Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Official Archenemy

The "Mayor" of our town strikes again (!!)

Lunch plans was a cluster-f*$K of changes for 24 hours.  Two hours before lunch all was confirmed and I met my friend for coffee.  My phone was going off like crazy about an hour later, but I felt it was rude to look at it -- so I ignored it (figured it was FB dog stuff).

The neighbor who initiated the plans and picked the restaurant wasn't able to come so The Mayor decided to change the time and restaurant to HER pick.  I was screwed -- it was too far away.  One of the other ladies called me because I hadn't responded to the texts and by then, it was too late to make it -- I'd be 45 minutes late.  Really, ANOTHER change was necessary?

I declared an Official Archenemy.  Sort of kidding, sort of not.  What a crazy old bag of a busybody.  EVERYTHING she puts her mitts on gets ugly, messy and annoying.  Unfortunately, she's involved in everything and is only happy if she's in charge of all decisions.  I don't know why people put up with her bossing and controlling.  I don't.

Coffee was nice and I'm super glad I didn't choose the rude option of looking at my phone or leaving early.   I went home, picked up hubby and we went to the original restaurant for lunch.

Rosa is in the house and scared out of her mind.  Of course, rain all night and morning so she's peeing and pooping in the house.  Slept like a dream in the crate though.  When she's awake, all she does is pace the floor.  I think she'll settle in a couple of days (hopefully).

Poor baby, but those EARS!!
Don't come any closer
I'm not ready to play, Duke.

Today is lunch with a friend and then Jen Hatmaker event.  I splurged and got VIP ticket because I'm going by myself.  Meet and greet was suppose to be before the event, now it's after - dang ... super late night.  The rain will be over (thankfully) but it will be COLD ... not that I'm complaining.

It's hard to be excited about going tonight.  Still recovering (although progress!!) and I'm going by myself and I'm suddenly unsure about that (I'll be fine once I'm there).

Good news is that a workout and meditation should "fix" my mood this morning.  Waiting for hubby to get up so I can leave Rosa (or crate her in the bedroom) while I go do my boxing.  My bff "scheduled" a time to talk this morning and I'm curious if it actually happens.  I adjusted my morning to be able to chat -- it's about a 50/50 chance of happening.

Later gators.

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