Friday, December 14, 2018

God Rest You Merry Gentlemen

Okay - quick update from yesterday and then it's OVER.  Lots of message exchanges - no matter how many times I said her response was the issue, she kept talking about the "technical" problem.  She left me a voicemail offering to refund that week's fee because of the TECHNICAL issues.  Goodness.  I messaged on last time and, hopefully, it's over.  Apparently, unfollowing her on Instagram set her off in a big way.  There's one more message this morning (that I haven't read), but my responding is finished.


Today is the first of the fancy night out dinners.  I have a casual holiday outfit all set.  Dark red dress, comfortable (but cute) boots and a great clutch.  The dinner is fancy, but the atmosphere isn't fancy.  Rustic look with high end food and great service.  I'll be having steak - yum, red wine - yum and the rest I don't even care about LOL.

The last 2 nights, I've been buffering with food.  Ugh.  Not resisting the urges, not allowing the urges, GIVING INTO the urges.  Too much at night.  Snacking, not dinner.  Dang.  I went to bed super early and got a great night's sleep (11 hours).  I feel back to myself today.  Drama and emotions are back to normal - whew, it was a rough ride.  Of course, these next 2 days are eating fancy and drinking so it's not like I have to try very hard.

Kick boxing this morning - yea.  I need a good sweat.

I have a strange bug bite (maybe) over my eyebrow.  I wondered if it was an ingrown hair since I had my eyebrows done this week.  I don't think so though (fingers crossed).  It's big and red and itchy.  Looks like a huge hive.  It grew last night to triple the size, so I took Benadryl and this morning it's back to original size.  Please, pretty please let this go away and not be some THING on my face for tomorrow.

I'm also having an updo at my hair salon.  First time ever.  I'm excited and hopeful for a fun look tonight.  (Tomorrow's outfit is still a problem - more on that tomorrow.  Being a girl is hard for me LOL.)

This is a quick one today (hubby is up and home this morning).  Later gators.

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