Well, we did the hike. Got off trail due to fallen trees the first bit, but my trail app worked. The weather was great, the picnic lunch was fun -- seems a delight, right?!? But 2 miles in, the unthinkable happened.
I took this picture.
Seconds later, I walked into a huge juro spider web and he dropped on me. I stripped, screamed, ran, went crazy, almost cried, shook. It was a sight to behold. I threw my phone, glasses, hiking stick, backpack, shirt. You get the idea. Good lord. It took me another hour to calm my nervous system down. But I did and I lived to tell about it hah -- barely. Stronger than I think (maybe).
Here are a few other pictures.
Serene, right? |
Lovely water sounds after rain on Wed. |
Duke living his joy. |
I swear to all that is holy and good, the universe is testing me -- or asking me to practice what I preach -- or learn what I say I want to learn. After the hike, after I calmed down and felt the "spirit of forest bathing," I got a text from my mother. Hello, nervous system once again.
You know that feeling when you decide to surrender. That's what I'm feeling this morning. Surrender. Have at it universe. I can't keep up. I guess I need to go with the flow of everything now. Still showing up as my truest self in all the ways I've learned, but I can't keep "fighting" it. I guess surrender is my answer right now.
What is meant to happen, will happen. I can't control it and need to stop trying because it's making me a mess. I need to stop being in reaction mode. Take care of myself. Love my people. Find the little delights and joys in my day. Be grateful for this life. Show up as myself. Trust my gut. Perfect doesn't exist. Do the best I can and love myself for it.
That's the plan for today. Wish me luck :) Hope you are finding your way in this shit show too. Later gators.
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