmeric!  I think that's the last missing piece to fully healing.  It feels SO GOOD to be able to be active again.  It's taking a lot of fortitude to hold back and pace myself, but so far, so good.

Still focusing on FS intentions today.  My day is better when I focus forward and watch for slips back into old habits.  One FS is hiking a new hike.  I'm VERY chicken about drop offs on a trail and I don't know if this one has any, but I'm doing it anyway.  I read the reviews and the hike is well within my skill level and should have nice views too.  Pictures coming if I'm not shaking in my boots lol.  

Have a good day -- later gators.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Happy Friday

Yesterday was a MUCH better day.  Just a little bit of ENERGY goes a long way.

I went to the park -- made the little extra effort and it felt good.  I jogged longer intervals (2 one mile and 2 1/2 mile) with walking in-between.  My back feels fine this morning.  Today is "yoga" and another 15 minute lite Peloton ride.  Fingers crossed.

I also took care of some FS things.  Invited friends to Asheville next weekend (they are checking their calendar ... aka making sure there's no better invites).  We enjoy them a lot, but this is their MO.  Still -- FS is making an effort with friends.  I'm 50-50 on wanting them to come.  I'll have a good time either way and the invite "counts" lol.

Reached out to a fellow bookclubber about the foster agency she volunteers with -- she doesn't take kids, but helps the agency.  I knew she was busy this month, but asked if she'd meet for coffee in September to discuss.  I'm looking for another way to volunteer and I'm looking find new friends.  This feels like it might be a next step to a mentoring kind of thing eventually (for foster kids who age out of the system).  I've had this in mind for decades -- might be time to start exploring possibilities. 

(From JH's panel discussion -- research says 2 most important ways to make friends as an adult are (1) assume people like you  (2) initiate plans.)

I also invited youngest and his GF to hike and lunch on Saturday.  His GF is out of town for the weekend, but he's coming.  I found a new hiking area near me and it looks very doable.  Looking forward to the day.

I texted my DIL's mother to wish her luck on closing.  Playing nice even though I'm a bit apprehensive about this dynamic change.

Keep going -- I'm focusing on this right now for all the things.  It helps when I feel better (btw -- almost an hour of deep sleep last night!!!).

I'm looking forward to today even though it's nothing special.  Whole Foods run for supplies for a new vegan recipe for veggie patties.  Spanish, reading, rock painting -- relaxing, but a good, full day.

Happy Friday.  Later gators.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Better ...

I had a better night's sleep -- couldn't have been much worse.  I opted to rest yesterday (Oura stats and morning of thunderstorms) so today is a walk/jog and I'm looking forward to moving.  I might head over to the park -- haven't been since my back injury.

Turns out I've read the book I started yesterday (It Ends With Us).  Come on Amazon -- I searched orders and nothing came up as a duplicate.  It was a good one though.  Next up:

Since I'm feeling more myself this morning, I'll have more of a productive day.  Yesterday was an energy dump.  I didn't even shower.  Other than a farm stand run and some house chores, I didn't do much of anything.  I listened to how I felt and rested everything all afternoon -- sometimes pushing a little helps, but this time it didn't.  Washing sheets and watering indoor plants and I was shot so I knew I needed rest, not a push.  I'm grateful for a "nothing" week.

That's all from here -- later gators.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

2 Minutes ...

Worst deep sleep to date.  Dang.  I stayed up finishing The Measure and had cramps so maybe the combination???

The Measure was interesting and a very quick read.  I'd give it a B+ ... maybe an A- for being fast and original.  Next up:  recommendation from a friend -- she loved it.  Looks like another fast read.  I need to get those numbers down lol.

Speaking of books ... I'm hosting bookclub this month.  I offered, but said that I might not live centrally enough and thought a restaurant patio might be an option.  Nope -- people said the distance wasn't an issue.  We'll see on the day though -- always cancelations.  I'm looking forward to it -- assuming someone shows up!

I took the SCS coaching call in the car and it was fine.  Good to know that's an option.  We chatted about relationships AGAIN (it's what's for dinner these days).  I don't want my "generosity" to be a response to someone else giving or NOT giving to me.  It's tough when it feels like a pattern of one-sidedness.  I don't want to withhold kindness out of spite and I don't want to be generous with resentment.  Big order for coaching, but I'm slowly chipping away.  Lots of childhood patterning to undo.  

Take-away this time -- I'm not giving any credit to the times I show up as I want to, I'm only focusing on when it doesn't go well.  Far more good than not good.  Also, I try to "understand" why someone is acting the way I don't like, but I don't do the same for me.  Why am I feeling this way?  Where can I have understanding for myself given my situation and history.

It's a process.

The rest of the week is a bag of nothing.  I actually don't have "something" until next Tuesday.  I'm going to keep it this way for the week (maybe look for something this weekend).  My monthly and a couple of full weeks have put me out of the mood to socialize.  I plan to focus on routine and a bunch of house chores.  Regrouping.

I rode the Peloton for 15 very easy minutes after "yoga" and NO BACK ISSUES.  This is the first time not an ache to be found.  Progress, but I need to keep it super slow.  Today is a walk/jog outside, but it's raining all morning and I have a heavy monthly.  I might make an adjustment.  I'll give it a couple of hours  before I call it.

Pretty boring hibernation day -- sheets and watering indoor plants today.  Both are low on my happy chore list, but high on the DONE list.  Remember -- eat the frog first.  I'll have both finished this morning.  

Have a good day.  Later gators.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Spanish Level 4

Last night was the final Level 4 class.  I'm shocked I've stuck to this for THIS long and, guess what??  I can actually speak some conversational Spanish.  Level 5 starts in 2 weeks.  (La clase de espanol cinco empieza en dos semanas.)

I'm doing well, but I need to work on more conversations.  As I said, it's hard to do myself -- kind of boring and doesn't help me to speak on my feet (so to speak).  I added the goal of "have a friend to chat in Spanish with" to my daily list.  

I did a brainstorm list of the ways to study and practice Spanish -- and had some good ideas for now and for the future when I have a bigger vocabulary.  I've added a few podcasts en espanol.  One is particularly helpful and fun-- I think I mentioned it already.  I'll keep looking for opportunities to do things on the list (and making opportunities).

Today is a get-organized-for-the-week day.  I got my monthly last night and feel so much better this morning.  Crampy and headache, but the brain fog and energy tank is gone.  Now I'm ready to take on the week (and some August things too).

I have a SCS coaching call and I regret keeping it because hubby is home and I don't have something pressing to get coached.  Canceling now means a $50 charge so I'm showing up.  I wonder if I can zoom from the car??  UPDATE:  Looks like I should be able to connect -- maybe I'll take the call from a parking lot (I have some errands today).  BTW, yes, it's a bit of a "don't mention" thing for hubby right now.  I had planned to quit SCS when I started private coaching, but never did.  I'll bring it up to him soon.  It's not a subject I'm in the mood to justify to him at this moment.  It falls within my discretionary spending amount, but he'll still give me side-eye about it.  Did I mention we've been married for 30 years lol?!?!

Books!!  I have WAY, WAY too many right now.   Here are my current reads ...

Fun so far -- sci-fi 

Friendship research.
I don't like it -- hope it gets more useful.
Way too much research background.  Just
tell me what you learned and I'll see if
that resonates.  You don't need to "prove" by 
showing me all the historical research.  BORING!

Garden update ...  

I pulled everything except the peppers because it's time.  Either it had overgrown or not producing.  It's so hot and we're away twice in August so I called it a day.  That said, the dying pepper plant I fertilized has 9 peppers growing.  I'm planting a very small fall garden to experiment with a second season.  Trying to time the end of summer is tough.  Radishes, herbs and greens -- probably early September??

That's all from here.  Quiet week on the social front and that times well for me.  Have a good one.  Later gators.

Monday, August 8, 2022

Heading Home

This was a good trip.  Here's a little recap.

Hubby (with a little help from me) assembled the new outdoor rockers.  Our friends have these and 6 years later they are fine being left uncovered.  We needed to simplify the outdoor setup.  The rockers are super comfortable.  Next up -- pressure washing the patio.

Hubby did tons of yard work.  I trimmed the hydrangeas :)

Both mornings I took Duke on a walk/jog.  Day one we were warned of a bear so we changed up our route and instead ran into an enormously tall bird -- maybe a wild turkey of sorts.  It was as tall as my torso.  I've never seen one that big.  Duke and the bird had a moment of freakout, but all was well.

Second day, we jogged a loop and were on the second go.  Duke saw and squirrel and I was focused on watching the squirrel chatter to him and taunt him up a tree.  I turned my head slightly and about a car length from us was a MASSIVE BEAR.  Fortunately, Duke didn't notice him (thanks, squirrel) -- we hightailed it out of there.  Probably not the safest thing to run away (Bear 101), but I was so scared of Duke reacting.  Neighbors say that's the only time the bears attacked -- barking dogs.  Dang.  They are so quiet.  I was looking out for bears (not very well, apparently), but I was watching the woods.  The bear was in a front yard.  Lesson noted.

We had an early dinner at The Grove Park Inn (Sunset Terrace).  View was amazing (as always) and there was a wedding so we got to watch -- so fun to see the dresses. 

Sunday we had our neighbors over for a drink and munchies.  It was nice to do a little entertaining.  2 hours and we could've chatted so much longer.  They left so we could have dinner.  I think we're going to have a good time knowing them.

I prepped a big grilled salad for dinner.  After they left, we had dinner in pjs watching TV.  

Hubby is working in the office and I'm waiting on sheets and the dishwasher.  We plan to be on the road by 11 o'clock.  Home to unpack and get ready for Spanish class -- final one of Level 4.

As usual, happy to be here and happy to go home.  Happy Monday.  Later gators.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Asheville Bound

This will be a very different trip than last time (!!) 

I need to feel better -- mentally and physically.  I'm tanked on both fronts.  I probably won't feel better until I get my period though.  So I'll either feel crappy with pre-symptoms or cramps and such.

Yep, I'm in a fun mood.

My intention is to STILL lean into FS stuff.  This feels impossible from where I'm sitting now -- tired, hot flashing like crazy, grumpy and (geez) my boobies are HUGE (for me).  It's a strange sensation to feel my boobies on my arm when I sit and type.  Small chested girl issues lol.  BUT, I'm going to try a few things here and there because it makes me feel better.

I might not get much of a check-in while in Asheville.  Hubby tends to get up with me and there's no alone time in the morning.  At home, he'll sleep in -- another little thing that bugs the shit out of me.

Rain is expected the entire time we're in Asheville.  Bummer.  

Wow, upbeat chat today.  How low can I go??  Best to call it quits while I'm ahead.  Hope you have a great weekend.  Later gators.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Quick Hello

Changing up Asheville since hubby has video calls this afternoon now.  We'll head out first thing tomorrow -- that's fine, and probably better for me.  Packing felt rushed after my hair appointment today.

Where the Crawdads Sing was really good.  It's been a long time since I read the book --  I liked the book, but didn't love it.  I think the movie was better.  Maybe that's because I had the story already in my mind to fill in the movie, but it was good.

Lunch after with my GF.  She said the movie ticket was my birthday celebration, but I guess she changed her mind about treating for lunch too -- yep, I'm still a little bitter.  Seems she got off extra easy.  The point to our celebrations is putting an effort into something interesting.  No effort and $10 movie ticket.  Alright -- enough complaining and sour grapes.  We had a nice afternoon, but not a birthday afternoon.

Hair appointment and packing today.  Simple and I'm glad for a rest-ish day again.  My energy is tanked.  This is definitely hormones.  Seems I get about 10 days - 2 weeks of crap between cycles these days.  WHEN is this going to progress??  I've been in this pattern for about 2 years.  Probably contributing to my complaining about yesterday -- it's a mood AND energy thing.

Quick hello this morning since my hair appointment is early.  Have a great day.  Later gators.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

FS Day

I'm focusing on some FS stuff today.

Heading to the movies with the GF who "canceled" my birthday celebration (movie and lunch) because the "short window" closed.  Yet, today, we're doing THIS EXACT thing.  I don't count it as a birthday celebration since this was my suggestion -- but I'm sure she'll count it.  I wonder if she'll treat??

It's a FS thing because I wasn't going to suggest this plan given the fact that it's a bit loaded.  But I did anyway because WHY NOT?!?  If she feels uncomfortable, then she feels uncomfortable.  That wasn't my intention in suggesting it, but the weather is iffy this afternoon and we needed something we could do inside (with masks).  

I also got my bum out EARLY for the walk/jog in order to be ready for the cleaning crew and leaving for the movies.  Early is a lot better in so many ways -- I need to remember this.  On a downside, my knee is bothering me from jogging.  Of course.  Peloton is the best to keep my knees pain-free -- hopefully, back to riding soon.

I spent the workout listening to a Spanish short story podcast.  It's great for my level.  Practice hearing the words and understanding them quickly enough to follow the story is something I'm lacking.  This is solid practice.  It also helps to remind my pronunciation that slips a lot.

After the afternoon out, back home to pack for Asheville.  Looks like full rain all weekend -- man, I hope that changes.  We might leave on Sunday if it's a wash.

My intention for today and for this trip to Asheville is to keep a FS headspace.  It makes a difference in my decisions and my mood.

Have a great day.  Later gators.

Some carrots I pulled since they
were ready to bolt.  Strange little gals.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Back to Basics Kind of Day

The Oura ring and I think something is amiss -- HORMONES (!!)  Looks like I'm cycling again -- temp is up, stats are tanked and I feel very hormone-y today.  

I have a few house chores to get ready to leave for Asheville and that's all on the list today.  I'm taking a complete rest from any kind of exercise too.  I had my biggest run portion yesterday (some with Duke) and things are twinging.  Best to rest so I don't get injured.

I started Surface on Apple TV and WOW, it's great.  Only 3 episodes released and then one a week (8 total).  Forced pacing!  The new book I'm reading is good too.  

Spanish was fine.  One more class in Level 4.  I think a break after Level 5, but I keep saying that and then continuing on.  I totally dislike the time, but Mondays are better than Sundays.  I still need to figure out a way to practice conversations.  Made-up one-way conversations aren't the same.

That's my day in a nutshell.  Back to basics today.  Spanish study, rock painting, reading, journalling, etc.  I'll take it because then the next 6 days are full.  You KNOW I'm going to need some recovery next week.

Short and sweet today.  Have a great day -- later gators.

Monday, August 1, 2022

August (!!)

Well dang, it's August and you want to know what's even crazier ... SCHOOLS are back TODAY.  End of the no-bus days, but still the worst of the summer heat.  Lovely combination.

Anyway, here's a list because it's been a minute.  This is a list of all the FS stuff I did yesterday and why I consider it FS.  Some of these things are small, but practicing small stuff is what makes the big picture.  No particular order ...

(1) Brought flowers as a hostess gift.  A gift wasn't necessary, but a little something feels nice.  I chose NON-FOOD because I'm trying to make food less important -- more of an after thought than always the star.  The big bouquet broke up easily to a few smaller ones -- 2 for me, 1 to bring.  Also FS was taking the time to plan, order and p/u the flowers.  And, pack a cooler to store the flowers while I shopped.

(2) Dressed the part.  I wore what I wanted to wear even though I know this is a more casual group.  Summer dress, tennis shoes and jewelry.  Normally, I'd mirror what others wear, but not anymore.  I wear what works for me (sometimes that's more casual too).

(3) Went early to explore The Square.  I was fretting about parking, but pulled into the square and a parking space had just vacated.  No need to parallel park with traffic on the left side (eek, but I would've tried).  So often, I bag "extra" if it's just me doing it -- not yesterday.

(4) Checked out the candy store that's owned by an artist I follow on IG.  They have some of her artwork, but it was a miss.  Crowded and only prints of her art.  It's a cute candy store though.  Everything you could imagine.  Again, setting out to do what I planned -- even though it was raining at the time.  I didn't even look at the candy because of food-is-less attitude.

(5) Shopped a little.  Found a vintage store.  Wore a mask everywhere.  I bought an old glass jar for flowers and a plant stand for a Christmas cactus I want to get.

(6) Saw a sign for a food and shopping market and took a walk to explore it.  I only found the food part, but it's good to know it's there.  Took time to do something I would've done with someone else, but wouldn't have done for just me.

(7) Stopped to get an iced coffee, but didn't like the selection so I left the line.  FS because normally I would've "just gotten something" because I felt bad walking out.

(8) Sat and read in the car because I saw what I wanted to see.  It's mainly food options and I had enough walking.  Rain showers followed by full, hot sun.  Finished The Choice (Dr. Egar).  Very good book.  Here's what's next.  Historical fiction about an insane asylum fire in Asheville.

On a side note -- 2 other used books came in the mail.  Good lord (!!)  This is the worst I've been.  I decided no Hulu subscription until I've read at least 6 books.

(9) Arrived exactly on-time even though I suspected I'd be the first.  It was confusing, but I walked up anyway.  One of the other ladies chickened out and messaged the host (was concerned about being at the wrong place).  

(10) Bookclub at 3 o'clock.  The NEXT person arrived at 3:45.  Two others came.  One cancelled.  One was a no-show.  I chatted and didn't feel the least awkward.  "Expect people like you."

(11) Had a nice conversation with the group so I stayed until after 5 o'clock.

(12) Text from the GF who bagged on my b-day celebration.  We have plans to do something "fun" on Wednesday since her husband is out of town.  Her ideas after thinking a few days -- brunch or lunch (wow, that took a few days to think about lol).  So I suggested a movie (original b-day plans).  Normally, I wouldn't have because it feels a little loaded.  But I did and we're going to the movies.  I'm glad I put it out there and didn't worry if it made her feel awkward (because she said we missed the window to go to the movies).  Non-food fun.

(13) Text from the cleaning crew.  Can I switch cleaning times this week?  I said no.  Why?  Because it messes up my day significantly.  Sometimes I count more than doing a favor.  I have no problem if she needs to cancel, but the change was a no-go this time.  Normally, it's not a problem -- and she's asking to accommodate another client, not because of her crew.

Lots of good stuff for me yesterday and it popped me back into feeling proud again.  This is a full week ending with a trip to Asheville.  Lots to organize.  Lots of FS stuff too.

As far as today ... house chores and Spanish.  

Have a great start to the month and the week.  Later gators.