Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Baby it's Cold Outside!

The arctic freeze is here!  Feels like Christmas - Atlanta will be dripping in puffy jackets and fake fur hahaha.

Speaking of Christmas - I have exactly ONE more gift to buy at a store.  It's in the most crowded outdoor mall with parking garage parking only.  Wish me luck.  I'm going this week EARLY in the day - in and out.

Today is a ME day.  Hair appointment, mammogram and coaching call.  I'm not over-the-moon for any of it today, but I'll put in a podcast, bring a book and make the best of sitting around all day.

I need to make a list for the week.  Lots to do and I'm in denial a little.  I kept thinking once the proposal weekend was over, everything was a piece of cake.  I actually have a lot to do - grocery shop, bake, cook, bake again, wrap presents.  

Yesterday was kind of a mental health day for me in the opposite of what  helps mental health.  Translated - I took a break from all my healthy habits (most, at least - no workout, no meditation, no affirmations, no goal list).  I did my work, made the phone calls, did some Christmas shopping and was a lazy slug on the sofa the rest of the night.  I watched a cheesy Christmas movie on Netflix and reruns of Big Bang Theory.  It felt good at the time, but back to everything today.  I need some stamina and energy to get through the week.  (And I want to enjoy this week too!)  It was a crash and burn kind of night.  Why?!?!  I felt like it LOL.

Okay - not much to say this morning.  Have a terrific Tuesday!  Later gators.

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