Monday, March 19, 2018

Jet Lag

Good lord the travel east gets me EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!

As a lifetime morning person, I struggle so much to get back to that sleep schedule after such a time difference.  Come 8 o'clock at night I get a HUGE second wind and stay up for hours.  Then morning comes and my body says NO WAY.  The problem is my body doesn't feel well on this schedule.  It knows something is off.  Add dogs getting me up twice a night and FORGET ABOUT IT.  Zombie-ME all day long.

Flying with the sleeper seats helped my body aches tremendously, but not my sleep schedule.

Add that any time difference throws my bathroom schedule off too - not a happy camper.

All this said, I am motivated to get my healthy, happy, slept body back by my trip in May.  The best way to get it back is FORCE it back.  Everyday I'm making a list, doing something toward HEALTHY ME.

Today's list is basic, but important (and, honestly, a big push).

Lift workout (I've been sorely absent with these workouts and I can feel it).
2 BIG healthy meals (it should be 3, but I missed breakfast while I was sleeping and I don't need to eat dinner at 9 o'clock at night!!)
Bed by 9 pm even if I'm not tired.
Up by 6 and STAY UP!!!
VISUALIZE success!!!!

I haven't been a slug since I've been home, but a lot of my energy is helping my son and "stuff" for the dogs.  All necessary and important, but now I need to add time for some ME productivity.

On the list for this week ... I have TONS of outstanding appointments to make (termite guy, car recall, vet appointments, etc) ... I have 3 sets of sheets to wash ... I have a house to clean (our trip had us skip a clean with the cleaning crew).

All basic, but without a solid, organized base ... I suck at everything else.

Good news is I've been cooking like crazy and have some good healthy food stocked up.  Yea for the little win!!

Okay folks.  I'm back.  I'm focused.  It's on like Donkey Kong.  Later gators.

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