Saturday, November 2, 2019

Random Catch-ups

Christmas music is HERE!  Usually, the first station starts November 1, but this year it started on October 31 -- and I'm here for it.  I LOVE Christmas music.

On a related note -- no more i-tunes!!  UGH.  I'm horrible with new technology and I hate that I have to pay a monthly service for my music.  I don't download more than (maybe) 10 songs a year -- that's only one month of the service price.  Super bummer.


Halloween weather was a bust.  We had 9 kids total and sat outside with neighbors for most of the evening.  Cold, rain, wind.  The kids had to be driven around (all really little ones).  My grand-doggies got into the spirit this year -- OMG, adorable!

"You've got to be kidding me" faces LOL.
Sweetest flower.

I ended up ditching both books I downloaded for the trip.  I'll probably read them eventually, but they weren't connecting with me at the time.  Instead, I finally read Small Great Things (Jodi Picoult).  I've had it downloaded for a long time, but needed to be in the mood for heavy material.  It was a good book.

I watched Ben is Back with Julia Roberts on the plane.  Another heavy story, but well acted and I enjoyed it.  Saw The Big Little Farm too.  Documentary of a small farm in California.  He's a camera man and they had actual footage from the 7 year span of the film.  Super interesting and a great watch.  I hope they are safe from the current fires.


The noise machine is the BOMB!  It worked so well -- hubby was amazed by it.  I will never travel without it again.  Less than $30 on Amazon.  Reviews were mixed and I have no idea why.  It was loud (didn't even have it a full volume) and small for packing.  I left it plugged in, but has a rechargeable battery that will last the night using the noise machine (not the bluetooth option - that's about 6 hours).  Apparently, it takes 4 hours to charge, but I don't know why that's an issue.  The sound selection is fantastic too.  Can't say enough about it.


I have 2 souvenirs from the trip.  I bought a sporty purse during a quick stop at a Chianti Town in Tuscany -- made in Italy.  Unexpected purchase, but I like it a lot.

Sporty and nice.

Also, we flew KLM home with a connection in Amsterdam.  The city is know for its group of houses -- all are historically protected and KLM makes a collector edition for each of the houses.  They're numbered and popular collector items.  Each is filled with liquor (suggested to leave intact for collector purposes).  We were given three on the flight -- I love them.

Bit hard to see -- I put them in the china cabinet.

Listened to a new podcast -- Office Ladies.  "Pam" and "Angela" are recapping each episode of the show and telling behind the scenes stuff.  I thought it might be boring, but the first one was interesting.  All about casting and fun stuff that happened with the pilot episode.  Not sure that it WON'T get boring as it goes on, but worth the listen so far.


We got the European time change EXTRA HOUR last weekend and this weekend get the US "fall back."  Double the extra sleep this year - woo hoo!!

After this trip -- so fun, so exhausting -- hubby and I decided to postpone our November trip to NC.  We have a packed month and with lots of food/wine gluttony and we need some healthy downtime.  This is freeing up some of my worry about TOO MUCH and not enough quiet space.


I'm sick after the trip -- no surprise.  Kids were sick during the trip and it would be a miracle if I didn't catch a fall cold.  It started with an ear ache -- I think it's an infection.  It should resolve on its own -- sore throat and stuffy nose now added.  Pretty sure everything is viral.  I was worried about flying home, but cold medicine kept symptoms at bay.


You know how happy I am to be home?  I am.  And I'm not.  I'm sort of having the trip-ending blues -- or something.  Maybe it's PMS AND too much sugar AND my pants don't fit bringing me down.

I'm sensitive to everything.  Hubby and I are arguing because he said he hates to foster (yet, we get a foster dog and he loves it).  I'm in no mood to coddle to him.  We missed on a perfect foster because he was waffling.  It's not just him -- I'm annoyed with lots of peeps (mostly for no good reason -- certainly with an over-reaction).

We went from doing AMAZING things to doing NOTHING.  This weekend is a big weekend for lots of people we know.  Out of town, doing fun things.  We were supposed to go to a winery and listen to live music but it's COLD.  I texted my friend to suggest we don't go, and based on her answer, I know she forgot.  They are out of town for the weekend (per her Instagram).  I kind of thought we'd do something ELSE, not cancel altogether.  It's giving me the GREEN JELLIES.  I know this is just my mood talking (especially since I'm sick and don't want to do much anyway).

Solution?  Back to basics.  Cutting off excess sugar (not carbs, just the junk stuff).  Bigger workouts (after I feel better).  Meditation, Course in Miracles class, reading.  Forcing myself out of the house.  Hubby golfed yesterday and is golfing today.  Fantastic, but that can leave me as a hermit and that's not good.

Enough complaining.  This was a LONG, RANDOM ramble today.  Have a great weekend.  Later gators.

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