Saturday, April 1, 2017


I'm at about 50% of my regular routines.  I can do better.

Ever since vacation, I've struggled to go back the routines that work well for me.

I'm back to my regularly scheduled sleep (up early, bed early).
I'm back to my regularly scheduled workouts (with some modification for improvement).
I'm back to reading at night.
I'm back to regular posting.

I'm missing Rosetta Stone.
I'm missing meditation.
I'm snacking at night.
I'm adding little bites of things not good for me here and there.
I "want" to eat sweets - everything looks so good to me.

I don't know why I got so off course after vacation.  Sometimes I'll have a few days of "off" before I return to reality, but this is taking a long time.  It seems crazy, but I think this has to do with my alone time.  The house is a revolving door of people right now.  That's awesome in a lot of ways, but I crave some quiet, some me-time, some space.  After vacation (even an awesome vacation), I like that space.  This time I don't have it. (Case in point ... someone will be home EVERY day next week - ugh.)

I also have a headache a lot of the time.  It might be allergies as this is the pollen-covers-everything month here.  Yesterday I felt lousy - head and stomach.  Today seems better but that headache is still running in the background.  Annoying.  When I have a headache, my body wants to eat sugar.  Also crazy, but it's always been true for me.

Today is circuit day at the gym.  It can be one of my favorite workouts.  All over body, cardio and strength.  I am spent by the end (in a good way).  It's the beginning of the month and Annissa does a re-set.  I hope it's still a hard workout.

My youngest comes home today for spring break.  I'm excited to have him home.  We're having a celebratory bbq tonight.  Lots of cooking to do.

That's my day in a nutshell.  This weekend is looking like a good one.  That makes me happy :)

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