Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sunday Morning

You know that sound when an engine is TRYING to start, but can't quite turn over ... that's ME right now, trying to start my healthy version, but her nemesis is still in power.

I'm up this morning actively talking myself out of going to A Course in Miracles.  It's an hour drive ... the last 2 classes were a bust ...  I don't want to find something to wear.   But I got up so I'm TRYING to NOT, NOT go (it's a double negative kind of day).

Something strange happened with my mood yesterday ... the mood that was doing so well.  IT'S GONE haha.  A series of annoyances started and I did well to ACCEPT the feelings, not over-spin the situations and table the THINKING because good solutions don't often come out of bad feelings.  So I sat with feeling lousy (without thinking about the circumstances) and went to bed early.  Those feelings are lingering this morning.  I want to complain in my head, extrapolate the story to crazy town and revel in a pity party for one -- you know, the usual menu.

(Wait ... is this that time of month?  Nope, too early.  I did check because there is something oddly familiar with my desire to have a fit LOL.)

I won't get into all the random things that came up -- way too long of a story.  My logical mind knows that all the crap will get figured out and some might not even come true.  It was like a tidal wave of shitty messages yesterday.

I know the answer to this mood is to DO THE THINGS anyway.  But I'm stomping my feet, resisting, being a brat.  Why do I suck at maintaining a baseline of GOOD??  TBC ... forever and ever and ever.

Anyway ...  the day wasn't a total bust by a long shot.

Rosa is adopted!!  She'll go to her new home after Thanksgiving (they're out of town).  She'll have an adjustment, but this couple is fantastic.  I can't wait to see their condo -- newly renovated, great area, lived there for 25 years.  I bet it's fabulous and maybe I'll get decorating ideas.  They said they just finished gutting their entire unit.

Hubby and I figured out our trip for next year to celebrate #50.  Seattle, Portland and Crater Lake, OR.  I can't wait.  Mix of so many things I like -- hiking, eating, wine, Starbucks, liberals (haha) and gorgeous landscape.  Boat ride, sunrise hike, old lodge.  We're going to plan it soon.  2020 is shaping up to be a fantastic year.

Also, got a fun date on my calendar in December that pushes me out of my comfort zone.  Big chunky blanket making.  It's all the rage -- I'm not crafty, but I think this will be fun.  Taking my friend for her birthday.  We try to look for DIFFERENT when we go out.

Lots of good stuff wherever I look (as long as I don't look at my text messages LOL).

On that note, time to work out and get my butt to A Course in Miracles.  Still stomping, but doing it anyway because I'm a grown-ass-woman, not a toddler (most days).  Later gators.

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