Monday, April 10, 2017

Oh ... here I am ...

I've been MIA for the weekend.  Case of the everyone-is-home-so-I-can't-write.  Story of my life for 13 more days!!!!!  End is quickly approaching.

I feel like I've lost the hold-it-together battle.  All my healthy routines have been out the window these last few weeks.  My days are spent cleaning, cooking, errands, laundry ... you get the picture.  Where is ME?  My Happiness Project is out the window and it SUCKS!!!

It's not that I'm "so busy" I can't find any time for me.  It's more a mental weight that leaves me with all those old feelings.  Bored, used, who-cares, etc.  I'm losing the mental war.

I need to re-re-re-re-commit today (I probably need a few more "re's" in that mix).  I MUST feel well for Italy.  I can't fall apart.

So here is my recommitment in a nutshell.

EVERYDAY I WILL do something with VARIETY.
EVERYDAY I WILL stay clear of sugar and alcohol.
EVERYDAY I WILL write in my journal.

Easy.  Simple.  Life changing.

I'll also add some other things to the list (not everyday things).  Listen to Jim Rohn.  Work on my big to-do list (it's hanging over my head and stressing me out - best way to end stress - get doing it!).

So on that note, I'm heading to get some stuff done.  Today's intention is FORWARD MOTION.  Happy, healthy, focused.  Go!!

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