Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Instead of Thanksgiving gratitude, I'm choosing to sprinkle in a little rant.  Read at your own risk ... P.S. that mood change has rollercoastered back.  Maybe a rant will help ...

We were all set for our "speed" hike yesterday.  I modified my morning, switched up the week's workouts so my leg would be okay, let hubby handle dog walks (time was limited).  About an hour before the hike, the first person backed out.  "I have so much to do before company this week, I need to take the hike time for errands."

What??  You didn't know this the night before when we all confirmed the hike and time?  You only realized this RIGHT NOW -- interesting.  This will take less than 2 hours from the morning.  When we left for the hike, she was still walking her dog and standing in a driveway chatting with another neighbor.  That felt insulting.  Guess her day wasn't THAT full.

Then the other person, after reading the text, said she'll just sit this one out too -- and wash her blinds!!  That sounds like "I can't go out because I have to wash my hair."  Hubby ran into her minutes before she texted and she said how much she was excited about the hike (great weather, perfect day, etc).

My add-on hiking friend was still up for the hike and she came over, we hiked, had a great time, etc.  I'm trying to focus on THAT -- good time, good friend, etc.

That said, I'm annoyed and hurt by the lame, last minute cancelation.  I have a schedule too.  If they canceled the night before -- no biggie.  I wouldn't have needed to change anything and my other friend and I could have flexed the time to fit us both better.

I guess the lesson is to NOT modify my morning for plans for them.  If I can do it without modification, then I can go -- otherwise no.  This is the same group with the birthday lunch fiasco.  Fool me once (or twice) ...  Also, the first person to cancel has canceled or changed up stuff a number of times.  I guess this is how she operates.  Now I know.

Next week this SAME group has a lunch and gift exchange for the "morning walkers."  I'm curious how many times this will get changed around at the last minute -- like the birthday lunch.

RANT OVER ... mild complaint ahead.

I finished Thanksgiving shopping.  As luck would have it, all the apples are rotted inside.  Dang.  Found this out because I was making cranberry sauce with an apple.  I finally found one that seemed okay and make the mistake of using it without tasting it.  Cranberry sauce in the trash -- starting over this afternoon.  It had an off taste -- mildly rotten.  Have to rebuy the apples for the pie too.  I didn't save my receipt because I didn't think there was a problem -- they seemed fine on the outside.  This isn't my first apple selection rodeo -- who knew.  And both kinds of apples.  Pisser.  Saving my receipt this time.

Now some better stuff.

I got the hat and scarf for my dog, but it doesn't fit him.
She hated it (as most dogs do), but she's so cute!

Today is hair day.  I'm thinking about getting holiday tinsel again.  It's fun and festive, although I'm not feeling that way this morning.  Act how you want to feel.  That's a thing -- so maybe tinsel will save my mood LOL.

Happy Tuesday, happy prepping.  Later gators.

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