Friday, November 22, 2019

Tight Pants Confessional

It's Friday.  Another week in the books.

My eating has been horrible.  Snacking, white carbs for days (although GF now), sugary treats and wine.  WHAT the WHAT?!?  I feel it in a big way this morning.  Energy tanked, face puffy, PJs TIGHT (OMG).

I'm mentally on a last crap-fest before I clean it up and diet for the wedding.  I use the term diet loosely for now -- if loosely doesn't work, DIET will mean DIET.  Dang it on all levels.

I think I'm beginning the cleanup tomorrow (how's that for a declaration LOL).  Tonight is dinner out with friends and I'll choose okay, but I will have a drink or two and this is my favorite dessert place.

I'm thinking about running a 5K the first weekend in December.  That will get my butt in a better place.  Hubby is out of town and I'm trying to find someone to go with me.  It's at one of the northern wineries -- mountains, trail and elevation changes.  I'll do it myself, but it won't be as much fun after the run if I don't have a pal.  There's music, lunch, wine tasting, etc.  Hanging out with just me will be a little boring.  Problem is NONE of my friends run.  I messaged a neighbor who sometimes runs and asked her.  She replied, "who is this?"  Ummm ... we text all the time for hiking group.  I said who I was and no further response.  Probably not a good sign hahaha.

I'm also scheduling some dress shopping -- most places need an appointment.  That WILL keep me on a better track and maybe scare me out of the GF cookies.

Even though I'm tanking the crap out of my eating, I'm in an okay head space (considering) -- gluten be gone!!  I'm actually looking forward to some healthier eating and goodbye to the junk.  That's good news, but usually a sign of a pretty big dive into junk-land.

Today is all sorts of errands and lots of Releash foster calls.  Full day -- but I'm in the mood for both.  Dinner with fun friends.  Always interesting conversation and anything goes.  I like interesting people -- never a dull part to the conversation.

That is all from here.  Tight pants confessional finished.  Later gators.

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