Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Super Speed

Turning over all the things before we leave for Asheville.  Everything happened yesterday because OF COURSE it did -- hah.  Super speed ahead.

And by all things, I mean dog stuff, yard stuff (x3) and house stuff.  They converged yesterday, but it feels good to have a lot of it ironed out before we leave tomorrow.

I've decided to ignore the anxiety that's creeping about EVERYTHING because it's fake news.  Nothing is a real concern (just like nothing is really sad) -- it's all a hormone game.  That's not always the case, but it's the case this time.  I'm "worried" about ghosts in the 100 year old Asheville house?!?!?  I mean ... come on.  That one is laughable.  And the other things aren't that far off.

In good news -- 4 cucumbers this morning.  In less good news, Japanese beetles are winning.  I don't know if the plants will survive.  Fortunately, they haven't found the other plants yet.  No English cucumbers yet, but they are growing and starting to male flower.

Oh -- HUGE NEWS.  Checked off an item for 22 for 2022 list.  Spoke Spanish to a native Spanish speaker -- my landscaper.  Woo hoo.  He was very kind about it and it was a lot of fun.  More Spanish chatting today as the landscaping is getting finished.

Life coaching today.  I think it's ending in a few more sessions.  I'm not renewing with her -- too much money for not enough coaching.  She's okay, but not worth her price for me.  I qualify for 40 minute weekly SCS coaching now and I'll use that instead.  While it's different (because different coaches each time), it's often more practical and usable coaching.  

That's all from here.  I'll probably be MIA until Saturday.  Fingers crossed the ghosts stay away lol!  Later gators.

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