Saturday, June 4, 2022

Still Crawling Forward

I felt like garbage again yesterday.  All systems unhappy.

Our neighborhood had it's semi-annual garage sale so I didn't want to walk outside.  Early shoppers don't pay a lick of attention when they're on a bargain hunt (!!)  My back hated the treadmill.  No elevation, slowed way down and STILL had to stop short of one mile.  Ugh.

All day and night I've had nerve zings in my left ear.  Kept me awake most of the night.  This happens sometimes -- usually before I get a fever blister -- or have stressed my body.  It happens regularly when I travel internationally.  I think it's the booster that stressed my already stressed system.

I had a nice lunch with my foster friend though.  She really liked the restaurant and we want to go back for dinner with our husbands.  They both just recovered from COVID so another super safe couple to hang with for a bit.

I'm finally going to Asheville this morning.  I think a couple of days alone will do me some good.  

Good luck to my plants.  I got 2 cucumbers, one big zucchini and a pepper this morning.  I have no idea if they are going to survive Beetle Armageddon of 2022 while I'm gone so much over this next week.  

I leave you with a picture of our little friends out front.  I don't need to worry about Duke catching them when they learn to fly since it's not the back porch -- phew.  There are FIVE in this little nest.  Those happy big yellow mouths -- adorable.


Chat with you from Asheville tomorrow.  Later gators.

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