Sunday, November 10, 2019

Happy Sunday

I'm still under-the-weather.  Sick??  Yes, but not horribly sick.  I get hurting come afternoon.  My sinuses and head feel like they will explode.  Energy tanked, eyes swollen.

Sinus infection that I'm trying to fight without antibiotics.  Should be fine to do that -- most can resolve on their own and this isn't a horrible one.  That said, my body is rundown from fighting it.

I'm not going to Unity today.  I'm working on energy conservation and I have a full day today.  Unity hasn't been uplifting the last two times -- more of an exercise in APPLYING all the things I learned (energy shielding, patience, acceptance, etc).  I decided my energy is better spent with a workout rather than a morning of mental exercise.

I started my holiday prep yesterday -- gravy for the turkey.  I use NomNom Paleo's recipe for slow cooker chicken with gravy and freeze the gravy.  I bought the Costco 2-pack of organic chickens and cooked the first yesterday.  It was horribly prepped and I spent 15 minutes plucking feathers.  That was enough to totally gross me out.  I'm not naive that this is a chicken, but I like to PRETEND otherwise.  Hope this one is a little better.

I also bought 4 lbs of bacon to prep for ALL the holidays.  I cook it to about 90-95% done and food saver it for all my holiday needs.  It's the BEST time saver.  That said, cooking day is a greasy mess.  I do reasonably well containing the mess, but it's never totally contained.  That's on the agenda for today too.

I need a Trader Joe's run and possibly a dry run to the winery (no pun intended).  I don't think I can fit all of this in today.  I need to decide -- Trader Joe's or winery.  I want to check out the winery to see if it's an option for next weekend.  I could wing it, but I like to be prepared.  I need Trader Joe's for the dog treats (was going to grab it after Unity, but that's not happening).  I'll give it some thought.  (Also a possibility I bag both since I'm trying to recover.)

This week ahead is my TOTALLY FULL week.  All day, 4 evenings.  Dang, I need my energy up.  And we have a foster coming on Monday.  Maybe hubby can do the Trader Joe's run for me?!?!  The more I can get done before the foster comes, the better the week will go.  Pushing it today.

Later gators.

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