Monday, December 3, 2018

Deck the Halls

I did it ... a MARATHON decorating blitz.  One day, two trees, the main floor and outside lights.  Oh, and I ran, cleaned the main floor, grocery shopped and made dinner.  (Pictures coming soon - looks just like last year though LOL.)  I was TIRED to end all tired.  Bone tired.  Pooped out.  

It was totally worth it!

I don't love peeps who are always talking about being "crazy busy," but lord have mercy, my schedule is FULL in December.  I need to be on my game.

The Urge book is at number 10 and there were some doozies Sunday!  Especially when the cleaning and decorating was finished -- give me COOKIES (or wine).  Instead I had a salad and a fantasy hahaha.

Remember I had some NEWS?!?!  OMgosh let me tell you ... NITRO coffee is in Atlanta!!!!!!!

We went on a Releash errand north of us on Saturday and found ourselves at a different Starbucks.  I walked in and actually gasped.  Installed just days ago and rumored to be happening in MOST Starbucks in the area.  Be still.  It's dangerous and wonderful all at once.  I need to get on the research on a Starbucks closer than that one (but maybe that one is perfect to help pace my consumption).

Dangerous - super high caffeine and super expensive.
Wonderful - smoothest, best coffee EVER.

I'm already enrolled in a Cut-Back-On-Nitro program.  Best to be proactive LOL!

Today is mix of fun and mad-dash errands.  I'm determined to do 2 days of boxing each week.  Today is one of those days even though I really need a rest day (tomorrow is rest now).  I have my weekly chat with Darcie (of PHB fame - my accountability partner).  Then boring errands followed by shoe shopping for my green holiday dress.  Rescue calls and make dinner.  I'm already dreaming of bed.

Wonder if I'll find a NITRO location on my travels today?!?!?  That would give me some zip (but maybe no sleep).

I'm trying to stay in the moment and enjoy NOW, but it's hard.  I keep moving into task mode -- get it done and checked off the list.  My focus is on doing, but enjoying the doing too.  I had a good weekend and enjoyed the party.  It was the decorating that was a TASK, not enjoyment.  I'm enjoying it now that it's decorated.  Does that count LOL?!?!?

I'm also worried that when I go at go-go-go pace, I get rundown and then sick.  I'm paranoid to be sick for the big day.  Once THAT weekend is over, everything smooths out to manageable.  I'm excited for our trip to the Grand Canyon this week, but it's making for a hectic couple of weeks.

Happy Monday -- later gators.

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