Friday, March 30, 2018

Friday Explorations

Happy Weekend!

I'm heading out with a friend today to explore Gibbs Gardens.  It's a local walk-through garden exhibit - somewhere I've never been.  Spring flowers are in bloom.  It should be a nice couple of hours.  I need to remember to bring tissues - spring flowers are in BLOOM!!! Maybe even take a sinus pill.

Easter dinner is taking shape.  Ham (duh), mashed potatoes (request of eldest), homemade applesauce, roasted tricolor carrots, cheesy bread (Pioneer Woman) and yellow cake/chocolate icing (request of hubby).  Easy meal.  I almost didn't do an Easter dinner, but my youngest is home for spring break and why not?!?  Some family time and trip talk ... should be a nice evening.

Yesterday, I rode by myself in the car for lunch and errands.  It was nice to have some ME time.  I put in a Stephen Wright CD and laughed the whole time.  I love his sense of humor - it never gets old!  Something HAPPY in the day.  Next up is a replay of Jim Rohn.  During My Happiness Project days, I'd listen to this kind of stuff regularly - something to laugh, something to learn. Time to get back at it.

Time for today's list (I'm at a loss for words today):

Have some FUN!
No eating after dinner (confession, I had a late dessert last night.  Chocolate covered banana slices from Trader Joe's.  I threw the rest out.  Ugh.  Not a good idea to buy them.)
Run with Duke.
Remember to SMILE.

Later gators!!

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