Thursday, June 30, 2022

This Week

This week has been lots of prep for hubby's birthday.  Sometimes I wonder why I go to so much trouble -- I need to learn to simplify.  Last grocery store run today and a re-do of GF blondies.  I've make the recipe tons of times and this time the butter separated out and it was a mess.  It uses melted butter so it wasn't temperature and uses exactly 2 sticks of butter so it wasn't amount.  The batter looked fine.  I'll try one more time today, but I'm bummed to have to re-do.  The GF option is for my son's girlfriend who has gone GF recently -- the other deserts aren't an option to make GF.

Last Spanish class for the week tonight -- make-up with just me.

The week was forecasted for cooler temps and rain .... but, nope.  Storms keep missing us and it's hot, sunny and humid this morning.  Dang.  We need the water and this morning's walk is going to be hot.

I scheduled a little fun for tomorrow -- nail appointment (mani and pedi).  My feet are a mess again and I realized it's probably the morning walking in sneakers.  A little reward for my toes tomorrow.

Next week I'm going to try to jog a bit.  My back has been great (shhhh, not too loud).  Not a twinge to be found.  Another hike on Monday (weather permitting) and if all is well, I'm giving it a go.

No pictures again today.  Boring week.  Same old, same old.  

Have a great day!  Later gators.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Drumroll ...

Almost an hour of restorative sleep and I can tell.  Eating too much watermelon and sweets was a good scientific experiment  -- all in the name of science, so I'm lying telling myself (!!)

Let's chat birthday year goals.

The last few years I started doing 2 Little-by-Little goals to see what a difference a year can make.  They have to be easy, quick and something I can do consistently regardless of my schedule.  Some examples -- leg stretching, pushups, meditation, Spanish, plastic waste, etc.

Last year was leg stretching (for back of my legs) and 10 minutes of Spanish.  Leg stretching ended with my back injury, but I made some progress.  It wasn't as much as I'd hoped though and that was a little disappointing.  I'd love to be able to touch my toes.  Guess that's on the back burner again -- no pun intended (but I love a pun).

I blew the Spanish goal out of the water since I started taking classes.  I'm way further than I expected on this goal.

Anyway ... THIS YEAR.

(1)  Eat the frog first.  Study Spanish during my morning routine.  I had been procrastinating, dreading, skipping when I didn't have a specific plan to study.  Putting a time in the afternoon doesn't work because my schedule changes too much day to day -- so hello, morning routine.  So far it's working well.  Done and dusted early and no time to spin made-up dread.

(2)  Intentionally do something for Future Self and log it in the day-to-day sentence journal.  Coming up with a second goal was tricky because I didn't feel like I could do a physical goal yet.  I like this because it reminds me to take small steps forward and it's something I can do regardless of my schedule. 

The goal of both goals is to move me forward A LOT with just A LITTLE consistent effort.  Sum is greater than the parts.

I also revamped the 10 goal list I write down everyday.  I needed to replace some of the ones I completed (Spanish class, Spanish tutor) and change over the birthday mantra.

Here they are -- but it'll change as the year goes.  These aren't birthday goals, but I revamped them ahead of my birthday.  I'll complete some and some will carry over -- nothing on this list is a rush.  It's a written list to remind me to focus on the things I want right now.

1. Fab 52 -- Keep Going (last year was Choose the Bigger Life)

2. Hablo espaƱol muy bien.

3. Spanish speaking partner to practice.

4. Healed and strong back.

5. Spain or PR to practice Spanish

6. Trip with Stacy

7. La Carretta to practice Spanish

8. Consistent deep sleep for 1.5 hours a night

9. Take an art class (drawing or painting)

10. Something for Future Self today

You see the heavy theme right now -- Spanish!!  But every goal is something that's important to me for various reasons.  Even the Spanish goals hit in different ways.  

Anyway, that's that -- finally written out in a post.  Hope you're set for a good day.  Later gators.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Horrible Sleep Part 2

Again!!  Guess what decision I made??  Yep, finished the sugar stuff ... and, get this ... did it in the name of experimenting.  LOL.  Sort of kidding, but I wondered if I'd see the same results and I did (duh -- but now it's science hah).  Even LESS deep sleep -- single digits.

Tonight I experiment in the other direction and let's see what happens.

That said, I had a productive day yesterday despite low energy and am going for that again today.  

Spanish class was WOW.  Almost all spoken Spanish and I understood well.  6 of us in class and I'm by far the worst.  Two of the girls are back from Level 2 and there is a new lady (also a nurse) who is even better at Spanish -- I wonder why she's in the class, seriously.  THIS is a CHALLENGE, but I'm up for it.  Doing the best I can and, oddly, this keeps me learning more.  Since the class has leveled up so much, there's WAY MORE Spanish speaking and I need it.  I'm excited ... barely holding my own, but I'm showing up, studying up and that's all I can do.  Impossible Goal (!!)  P.S.  The class ended at 8 o'clock -- that's a LATE CLASS for me.  Eeek.  I think subsequent levels get even later in the evening.  One had a start time of 9 o'clock.  

I know I keep kicking the goal review further out, but I'm kicking until I get a solid sleep and feel some brain fog lifting.

So ... I don't have much more to chat about.  Hope you have a good day.  Hope I get better sleep tonight (putting my big girl britches on and doing what I need to do).  Later gators.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Horrible Sleep

... and I can feel it.  Before I look at the Oura sleep stats, I guess whether I got decent deep sleep.  NOPE last night.  Less than 20 minutes.  Eeek -- no wonder I feel like poop this morning.

Why bad sleep?  I think it's sugar.  I had watermelon and cake yesterday -- way too much watermelon especially.  And I think a little hormones sprinkled in (mood and bloated boobs).

I have decisions to make about sugar today since I have a lot of watermelon left (it was a big one) and a little bit of dessert.  Can I, will I --make the decision I NEED to make?  Hmmmm ... I say odds are 3:1.

Spanish class was just me because Joe quit.  5 minutes into class my instructor lost power and internet -- phone was sketchy reception so we ended class a little early.  The make-up class on Thursday will go a little longer.  Tonight starts Level 4 and there are at least 4 of us in class -- wonder if they are the ladies from Level 2 with the HARD (for me) names.  Glad I saved the phonetic pronunciations.  I wish this wasn't such a late evening class.

I have a big old list of get-stuff-done stuff this week.  Yesterday was a high energy, good day and I planned a hardy week.  Then WATERMELON and now my energy is tanked.  When will I learn?!?  

It's also a big Spanish study week since I have double classes happening with some big new things.  Hopefully, I'll rally after the morning routine and even if I don't, I can fake it until I make it.  This isn't a week I can afford to be a blob for an entire day.

Heading to shove my butt into motivation land -- later gators.   

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Birthday Recap

It was a really good day.  

Started with the hike -- and I was able to finish the hilly 4 miles with no issue.  Is my back finally recovering??  We left a bunch of Happy Rocks which made me happy.  BTW, kids decided to keep their rocks instead of leaving them -- seems to be a theme.

Here's my youngest with his rock -- the flash made the rock beard look like it has a white smudge.  

Showers and then food from a local-ish restaurant.  I tried the buffalo cauliflower for an appetizer and it was delicious.  I've wanted to try buffalo cauliflower for a longtime and they had it on the menu.  Got the usual chickpea shredded salad -- vegan with shredded kale, apple, Brussels and avocado.  The only way I'll eat those veggies raw -- it's a heavy chewing bite!

Eldest and DIL bought a GF cake from the bakery that made their wedding cake.  Chocolate with white buttercream -- DELICIOUS.

Gifts were fun.  Lots of goodies -- all catered to what I like and that was very sweet.

New gardening apron

Paint tiles and paint pens

After the kids left, hubby and I watched the Downton Abbey movie.  It was cute -- made for the fans to update the family.  I enjoyed it, but glad it was streaming for free now.  Dinner was homemade popcorn and another slice of cake :)

I have a couple of birthday calls and Spanish class today.  I'm bummed to miss bookclub this afternoon since it's IN-PERSON.  Hopefully, next month.  Bring on the Spanish week -- lots of classes coming up.

Birthday goals recap another day this week.  I'm slow rolling this morning (!!)  Have a great day -- later gators.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

HBD to Me (!!)

Let the birthday fun begin!  

Hike and Happy Rocks.  Lunch takeout from one of my go-to restaurants so we can hang with the dogs.  After the kids leave, Downton Abby movie at home hanging with hubby.  

Sounds like a good day :)

Speaking of Happy Rocks, I tried a DIL rock again.  It's closer, but looks more like the actress from Big Bang Theory to me though -- something about the mouth.

"The Kids"

I'll stick to the fun, easy ones ... and every once in awhile try a harder rock for practice.  Self portrait is up next -- first one doesn't look like me at all.  I hate to "waste" the rocks -- the flat light ones are SUPER EXPENSIVE for a ROCK!  That's why I'm not practicing these more -- only the fun ones are good to leave around.

One of the first rocks I painted.
I've gotten better, but still
not good.

I mailed a few rocks to my niece and sister to leave around and they both are keeping them because they love me - lol!  I sent them ones that were directed to them so I guess they thought the rocks were worth keeping.

I finished this ...

... and it was great.  Ending held -- tons of twists, but they work well enough.  Fast read.  Totally recommend for a suspense book.

I'll chat about the birthday goal transition tomorrow.  I'm excited about this year and kind of glad for a fresh focus after months of back-drama. 

Off to enjoy a birthday -- later gators.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Last Day of 51

I ran a bunch of errands yesterday which I know isn't thrilling, but it takes me back to The Before times since I don't have errand days very often still.  Errands in my old stomping ground especially brought the nostalgia and felt fun.

Home Depot to look for sealer for the rocks -- found something close.  I'll test it today.  I wandered and got a couple of new outdoor porch plants and pots for a few indoor gals.

Last stop on errands was Whole Foods and these really pretty roses -- for my birthday, of course.

New book from a recommendation from my sister.  She hasn't read it, but a friend said it's great.  I had to slow down last night -- so good.  I think I've guessed the ending, but it promises a twist you don't see coming.  Stay tuned ...

I was cleaning out the strawberry plant's dead stuff and this little guy jumped out -- scared the shit out of me.  Adorable little fellow.  We haven't seen as many frogs this year.

As for today, it's a homebody day, but a full one.  I'm making 7-day chocolate chip cookie dough for hubby's birthday next Saturday and pinwheels to freeze for the BBQ.  Transplanting some indoor plants, finalizing some rocks for tomorrow and double Spanish review.  I have 4 Spanish classes in an 8 day span because of overlap and a makeup class.  Best get practicing.  

And, READING -- I bought a bunch of new books (surprising, I know), but I'm in the mood for lite and easy and what I have left to read is all heavy stuff.

Have a great day -- later gators.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Gardening Success!

At least a little ... she tasted as good as she looks.  OMG.  WORTH IT!  Now to see if I can get more growing.  Two smaller ones on the vine -- one is a dud, I think.  The other is half this size.  Both have stopped getting bigger.  New flowers so there's hope, but no more fruit yet.

I watched a video on tomato pruning so I gave her a big trim this morning.  Hopefully, not too much.  I guess I have nothing to lose since I don't have a lot of new fruit.

Funny story -- the plant my neighbor gave me that she thought was a spaghetti squash is actually a mini-cucumber plant.  Hah!  You pick between 2-4 inches.  I picked one today.   It's surviving despite Duke digging off one of the main branches and dislodging the plant (which I replanted).

And the porch Snackers cucumber plant is making flowers again.  Maybe it's recovering from the beetles.  I trimmed it up this morning and found a BIG FAT cucumber hidden behind the planter.  I bet it's a lot of seed, but I'm eating it anyway!

I also did some nitrogen fertilizer for the English cucumbers -- they're too pale and a bit bitter.

3 varieties ...
taste test coming today!

I took a picture with the plant app
to figure out what exotic plant this is 
and it's a CUCUMBER.  
Made me laugh.

And since I'm doing so many pictures ... here's one of Monti.  Adorable little fellow.

Sleep update -- I'm up to an hour of restorative deep sleep (from a low of 9 minutes).  Restorative sleep happens early in the night -- REM sleep later in the night.  REM sleep helps process the emotions and stress of the day and restorative sleep is the powerhouse for physical healing.

Turns out, drinking a cup of herbal tea before bed was waking me up to potty and interrupting the deep sleep phase.  Just a little adjustment and I'm seeing better numbers.  Ideal is around 1.5 - 2 hours.  I'm still eating a CBD gummy before bed BTW.

Already the Oura Ring has led to improvement.  Now to see if this lasts.  I'm changing up my evening eating starting today to see what that does to the numbers.

I'm diligently taking the turmeric supplement too (as well as Vit D).  My back is feeling marginally better although it's been this good before.  Could it be better sleep, supplement??  Of course I did both at the same time so I won't know but both are important for overall health anyway.

Life is one big experiment -- plants and me (!!)

Hubby is home but off to a site for the day.  I didn't realize he was going to be gone today too.  Little bonus for time to contemplate all the birthday year things.

Have a good day -- later gators.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

T - 4 Days

Until I'm 52 -- crazy how fast these last 2 years have gone.

Coaching yesterday was all about goals.  It was a fun conversation with a little bit of coaching mixed in.  I told her about a meditation experience asking the question -- how can I become my future-self.  The thoughts that came up were I don't need to become, I am her already.  What I need to do is let the old layers fall completely away.  It's about letting go, not becoming.  Letting go what doesn't serve me anymore.

She liked that idea and said it's like sculpted rock -- not creating, just taking removing what doesn't belong.  At the end she said when she gets inspiration, she writes it down to later journal and brainstorm -- like her thought about the sculpture.  Ummm... that was my meditation thought.  Yes, she switched it to rock (which we've all heard before), but this wasn't HER big insight today.

Guess I'm being petty, but source your idea when I JUST SAID IT.  That's what I mean about her being a novice coach.  AND, no coaching next week AGAIN.  Good lord.  

Rock painting yesterday ... drew my boys.  The one was okay until I sprayed it, the other is spot on (if I do say so myself).  My eldest is on a darker rock and it darkened too much.  Oh well.  Also, I have a new sealing spray and I think it might run the paint.  The other kind isn't available for delivery so I think I need to make a trip to the hardware store.

Before spraying

Looks just like him.
Beard makes it easy get the look.
Eyes are HARD to paint.

You can see the after difference on the right.
The other looks the same sprayed.

The yellow rock bled the red
when I sprayed the new spray.
I was able to fix it, but I need to test
the new sealer again.

Rocks are ready for the hike on Saturday.  I did more sharing too.  Graduation package to my niece and birthday for my sister and I included a couple of rocks for them for their walk -- themed to graduation and birthday.  I also put more in our neighborhood -- some of the better ones.  I had been leaving the less-than ones, but now that people are taking them -- got to look good.  I wonder if people think a little kid is painting them -- hah.  That's why I put out better ones -- hello, Ego.

Cleaning crew this morning and the last day of my alone-time.  More journaling, thinking, relaxing ahead of another birthday.  I changed up some goals and I like it a lot.  Stay tuned ...

Hope you have a great day.  Later gators.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

SCS Coaching

SCS coaching call was really good yesterday -- the kind of call I expected from my current coach since she was trained by SCS.  She asked lots of unexpected questions that got me thinking.  And, we talked about practical steps going forward.  Subject: goals with a back injury and my timeline I created.

The downside, of course, is you don't get the same coach week-to-week.  Good and bad.  It's nice to have different perspectives and styles, but you can get a dud here and there.  And, you need to explain yourself each time.  Since I've been with the program for a year, I get a 40 minute session weekly and that extra time made a difference.

It's included in the monthly $300 charge so it's SO MUCH less expensive than the private coaching I paid.  I set the day and time (limit to one 40 min a week or two 20 minute weekly).  I like that too -- instead of mandatory weekly coaching whether I need it or not.  

I'm a bit sad to leave my current coach because letting go is always a little melancholy.  But there's no way I'm paying the price tag for her coaching again.  She's not bad, but not THAT good.  I expected her to coach in ways similar to SCS, but she doesn't -- more therapy like coaching.  Moving slowly, validating feelings, kind support.  What I wanted (and what I told her I wanted) was someone to call out my BS thinking, find the hidden beliefs that are tripping me up, etc.

Call with her today.  It's a coaching week!

Anyway ...

I painted some rocks.  I tried my DIL from her wedding photo and it's a FAIL lol.  Looks nothing like her -- faces are tough.  And the arms are off -- big and clunky.  Not sure how to figure that out.  Maybe more abstract next time.

Prepped a few more for Happy Rock painting.

I had to pick the tomato because it was starting to split.  I hope it ripens well and tastes good :)

Looked up pepper plants not growing and I don't think I'm watering enough.  My neighbor said to water them very little so fruit gets big.  Google says differently.  

Have a good day -- later gators.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Monday, Monday

Finally getting a red tomato -- one of 3 on the plant so far.  Blossoms are starting again so hopefully more coming.  This plant is leaning like crazy, but to prop it up better puts the big tomato pushing hard against the cage.  I need to wait until I pick it.  My gardening GF said pick as soon as red appears so bugs don't get it.  I'm watching it like a hawk and trying to wait as long as possible -- you know, vine ripened!

The other plant from my neighbor has nothing and it's looking yellow.  I think maybe a fungus??  I gave it a shot of fertilizer and we'll wait and see.

Cucumbers are a mixed bag.  The Porch Snackers plant is finished.  It has a short growing season and the Japanese beetles ravished most of the flowers.  Two little guys are growing and then I'll pull the plant.  That's a bummer.

The English cucumber plant has given 4 cucumbers and 2 more are growing.  Tons of flowers, but not a lot of fruit.  I hope the bees are working.

Zucchini is also not doing much.  Got a male flower today, but nothing else.  Maybe temperatures are too hot.

Peppers are producing fruit, but the plants aren't growing.  Guess I need to google it.  Herbs are also looking puny from the high temps.

In other news ...

I'm stocking up on rocks for the birthday hike.  I also left a few more on the neighborhood trail -- shark, turtle and 2 fish.  

Here's what I painted yesterday:



I have a first 40 minute SCS coaching call today.  I'm curious how it goes -- good coach and 40 minutes will fly.  Otherwise, I'll probably end things early.  I hope this feels like it can take the place of the expensive private coach -- tomorrow starts final 3 sessions.  Oh, and I have no idea what to chat about either day.  Stay tuned ...

Hope you have a good start to the week.  Later gators.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Seafood Boil Party

I had a great night.  No neighbors at the party, just me -- that was a surprise, but everyone was friendly and I had fun conversations.

Dinner wasn't served until 10 o'clock (I think it took longer than expected to cook) so I popped home to let the dogs out.  That worked out well.  Nice to be able to walk home -- Monti HAD TO GO (!!)  He's not used to holding his evening potty.

Seafood boil, fresh oysters as an appetizer and little dessert tarts from a bakery.  Delicious.  Backyard is beautiful and it turned out to be a nice night to be outside.

I'm glad I went.

When went to Trader Joe's to get flowers, there was a fundraiser outside for a cancer patient.  I bought 2 big bouquets of wildflowers.  I did get backup flowers from TJ's just in case they wilted.  I gave one bouquet as a hostess gift in a mason jar with a woven ribbon.  I split the other one because it was HUGE.  

Here are the flowers.  I have more daisies in another vase in the office.  I enjoy fresh flowers and like chosing vases, etc.

Today begins my birthday week me-time (until Wednesday).  I have journalling, thinking, rock painting, TV watching, reading, etc.  After a social week, this feels nice.

Lots of rock painting this week since we're going on a hike for my birthday.  I need more since I gave a bunch away.  BTW, one of the rocks that went missing from our neighborhood trail (as it should) turned up on someone's light post.  Guess it's making rounds.  That's the point of Happy Rocks.  It's kind of fun.  I'm putting out the shark and fish collection soon.  I hope kids enjoy it.

This week's painting is all birthday -- balloons, cupcakes, HBD wishes, etc.  I did the same for our Mother's Day hike.  Who doesn't love a theme?!?!

Today is the only reasonable temperature day this week.  High 80s and then blasting into the 100s.  Eeek!  Summer came hot and heavy.

Stay cool.  Later gators.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Oura Ring

First night's sleep in the books.  This is going to be fun to track what helps/hinders sleep.  I slept well, but had a very low DEEP SLEEP level -- 23 minutes and it should be a little over 2 hours.  REM sleep was fine so I'm not hitting that stage 4 sleep.  I woke out of deep sleep TWICE to go to the bathroom.

Maybe less water at night?  If that's when I deep sleep, I need to stay asleep.  Deep sleep is RESTORATIVE SLEEP when your body does its best healing.

I'll experiment with CBD gummies and all the sleep stuff.  Love this kind of problem solving. 

Here's what it looks like.  Definitely aware I'm wearing it, but it doesn't bother me at night.  If I use it regularly, I'll stop noticing it soon.

Doing a FUTURE SELF thing today and going to a neighborhood party solo -- seafood boil outside.  She was vague about how big the gathering is, but after texting yesterday, it sounds BIG.  Geez.  FS is making me go though.  I need to be a bit social with the neighborhood.  Most of the people she's invited are okay on my list -- not the super haters.  And some I'm actually friendly with so that's nice.  Orders to bring nothing, so I'll bring flowers in a mason jar (no vase return needed).  Easy.  

BTW, flowers in a jar is a future-me thing.  That feels happy and in line with the philosophy I'm TRYING to live -- less junk food, less alcohol, something that's "me."

Then I have a stretch of glorious, practically nothing days.  I'm happy for it -- especially happy for some morning free stretches.  Last week was a lot of fun, but mornings were pushed.  I like this balance.  I want to spend some morning time in reflection before my birthday in a week.

My credit card was compromised.  First time that's happened to me.  Kind of a pisser since I have the number memorized.  Oh well.  I'm using hubby's until the new one comes this week.  They caught it immediately.  

I'm a bit pushed this morning because I want to get to Trader Joe's early enough to get good flowers.  Event organizers buy in bulk on the weekends and they go early so I will too.  Early bird and such.

Have a great day.  Later gators.

Friday, June 17, 2022


I've had a couple of supplement "thoughts" knocking at the door lately. 

And as it happens, start thinking about something and you notice it everywhere.  

First up is turmeric for inflammation.  A couple people I trust used turmeric supplements to help with inflammation after trying all the things (time, PT, medications).  They were stuck at a level of improvement, but not fixed yet.  Both reported turmeric finished the job.  Their stories are similar to where I am now -- and then they got full relief.  

I thought it was worth a try for my back injury.  As always, product matters.  This was recommended so I'm giving it a shot.

Also on my radar was VitD.  It's been recommended during the pandemic AND I've always had low levels.  This was a brand that a trusted friend said she saw lab values increase -- no other had helped.  It's combined with K2 for absorption and is considered RX grade.  VitD for immunity and that can't hurt -- especially since I run chronically low.

I have a physical this summer and I'm curious if I see results in this lab level.  As far as the turmeric, I'll need to just wait and see -- I know there's no danger in taking it.  I hope it helps.

A bit on the woo-woo end of things -- I've been thinking these supplements for a long time, but hadn't found a brand I trusted from a source I trusted.  Kept pushing it to a back burner.  In meditation yesterday, I asked for guidance on what could help me feel better and in one day, from several directions, this information "fell in my lap."  Coincidence, Devine intervention, see what you want to see -- who knows.  I know I've been thinking about both for a long time and I asked a question and this is what knocked at the door.

So I answered ...

Have a great day.  Setting up the Oura Ring this morning.  Stay tuned.  Later gators.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Date Day Recap

I had a really nice day with hubby for an early Father's Day celebration.

Top Gun was awesome.  Definitely watch the original before you go -- so many fun nods to the first one you don't want to miss.  This story was original though and super well done.  Even with high expectations, it didn't disappoint.  

We managed to steer clear of sitting near people and wore a mask the entire time.  Only downside was A LOT of commercials -- 20 minutes with only 2 previews.  I could have done without that, but not unexpected.

Lunch outside in 98 degree weather -- after sitting in a cold theater, it was a shock ... but it's STILL how I roll.  Hubby took this picture because he said I looked pretty.  That was very sweet.  Looks like I'm wearing a strange hat.

Go to summer dress because it's baggy,
linen and knee-length.  It's HOT eating outside.

Dang little Duke was in my garden pots again pulling and digging things up.  Good thing I love him (!!)  Duke aside, so far things are tolerating the high heat.  Fingers crossed.

Hair appointment early this morning so dividing the morning routine up a bit.  Hubby golfing so I should get a little quiet time when I get home from the appointment.  This is the last of the morning stuff this week.

Hope you're having a good week.  Later gators.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Movie Date

Yesterday was a good day.  Lunch and a great chat with my aunt -- hotter than hades, but we sad outside in the shade.  She took one for the team on seating.  We had to go inside 3 times to get service because no one could believe we were sitting outside hah!

My aunt got a mock-tail and they brought the wrong one ... so she got two.  I'll have to remember these if we go back for dinner.

I shared a little bag of Happy Rocks with her.  She walks a lot and likes to find them.  She liked one of them so much she's keeping it -- that was a nice compliment.  

Trader Joe's run was a success too.  Got a few things for a vegetarian zucchini boat.  Zucchini, mint and oregano from my garden.  Looks a hot mess, but it had a lot of flavor and was really tasty.

Four more zucchini growing and tons of cucumbers on both plants.   The original still has no more flowers so I don't know what's going on.  The Japanese beetles have slowed way down -- hope it stays that way.

Chatted for a couple of hours with my friend.  She answered on-time -- turns out she's laid up with an abdominal injury from being overstretched at a gym and has COVID.  That sucks, but made her available without a postponement.  Hopefully, she's on the mend before her 60th in a couple of weeks.

Heading to a matinee with hubby today -- Top Gun.  Late lunch (early dinner) after.  Fun date day to celebrate Father's Day.

Have a good day -- hope your week is a fun one too.  Later gators.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Fun Day Two-Too

Yesterday's fun was a pedicure and a stop at a garden center next-door.  Mixed bag.  Got a call that the previous nail customer was late so my appointment would need to be pushed by 40 minutes.  Seriously?!? I canceled because I was already on the way, but they convinced me to try someone else -- not nearly as good and I knicked the polish getting in the car.  Dang.

Garden center for a few sale veggie plants -- another pepper plant, chives, another oregano and lavender (not for eating).  50% off.  I pulled the cucumbers that weren't growing from late planted seeds.

Then a catch-up conversation with a good friend.  Hours of chatting in the afternoon while I planted the plants.  It's SO HOT this week!

Today's fun is a trifecta.  Lunch with my aunt (outside in the shade, but it's HOT and HUMID), run to Trader Joe's (frig is bare and I have a new recipe to try) and then another scheduled catch-up call with a friend.  She's a  chronically late, cancel friend I've know for over 20 years -- so who knows if we'll actually talk.  She set it up so I'll see if it happens.  I've learned to never adjust my plans for a call with her because it often changes.  I'll be ready for the call and if it doesn't happen, I'll go on with my day.  Too many times I've sat waiting and expecting her to return my VM for our scheduled call and she never does.  20 plus years of knowing her and I'm finally accepting this is how she rolls.  When we actually get to talk though, it's a great conversation.  She moved back to the east coast so maybe being in the same timezone will help.

The Oura Ring has shipped.  I've been wearing the sizer ring for practice (as they suggested).  Takes a bit of getting used to wearing.  I'm excited to get sleep data.  Stay tuned ...  

No life coaching today because she's on vacation AGAIN.  So much for consistency.  Only 3 more sessions and it's time to be finished.  I really don't get much from her sessions these days.  I scheduled the first 40 minute SCS call for next week.  I'm expecting these calls to be more action oriented.  It's included so there's a money win.

Next week will be about birthday year goals, etc.  I'm looking forward to chatting about it.  Getting organized and scheduling time over the weekend to journal ideas, etc.  What I do know is the mantra this year is KEEP GOING.  I think it fits well.

Stay cool.  Later gators.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Nice Week Ahead

This is a fun week.  

I have something on my calendar Monday - Thursday.  Then a shrimp boil at a friend's house on Saturday (hubby will be in FL for his business conference).  Lots of little things, but spread over the week -- nothing feels rushed.

Spanish was good.  Joe quit -- eek.  I told you that other class was a doozy.  So looks like solo classes for a bit (although she was going to contact him about coming back).  No class this week because of Father's Day. 

Japanese beetles are slowing down a bit on the cucumber plants.  That said, the plants aren't making any blossoms right now.  Lots of cucumbers, but nothing new.  I fertilized this weekend so maybe they'll perk up a bit.  Can't wait for the beetles to be gone!

Short and sweet this morning.  I have an early pedicure appointment and a few errands.  I'll leave with this picture of Duke coming home from the sleepover.  He's out (!!)

Hope this is a good week for everyone.  Later gators.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Fun Trip

We had a great time -- but, per usual with these friends, we are home and under-slept, over-ate, over-drank.  Yesterday was catch up and R&R.

Even though I reined in a lot of the drinking and eating, it was still a lot for my body.  And I'm not accustom to sleeping later so I was up 4 hours before earlier than they got up --- too little sleep was probably the hardest part.

We won't have a chance to hang out like this again for a long while and I'm glad I went with the flow.

Oh, and I got my monthly again -- SURPRISE!  Heavy and miserable an hour after I arrived.  

Some highlights (the only pictures I have) ...

Vegan and GF.
The entire menu has both options.
I finally got to try this restaurant.

Sangria on the patio of a used
book store.  Very "Asheville."

Eating in Asheville is nice -- almost always good options for GF and or vegan.  

Glad to be home and back to normal.  I slept and slept!  Birthday month is in full swing so I'm focused on turning over the year.  I have a few things I'm excited about -- stay tuned.

Have a great Sunday.  Spanish class today -- eek.  Wonder if I'll get bitch-slapped again??!?!  Later gators.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Hello, Early Morning

It's been a minute.  Back and sleep issues mean I don't get up until a couple of hours later than normal.  Not today.  Early to drop the dogs off about an hour away (rush hour traffic).  Up late for the next couple of nights.  Wish me luck.

I wondered why my squash plant wasn't growing.  Maybe I figured it out?!?!  Good lord!!

Here are the English cucumbers from two little seeds -- Japanese beetles haven't found them yet.  Cucumber plants are so pretty.  I love how they climb.

Quick hello.  Quick good-bye.  I'll be back soon.  Later gators.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Super Speed

Turning over all the things before we leave for Asheville.  Everything happened yesterday because OF COURSE it did -- hah.  Super speed ahead.

And by all things, I mean dog stuff, yard stuff (x3) and house stuff.  They converged yesterday, but it feels good to have a lot of it ironed out before we leave tomorrow.

I've decided to ignore the anxiety that's creeping about EVERYTHING because it's fake news.  Nothing is a real concern (just like nothing is really sad) -- it's all a hormone game.  That's not always the case, but it's the case this time.  I'm "worried" about ghosts in the 100 year old Asheville house?!?!?  I mean ... come on.  That one is laughable.  And the other things aren't that far off.

In good news -- 4 cucumbers this morning.  In less good news, Japanese beetles are winning.  I don't know if the plants will survive.  Fortunately, they haven't found the other plants yet.  No English cucumbers yet, but they are growing and starting to male flower.

Oh -- HUGE NEWS.  Checked off an item for 22 for 2022 list.  Spoke Spanish to a native Spanish speaker -- my landscaper.  Woo hoo.  He was very kind about it and it was a lot of fun.  More Spanish chatting today as the landscaping is getting finished.

Life coaching today.  I think it's ending in a few more sessions.  I'm not renewing with her -- too much money for not enough coaching.  She's okay, but not worth her price for me.  I qualify for 40 minute weekly SCS coaching now and I'll use that instead.  While it's different (because different coaches each time), it's often more practical and usable coaching.  

That's all from here.  I'll probably be MIA until Saturday.  Fingers crossed the ghosts stay away lol!  Later gators.

Monday, June 6, 2022

GA Bound

I got all the cleaning finished and my back is fine.  The house looks nice and spit-shined.  It wasn't messy, but dust had settled and everything seemed dull.  Floors were the worst and they are good to go for a bit now.  All ready to come back on Wednesday for a few days of fun with friends.

Discovered the 0.5 on my phone camera ...

In less "happy" news -- Spanish class.  She was MEAN to me, over and over.  Joe (who I'm now referring to as her Boy Toy) got a pass on everything.  I actually felt like I was getting punked.  I looked for an apology email yesterday -- it was that strange and that aggressive.  I wanted to cry during the class (that was hormones, but STILL!!!).  She was a little bit snarky on the one private lesson when she was sick -- I chalked it up to her being sick.  I don't know though.  At one point an exercise that was my turn said "I like my teacher."  She actually said, probably not today, huh?  WTH?!?!

I pushed back -- nicely, but I didn't take her assessment of me when she was flat out wrong.  I like that I stood up for myself and held my head up.  I'm paying her so she needs to teach, not snark -- and I'm playing that card.  

Needless to say, that set up a sad mood for the rest of the day.  I can't shake this low feeling -- hormones must be very out of wack.  I know there's actually nothing wrong.

Also, that neighbor ghosted me again.  She said she was sending food over yesterday -- asked my dietary restrictions.  Said she had lots of good treats to send my way.  I stayed dressed the entire evening, just in case.  Nope.

I feel like a lot is hitting hard and it's all NOTHING.  Really nothing.  Not little things that add up.  Actual nothing things that I'm making into a huge depressing novel.  Next week (after the trip with friends), I need to clean up ALL things very seriously and see if I can find relief.  I have a new appreciation for people who have chronic depression.  It's all consuming sadness that doesn't make sense, but it feels very real.

I feel good this morning though.  Lots of dreams that cleaned up the sad -- I was dream-crying all night.

A few things to do this morning and heading back to Georgia.  Hope you are off to a good start to the week.  Later gators.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Battle of Cuteness

Here's the Asheville nest with a mama sitting guard.  No babies yet, just some dedicated egg protecting.  This mama is used to an empty house and me looking out the windows too long scares her.  Here are the sneaky pictures from a distance so I don't spook her off the nest.  

It a battle of bird cuteness. 

Today is cleaning day and everything needs it.  Fingers crossed my back holds up.  First a quick Trader Joe's run.  I set an alarm to remember I have Spanish class today too.

My neighbor is actively saying hello this visit again.  She's the one who has ghosted me for walks several times and ghosted stopping over for a drink too.  She's odd.  Here's a moment I want to be left alone and she's all up in my visit.  When SHE'S the active one, she's super nice and friendly, but then crickets when I initiate.  I think she has some mental health issues.

Speaking of which -- I'm still trying to pull myself from this funky mood ... with no luck yet.  I've sunk to the murky depths -- hah, but not hah.  Sucks down here.  I'm making a big effort today.  

I slept like a newborn baby last night.  Really slept.  It was so nice.  I thought I'd get myself all spooked about being alone (ghosts and home invasion, of course).  Nope.  Set the alarm.  Told the ghosts (that only would be here when I'm sleeping alone) to have at it -- just don't wake me.

I'm considering a sleep monitor thing like Oura Ring or Whoop for my birthday.  Both are recommended.  One is a ring and one is a wristband.  I'm leaning toward the ring.  It can tell you how your body responds to food, alcohol, etc when you sleep.  Monitors for hormone changes, exercise v rest, etc.  This seems like a good tool to figuring out my best days -- because of my best nights.  Oura Ring is more upfront, less for monthly subscription.  Whoop is free for basic (from what I can see) and then hefty for the monthly subscription.  Now that I just wrote this -- yep, Oura Ring.  

Fingers crossed my back holds up and its a good day.  Hope you have a nice weekend -- later gators.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Still Crawling Forward

I felt like garbage again yesterday.  All systems unhappy.

Our neighborhood had it's semi-annual garage sale so I didn't want to walk outside.  Early shoppers don't pay a lick of attention when they're on a bargain hunt (!!)  My back hated the treadmill.  No elevation, slowed way down and STILL had to stop short of one mile.  Ugh.

All day and night I've had nerve zings in my left ear.  Kept me awake most of the night.  This happens sometimes -- usually before I get a fever blister -- or have stressed my body.  It happens regularly when I travel internationally.  I think it's the booster that stressed my already stressed system.

I had a nice lunch with my foster friend though.  She really liked the restaurant and we want to go back for dinner with our husbands.  They both just recovered from COVID so another super safe couple to hang with for a bit.

I'm finally going to Asheville this morning.  I think a couple of days alone will do me some good.  

Good luck to my plants.  I got 2 cucumbers, one big zucchini and a pepper this morning.  I have no idea if they are going to survive Beetle Armageddon of 2022 while I'm gone so much over this next week.  

I leave you with a picture of our little friends out front.  I don't need to worry about Duke catching them when they learn to fly since it's not the back porch -- phew.  There are FIVE in this little nest.  Those happy big yellow mouths -- adorable.


Chat with you from Asheville tomorrow.  Later gators.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

All Over the Map

I'm absolutely in a hormone swing -- maybe amplified by my eating and drinking choices (ya think??) AND the Kona caffeinated coffee (I'm taking a break from it -- but boy it's good).

I can't remember, can't make a decision, thought-spinning anxiety ... just to name a few.

Eeeeek.  And my back is a mess.  And my arm hurts from the vaccination booster (switched to Maderna per recommendation to change from primary 3).  And my stomach is upset (possible booster, possible hormones).

Oh ... and today is an early dentist appointment.  Fun times.

The biggest decision indecision is when to go SOLO to Asheville ahead of our friends coming on Wednesday.  I need some time to prep the house and bring in food, etc.  It's complicated by dogs and plants.  Every iteration has been considered, decided and dumped.  I'll decide today and STICK WITH THE DECISION.  Period.  And anxiety is joining this indecision -- suddenly I'm afraid to make the drive AND afraid of ghosts.  I'm not joking ... WTF brain?!?!?

I'm working at completely ignoring the anxiety since I know it's TOTALLY FAKE -- just a product of what I consumed triggering a sensitive hormonal system.  I bet the coffee is a huge part -- that might explain a lot.

Keep going.  Don't think.  Just do.  That's what I need to do this week.  It'll work out and I need to FAKE being happy because I'm set to ruin this next couple of weeks spinning in this mood.

Why does life feel so hard and yet NOTHING is wrong??  

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Menopause is
Kicking my ass.

I took some liberty with my poem -- hah!

I'm set to pull this day from the fiery depths of hell.  Fingers crossed.  Later gators.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Rough Day

I had a hard day.  Mood, back, hubby is stressed about job stuff -- all piled high.  I told my life coach that I felt like I kept drawing the small straw over and over.

But I'm transitioning into a new phrase since my birthday month begins today and that helped me focus.  Last birthday year was/is CHOOSE THE BIGGER LIFE -- meaning all little things add up to a bigger life.  Don't discredit yes or no to small things -- adds up in all directions.  

This year is KEEP GOING.  Only quitting stops progress.  Even if it's minuscule progress, go forward.  So I did yesterday.

Short straw finding someone to water plants ... keep going.

Short straw managing lawn top coating delivery ... keep going.

Short straw on asking for what I need ... keep going.

Not feeling like moving forward on a possible friendship with a new neighbor because I feel sad today -- KEEP GOING.  (She's coming over today or tomorrow to help assess my struggling garden -- I followed up with her offer to come over.)

Japanese beetles ruining my veggie plants ... keep going to eliminate those suckers.

Schedule is changing like crazy and over filling -- keep adjusting, keep going.

Dental insurance ended suddenly with no COBRA and my dentist is tomorrow -- keep going.

Suddenly skittish about doing things alone (hello, hormones) -- keep going.

You get the idea ;)  It's sometimes a fake-it-till-you-make-it scenario.  Don't feel like something because my mood is driven by wacky hormones all of a sudden -- doesn't matter.  I know what I want, hormones don't.  

I figured out a lot yesterday and am continuing to work on other things I can adjust.  Keep going.  You'll be hearing me say this a lot (!!)

That's my preacher sermon for myself today.  Hope you're having a good week.  Later gators.