Friday, November 22, 2024

Not the Best

So much traffic and accidents on the way home. Thankfully, we made it safely but it added a couple of hours to the trip. It was SO LONG. So long. So boring. So frustrating. Eek.

Back to business today. I have an early volunteer meeting, a hike with a friend and then home to gather life back together ahead of babysitting overnight this weekend. I wish I didn't agree to the hike because I have a lot to do and now an extra early morning, but I'll be glad I did it. I want to hike -- I don't want to talk!

I signed up for a longer hike the Friday after Thanksgiving. Am I doing too much? But scheduling the hike and making this effort IS the kind of person I'm striving to be -- no food coma Friday. Finding the balance is hard.

I'm tired, over-socialized and feel like resting, but as I said yesterday, sometimes my "rest" isn't good for me things. It's more like fall flat on my face rest that leaves me feeling crappy in another way. Can my rest be a gentle, active rest? Will that give me what I need? Do I need to fall on my face? Is the problem before the need to rest -- i.e. make life a little more quiet and gentle?

Questions. No answers.

And now I need to get in the shower because of that early meeting. Geez. Have a good day. Later gators.

Here's a new favorite poet for me ...

Interesting perspective

Good to remember

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