Monday, April 10, 2017


Today has been a good day.

I kicked butt on a list of piddly little chores that I needed to get done.  I also started the process on a big chore I need to move forward on (getting the exterior house painted).  It feels good.

My VARIETY today came in the form of finally trying the SNS powder on my nails.  The gel is pealing too frequently.  I'll let you know how I like it in 2 weeks :)

Now the witching hours have arrived and with them, big desires for stuffing my face with the tons of sweets available (looking forward to that trending down for a little bit when kids move out - but then youngest home for the summer - cue the baked goods again - ugh).

This "fight" every evening is what I am so sick of doing.  It's why I wanted a break.  I need to work on how to not feels this way.  I'm tired of it.  I'll have to give it some thought.  Maybe back to my TR tapes to work on this.

Okay, youngsters home from work.  I better run.

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