Saturday, November 23, 2024

Big Night Tonight

Slowly in recovery from my "lots of socializing" trip. The hike was restorative -- 3 of us, so I didn't have to over-talk. I declined lunch which was a good 'no' since I needed some recovery quiet. 

Snuck in a Trader Joe's run only to find out the turkey rumor of only small birds was false. Got a 15 lb bird for Thanksgiving. 

Dealt with a little family stir-up over Thanksgiving plans. I'm happy to say I'm going with the flow and letting everyone be who they want to be. Progress for me.

Next week I have 3 hikes planned. I'm in a phase of hiking-is-giving-me-life. I never come out of the woods without feeling better. Feeling better is super important right now and I'm going for it. I'm in a big state of do-what-feels-good -- and is good (i.e. snacking feels good, but it's a false good).

Today hubby and I are having a brunch date and then ... drumroll ... first overnight with our grandson. Wish us every bit of luck and good fortune. This is the practice run for the long weekend in 2 weeks. Eek. I'm not going to lie -- I'm nervous. It's going to be a lot of work and hard on my back. I hope taking care of a baby is like riding a bike.

UPDATE: Got a call -- baby is sick and pinkeye. No overnight. Lordy.

This morning I'll do an easy Peloton ride, arms workout and a longer meditation. All of this sounds really good. Slowing down into my body is a good exercise in being present. 

I let life be chaotic during November (maybe because it was) but I want to finish out this year being intentional about what I do and what I allow and what I feel. It's a daily practice and it worked well yesterday. Looking for the same today. 

Hope you have a good weekend. Later gators.

P.S. Last night sofa cuddles with Duke while watching Bad Sisters and Shrinking. He was completely leaning on my shoulder. Picture I sent to hubby when he asked where Duke was :) I got some downtime. 

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