Monday, March 26, 2018

Good Week Ahead

A weight is off my shoulders.  I FINALLY caught up with the STUFF that was dragging me down.  The next few weeks are BUSY, but busy with current stuff.  No more up-against-the-clock.  It feels really, really good!!!

Yesterday, I planned a bunch of FUN stuff for the calendar.  Getting out, getting moving, being social ... it's what I need.

BUT ...

It's always a fight with myself.  Yesterday I was in the "mood" to do everything, see everyone, fill the calendar.  This morning I woke up with some regret -- it's too much, it's not going to be fun, I'm over scheduled, too much with hubby out of town every week -- huge urge to hibernate.  Ugh.  But, I'm off that ledge now.  On/off, on/off and repeat.  Always a battle.

My healthy habits are going well.  We went out to dinner on Saturday for Korean BBQ.  DELICIOUS!  I had a decent amount to eat (but all veggies and meat) and 2 glasses of wine.  Right back at it on Sunday - that's a win!

After our Hawaii trip, I planned a steady state Whole30 until our trip in May.  But that plan went haywire when a friend planned a trip here for 5 days in April.  Then a few other things hit the calendar.  I decided NO HIBERNATION outweighed Whole30.  I'm healthy when I can (most of the time) and will indulge when necessary (but still in a smart way).  Food Freedom as Whole30 likes to say.  As long as I feel well and fit into my spring clothes ... it's all good. (Hope the Universe is listening!!! LOL)

We are moving into a better flow with the dogs too.  Ellie's medication taper is helping with her accidents and she's sleeping (almost) through the night.  Duke is settling in as OUR dog and I'm getting used to having a second dog-son.

Dogs hogging the comfortable seats on Sunday morning.

Today's list of do-somthing-to-improve-my-routine is ...

Journal (ha, currently happening - but I notice I journal way less when I'm not doing well - I need to make the time)
Run outside with Duke (even though it's crazy windy - tomorrow is an early morning and I won't have time to run him)
No eating after dinner (I'm slipping a bit on this - calling it a "long" dinner LOL)
Register for a workout class at Lift Studio in April.  (I need more strength workouts)

My overall INTENTION for this week is to be HAPPY (even if I have to force it down my throat - ha).  For ME, being HAPPY means healthy eating, socializing, being productive, getting out of my comfort zone a few times.  I want to embrace this busy, fun week and finish it stronger than I started.

HAPPY Monday!  Later gators.

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