Monday, November 18, 2024

Good Day, Long Day

Yesterday was a good day. A mix of "how can I live this now." And it was long and I was beat by the end of the day -- in the best way.

The hike was really nice (but more spiders to contend with -- big mother f*%ers). Learned these friends also prefer an early, early (almost lunch lol) dinnertime. This is a good fact to know and will come in handy socializing. 

I hope this new friendship has lasting power (seems like it does). It was nice to trust plans were happening, interest in being outside and doing other things, early dinnertime, local restaurants, really good conversation (including asking fun questions -- if you could know anything about anything, what would you want to know). 

We rushed home to kids arriving for football. Threw the food together and spent the afternoon with our grandson -- so fun, but my poor back muscles (not the injury, just tired back). Next weekend is our first overnight with him. I'm excited and nervous. It's a HUGE responsibility. P.S. he loved the homemade food.

I leave this morning for the trip to Hilton Head, Savannah and Beaufort. My girlfriend didn't cancel, didn't modify. All that mental fussing for nothing. Good lord. I'm set for a fun time. Lots of driving though, not my favorite but this is the 3rd year doing the same blueprint and it's worth it. Weather should be just right too.

Woke up to a text that my next door neighbor is moving. They share time in another state to be with grandchildren and they decided to move there full-time. I was JUST saying this week how nice to have easy neighbors on either side. Fingers crossed for a good replacement. Or maybe we're gearing up for a move ourselves. Makes me wonder. Probably not in next few years, but it might be in our future. We've starting having a few conversations about it lately.

I need to pack (thankful for throwing everything in a car) and workout before my gf comes over. Busy morning. Hope you are set for a good week. Later gators.

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