Friday, March 16, 2018


I'm back!!!

Ready for a super quick round up?

Vacation was great - relaxing, lots and lots of SLEEP.  Beautiful sights, great company, delicious food.

BUT .... the weather was bad in Maui AGAIN.  It was COLD, RAINY and super duper WINDY.  It cancelled our SCUBA, crazy hiking (too slippery and dangerous) and postponed a boat trip until the last possible day.  We still had beach walks, whale watching, people watching (always fun) and lots of downtime.

Our flight was delayed heading out so we RAN (and I mean RAN - like the I can't breathe and I'm sweating kind of run) for our connecting island flight - Amazing Race style.  Our luggage wasn't as fast.  We waited through 2 more flights.  They finally found it the next day and delivered it.  Delta ONE was everything I dreamt it to be.  A monster has been born (at least on those crazy long flights).  This old body felt SO MUCH BETTER!!!

The timeshare renovated and it was FANTASTIC!!  Great place, perfect room location.  LOVED it!!!

Pictures.  Epic fail on my part.  I took a couple.  The rain and fog made it hard to take my camera out.  I still haven't downloaded them to my computer.

Got home and the rat race has begun.  Up early by any time zone standard to take my son to the specialist again today.  It's going to be an all day affair.  My heart is hurting for this kid.

Dogs are happy to be back home (so am I ... nice to travel ... nice to come home).

My HEALTHY focus begins today - without the fan fair I had planned, but all that is REALLY important is I begin.  This is my theme for the next few weeks ... HEALTHY ME (minus sleep - ugh).

It's good to be back :-)

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